Record ID | cp012074 |
Voet reference number | 1630 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:1100329 |
Author | Aldus MANUTIUS jr. |
Title page transcription | EPITOME â ORTHOGRAPHIĂ â ALDI MANVTII â PAVLLI F. ALDI N. â Reliqua altera pagella indicabit. â SEORSVM EXCVSVS â MAGNI AVRELI CASSIODORI â DE ORTHOGRAPHIA LIBELLVS, â edente & emendante â LVDOVICO CARRIONE. â â 29 â ANTVERPIĂ, â Ex officina Christophori Plantini â Architypographi Regij. â M.D.LXXIX. |
Collation | 8â° [127]: *â¸, A-Kâ¸, Lâ´; pages [1-16], 1-167, [168] |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Table [3-5]: Praestanti viro iuris utriusque singulari cognitione ornato Francisco Morando Aldus Manutius Paulli f. S.P.D. (Venice, 1 January 1561) [6-15]: Index (on two columns; italic type) [16]: Blank 1-120:Text (italic type, parts in roman type) 121-126: Interpungendi ratio. Aldus Manutius Paulli f. Francisco Morando S.P.D. (italic type) 127-128: Sumpta ex Paulli patris commentario in epistolas Ciceronis familiares [129]: VETVS â KALENDARIVM â ROMANVM Eâ MAR- â MORE DESCRIPTVM, â In Ădibus MaffĂŚiorum. â AD AGRIPPINAM. â In tabula marmorea, supernè fracta. (= in form of title) 130-135: Text (roman type capitals) 136-147: Paulli Manutii patris, deveterum dierum ratione (italic type, parts in roman type capitals) 147-150: Kalendarii Romani explanatio (italic type, parts in roman type) 151-153: De vitiata vocalium ac diphtongorum prolatione. Aldi Pii Manutii Romani avi ĎÎąĎÎľĎγον (parts in italic type and greek type) 154-161: De epistolis commentarius Aldi Manutii Paulli f. Aldi N., ad M. Antonium Muretum, amicorum κοĎĎ ĎιΚον (italic type, parts in greek type) 162-167: Gregorius Nazianzenus Nicodulo [168]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 125 [1]Bibliothèque municipale Gaspard Monge - Beaune (France, dÊp. Côte-d'Or)KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeBiblioteca Nacional de PortugalBritish Library LondonBibliothèque nationale de FrancePostel AbbeyUNamur- R4Z.0215- R6A.0378 |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, page 201 (1579, no. 13) |
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Note 1 | Contains: a) Epitome orthographiae of Aldus Manutius (pages 1-120); b) Interpungendi ratio of Aldus Manutius (preceded by the explanatory note dedicated to Franciscus Morandus) (pages 121-126); c) Extract from the comments of Paulus Manutius on the Epistolae familiares of Cicero (pages 127-128); d) Text of an old Roman calendar on marble (pages 129-135); e) Treatise of Paulus Manutius on the Roman calendar (De veterum dierum ratione: pages 136-147; Kalendarii Romani explanatio: pages 147-150); f) Treatise of Aldus Manutius, father of Paulus and grandfather of Aldus jr., De vitiata vocalium ac diphtongorum prolatione (pages 151-153); g) Treatise of Aldus jr., De epistolis commentarius, dedicated to M. Antonius Muretus (pages 154-161); h) Extracts from older authors dealing with the writing of letters, under the general heading âGregorius Nazianzenus Nicobuloâ, but including also Demetrius Phalereus, Quinctilianus, St. Hieronymus, Cicero (pages 162-167). |
Note 2 | The De orthographia libellus of Cassiodorus edited by Ludovicus Carrio and announced on the title-page refers to another publication on Latin orthography issued by Plantin in 1579, but forming a separate edition (see cp012773). |
Note 3 | An enlarged edition of Manutiusâs Epitome orthographiae, including the appendices detailed above (b, d-f), but with the exclusion of the Comments on the epistles of Cicero (c), De epistolis commentarius (g), and Extracts on writing letters from older authors (h), was issued by the Aldine Press in Venice in 1566 in two volumes; the first bearing the title Orthographiae ratio ab. Aldo Manutio Paulli F. collecta and containing the treatises on orthography and Interpungendi ratio; the second with a title-page introducing only the first treatise (De veterum notarum explanatione) but including also the remaining texts (d-f) (cf. Renouard, Annales de lâimprimerie des Alde, 1834, page 201). In 1575 was published by the Aldine Press, Venice, a new, abridged version, Epitome Orthographiae Aldi Manutii Paulli F. Aldi. N. ex Libris antiquis Grammaticis Etymologia Graeca consuetudine Nummis ueteribus Tabulis aereis Lapidibus, etc. (Renouard, page 218), in which the inscriptions on Roman monuments, which form a substantial part of the Orthographiae ratio of 1566, have been systematically deleted. Plantinâs 1579 edition conforms more to the 1575 abridged version issued by the Aldine Press. However, in Museum Plantin-Moretus are preserved two copies of the 1566-edition (B 2888: the two volumes; R 1.24: the first volume), of which the latter has in handwritten annotations the minor corrections to be found in Plantinâs 1579 edition, and the indication of the deletions which were done in the publication. This can perhaps be explained as follows: a copy of the 1575-edition not being available to be handed over to the compositors, Plantin had a copy of the 1566-edition arranged to this effect. |
Note 4 | Listed in M 296, folio 13 verso ([Orthographiae] Aldi Epitome 8â°, f[euilles] 11½, [price:] stuivers 3). |
Further reading |