
Epistolarum libri duo, [edited by C. Clusius], 1566

in The Plantin Press Online

(919 words)

Record ID cp011993
Voet reference number996
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:643826
Title page transcriptionNIC. CLENARDI ‖ EPISTOLARVM ‖ LIBRI DVO. ‖ QVORVM posterior iam primùmin lucem prodit. ‖ ⊕ 17 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ CIƆ.IƆ.LXVI. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO.
Collation8⁰ (167 × 100): A-F⁸, G⁴, H⁴, I-Q⁸, R⁴; pages 1-258 (= for 242), [243-248] (Errors: 113-128 omitted, meaning that from page 129 numeration too high by 16 units)
Fingerprint156608 - # b1 A2 um$ : # b2 R3 ce
Number of sheets15.50
Pages[1]: Title [2]: C. Plantinus lectori benevolo signed by (Antwerp, 1 March 1566; italic type) 3-103: Text [104]: Blank [105]: NIC. CLENARDI ‖ EPISTOLARVM ‖ LIBER II . ‖ ⊕ 17 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXVI. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO [106]: Blank 107-108: Virtute, nobilitate, atque eruditione praestanti viro D. Thomae Redigero Carolus Clusius. S.P.D. (Bruges, 1 January 1566; italic type) 109-258 (= for 242): Text (parts in italic type and greek type) [243]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 12 November 1565, s. de Witte, and Council of Brabant, 12 November 1565, s. Mesdach) [244-246]: Privilege (Vienna, 21 February 1565) [247-248]: Blank
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- A 1755Heritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpRuusbroec Institute LibraryBonn University and State Library - Bonn (Germany, BRD)KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeRoyal Library of San Lorenzo de El EscorialGhent University LibraryHeidelberg University LibraryUL LiègeBritish Library LondonBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaVatican Apolstolic LibraryKU Leuven- Special Collections, CaaA1372;CaaA1359UNamur- R16A0153- R4Z.0143, R4Z.0144
Digital copies University Library Ghent:
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 62 (1566, no. 31) Chauvin-Roersch, page 171.Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 651 Adams C-2139
Online bibliographical referencesSTCV c:stcv:12923818USTC 401260
Note 1Publication of letters of Clenardus divided in two 'books' (for more details on these letters and their publications: Chauvin-Roersch, pages 146-150, 170-171).
Note 2In 1550 Jacobus Latomus published the letters mailed by Clenardus to his uncle, Jacobus Latomus, and to Hoverius (Louvain, Petrus Phalesius; also copies are known with the address: Louvain, Martinus Rotarius). A new edition was published in 1551, Louvain, Martinus Rotarius, with the addition of letters to Streyters, Polites, Vorda and Rescius (re-edited: Louvain, Hieronymus Wellaeus, 1561). The first 'book' of Plantin's 1566-publication is a re-edition of these 1551 - and 1561-editions, but with the letters given in a more chronological order; the introductory letter of J. Latomus has been dropped.
Note 3Carolus Clusius, the great botanist, when in Spain, found some other letters in the possession of Augustinus Vasaeus, son of Clenardus's companion in Spain. He had them transcribed and brought the text with him to the Netherlands where he could persuade Plantin to publish the series: they are the letters reproduced in the second book (to Vasaeus, Coelius, Parvus, Charles V, and the manifesto 'ad christianos'). Details on Clusius's intervention and the edition are given in Plantin's foreword to the reader, 1 March 1566, at the beginning of the first book, and in Clusius's dedicatory letter, 1 January 1566, at the beginning of the second book.
Note 4In a letter to Thomas Rehdiger, 18 September 1565, Clusius explains that he has given the manuscript to Plantin, who would now forward it to the 'visitator' (librorum censor). Clusius foresaw the possibility that the text would be refused 'ob locos quosdam' (Clenardus was a straightforward Catholic but didn't hesitate in his letters to criticize Church and churchmen), and the manuscript not returned; he consequently retained his own autographed text to be able to present it eventually to other publishers in France or Germany (Suppl. Corr., no. 10). The 'librorum censor', however, did not raise objections. In another letter to Rehdiger, dated 16 December 1565, Clusius tells that Plantin will start printing the text immediately after the new-year-festivities and that very likely the work will be on sale at the next Frankfurt Fair (Suppl. Corr., no. 11). This did not happen as the printing was only finished in May 1566 (see further).
Note 4Copying the Clusius manuscript forwarded to Plantin was in fact commissioned and paid for by the printer: the Antwerp schoolmaster Antoine Tyron received 4 florins Carolus guilders 'pour le 2e tome ascavoir pour le copier de la copie que Carolus Clusius m'a délivré'. This is noted in the cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 94 (the payment is also written down in Arch. 3, folio 31). The cost-accounting note gives further details about 'Epistolarum Clenardus tom[us] 2 us': the wages for composing and printing quires A and B are entered on 2 March 1566, for printing C-I on 9 March 1566, for the remaining quires on 1 May 1566. They amount, including the 4 florins Carolus guilders paid to Tyron, to 30 florins Carolus guilders 7 stuivers Each copy contains 15½ quires, and as 1,250 copies were printed, 39 reams and 15 'mains' of paper 'petit bastard' were used, which, at 1 florins Carolus guilders 8 stuivers per ream, came to 55 florins Carolus guilders 13 stuivers, bringing the overall costs to 86 florins Carolus guilders - 'qui est peu plus de 1 stuivers [par copie]'.
Note 5Listed in M 296, folio 5v (Ep[isto]lae Nicolai Clenardi in 8 auctȩ a⁰ -, f[euilles] 15½, [price:] stuivers 2½), and M 164, folio 10v.
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