
De bello civili vel Pharsaliae libri X, [edited by Theodorus Pulmannus], 1576

in The Plantin Press Online

(520 words)

Record ID cp012067
Voet reference number 1585
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1077887
Author Marcus Annaeus LUCANUS
Title page transcription M. ANNÆI ‖ LVCANI, ‖ DE BELLO CIVILI, ‖ VEL PHARSALIÆ, ‖ LIBRI X. ‖ THEODORI PVLMANNI ‖ Craneburgij opera emendati. ‖ EIVSDEM ‖ AD CALPVRNIVM PISONEM ‖ Poëmation, Hadr. Iunij beneficio auctori ‖ redditum, & emendatum. ‖ THEOD. PVLMANNI CRANEBVRGII ‖ Variarum Lectionum Libellus, ex manuscriptis, & ‖ vulgatis libris multò quàm anteà auctior. ‖ Rerum & verborum memorabilium index. ‖ ⊕ 19 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXVI.
Collation 16mo [93]: A-Y⁸; pages 1-290, [291-352] (Errors: 16? for 66, 213 for 113, ? for 215, 712 for 271, 247 for 274)
Fingerprint 157616 - # b1 A2 erpia : # b2 Y5 $c
Number of sheets 11
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Hexastichon 3-4: Theodorus Pulmannus Nicolao Rococcio, consuli Antverpiano, viro clarissimo, S.D. (1 January 1564, Antwerp) 5-7: M. Annaei Lucani vita ex Petri Criniti de Poetis Latinis lib. III. (parts in italic type) 8-12: M. Annaei Lucani vita ex Lilii Gregorii Gyraldi de poëtis Latinis Dialogo IIII. (parts in italic type) 13: Ioannis Sulpicii Verulani, in singulos M. Annaei Lucani libros argumenta (italic type) 14-290: Text (italic type; 'Argumenta' in roman type) [291-327]: Theod. Pulmanni Craneburgii variarum lectionum libellus ex manuscriptis, et vulgatis libris multo, quam antea, auctior: quem nuper quidem falso suum fecit (on two columns) [327]: Librorum, quibus usi sumus, notae (italic type) [328-350]: Index (on two columns) [351-352]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 228KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeBiblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, pages 169-170 (1576, no. 7)Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica, 1997
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:7050556
Note 1 Reprint of the 1564-edition, including the introductory part: a) Civilis belli, vel Pharsaliae libri X (pages 14-281), b) Ad Calpurnium Pisonem poemation…(pages 282-290). Have been deleted the two short poems by Joannes Sulpicius Verulanus.
Note 2 The variants compiled by Theodorus Pulmannus are much more numerous whilst now are also detailed (page [327]) the manuscripts and printed editions he used. Manuscripts: 1º) a 'liber' of the Corsendonk Chapter; 2º) 'vetus meus'; 3º) a manuscript presented to the editor by Plantin on 1 January 1564; 4º) a manuscript of the Chapter of St. Jacobus at Liège; 5º) three manuscripts belonging to Cornelius Gualtherus; 6º) 'Hadriani [Junii] notae ex veteri libro'; 7º) a manuscript in the library of Frederic Count of the Palatinate, from which Gerardus Falkenburgius compiled a number of 'variae lectiones'. Printed editions: 1º) the edition of Robertus Stephanus, 1545; 2º) the edition of Christianus Egenolphus, 1551, 'cum Scholiis Ioan. Sulpicii, et Annotationibus Iacobi Micylli'.
Note 3 The two manuscripts of Lucanus in Museum Plantin-Moretus have notes and annotations by Theodorus Pulmannus, and were most certainly used for this 1576-edition. Cf. Denucé, Manuscrits, nos. 70 (11th century; to be identified with the manuscript of St. Jacobus at Liège) and 98 (fragment of the 12th century; to be identified with one of the manuscripts having belonged to C. Gualtherus).
Note 4 Listed in M 296, folio 10v ([Lucanus in 16º] [price:] stuivers 2½).
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