Record ID | cp011917 |
Voet reference number | 2169 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:3218422 |
Author | Joannes SAMBUCUS (ZSAMBOKY) |
Title page transcription | [Within woodcut-compartment:] EMBLEMATA, ‖ ET ALIQVOT ‖ NVMMI ANTIQVI ‖ OPERIS, IOAN. SAM- ‖ BVCI TIRNAVIEN- ‖ SIS PANNONII. ‖ ALTERA EDITIO. ‖ Cum emendatione & auctario copio- ‖ so ipsius auctoris. ‖ [Fleuron] ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ EX OFFICINA CHR. ‖ PLANTINI. M.D.LXVI. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO. |
Collation | 8⁰ [128]: A-S⁸; pages 1-272 (= for 288) (Errors: 7 not numbered, 263 for 239; after 256 numeration starting again from 241 until 272], meaning that from the second 241 onwards numeration too low by 16 units) |
Fingerprint | 156608 - # b1 A2 ulac : # b2 S4 des |
Number of sheets | 18 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Portrait of Sambucus with poem by Ioannes Crato 3-6: De emblemate (Ghent, 1 January 1564; parts in greek type) [7]-10: Maximiliano II. Imperatori…domino suo clementissimo (s. T.M. clientulus minimus Sambucus; italic type) 11-255: Text (italic type, parts in roman type and greek type) 256: Magnifico Ioanni Groliero quaestori regio et consiliario Lutetiae Sambucus signed by (Vienna, 13 March 1565) 241 (= for 257)-256 (= for 272): [Nummi veteres] 257 (= for 273)-272 (= for 288): Epigrammata aliquot Sambuci argumento prioribus non dissimilia (italic type) |
Edition information | |
Illustrations | Woodcuts, some with the monograms of the woodcutters Arnold Nicolai (A), Gerard Janssen van Kampen (G), and Cornelis Muller (C): 1) Woodcut-compartment with the 9 muses (cf. preceding no.) 2) Portrait of Sambucus on page [2], 123 × 85, showing the humanist at half-length with a dog on his right arm. Inscriptions: above: 'SAMBVCVS AETATIS SVAE XXXIIII. ‖ ANNO M.D.LXV', underneath: 'BOMBO' (= being the name of Sambucus's dog, shown on the portrait). This portrait replaces the smaller one as shown in the 1564-edition 3) 222 illustrations, c. 48 × c. 55: the 166 illustrations of the 1564-edition, with 55 additional illustrations, and the change of one of the 'doubles' of the 1564-edition by another block (the illustrations in the 1564-edition on pages 64 and 205 were identical; in the 1566-edition the first has been replaced by a new one [being here shown on page 57]); in all 56 new illustrations All emblems this time printed not within woodcut-borders but within typographical fleurons. Some of the new illustrations bear the monogram of A. Nicolai (on page 233), Cornelis Muller (on pages 215, 219, 241, 242, 245, 248, 250, 253, 254), and Gerard Janssen van Kampen (on page 225) 4) 45 illustrations of Roman coins: the 23 illustrations of the 1564-edition, with 22 additional illustrations N.B. The wood-blocks of the new illustrations are also preserved in Museum Plantin-Moretus |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 19.8Bibliothèques et Archives Municipales de Besançon - Besançon (France, dép. Doubs)KBR Royal Library of BelgiumMunicipal Library CambraiCambridgeRoyal Danish LibraryGhent University LibraryUniversity Library HannoverBiblioteca Nacional de PortugalBritish Library LondonBibliothèque nationale de FranceSt. Peter and St. Paul Abbey, TermondeLibrary of Congress - Washington D.C. (USA). |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, page 64 (1566, no. 37) Praz, M. Seventeenth-Century Imagery, 1964, pages 486-487 J. Landwehr, Emblem Books in the Low Countries, no. 591 Homann, 1971, pages 76-77 M. Rooses, 'De Plantijnsche uitgaven…'Claude Sorgeloos, Labore et constantia. A collection of 510 editions issued by Christopher Plantin from 1555 till 1589. Introduction by Leon Voet. Brussels, 1990, nr. 399 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12920215 |
Note 1 | Second Latin edition, with additional parts: 55 new emblems, with the corresponding illustrations, placed together after the 'old' illustrations (pages 200-255); new illustrations of 22 Roman coins also placed together after the 'old' illustrations (pages 249-256: wrong numeration; cf. Errors); and a collection of not illustrated Epigrammata of Sambucus (pages 257-272: wrong numeration; cf. Errors). |
Note 2 | Some of the additional emblems are also dedicated: Ad inclytum Bohemiae regem Maximilianum, De Turcarum tyranno, Anthonius Verantius (page 200); to Joannes Andreas Mathiolus (page 201), Joannes Baptista Beber, procancellarius (page 202), Joannes Becanus Geropius [= Goropius] medicus (page 203), Mag. comes Andreas de Bathor (page 210), D. Gaspar Pruymer, baro (page 216), Daniel a Rechnicz (page 217), Christophorus Carreta, archiducis Caroli consiliarius (page 222), Obertus Gifanius (page 223), D. Leonardus ab Harrach (page 226), Joannes Andreas a Schuambach (page 228), D. Joannes Khefuhillerus, cubicularius Caesaris (page 229), Christophorus Plantinus (page 231), Guido Pancirola (page 234), D. Philippus, baro etc. senior a Vinneberg (page 235), Joannes Sermeghius, consiliarius camerae Pannoniae (page 237), D. Joannes Ulricus Zasius, cancellarius Cae[saris] Ma[iestatis] (page 238), Dn. Sigismundus Torda, consiliarius camerae Panno[niae] (page 263 = for 239), Nicolaus Olahus, archiepiscopus Strigoniensis (page 240), D. Jacobus Fuggerus, Antonii filius (page 241), Collimanus Egrer Viennensis (page 243), Paulus Bornemissa, episcopus Transsylvaniensis (page 244), D. Philippus Czoth, consiliarius Caesaris (page 245), D. Georgius Muslerus (page 246), Joannes Oporinus (page 247), Wolfgangus Hallerus, Imperii secretarius (page 254). |
Note 3 | The problems regarding the new illustrations are also detailed in the Plantinian archives (and the excerpts given by M. Rooses, 'De Plantijnsche uitgaven…'): A) The drawings were executed by Pieter van der Borcht in 1565. In Arch. 3, folio 41r, Plantin notes at the end of the year 'J'ay faict faire passé longtemps les figures de la seconde partie des Emblesmes de Sambucus et les 100 fables de faernus…'. In Arch. 31, folio 89v, is specified that Pieter van der Borcht delivered 55 'figures des Emblesmes de Sambucus seconde partie', at 6 stuivers a piece: 16 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers; and furthermore 'Item le pourtraict dud. Sambucus' at 18 stuivers; together 17 florins Carolus guilders 8 stuivers Who did the drawings for the new 'medailles' is not noted. B) These 'medailles' could already have been finished early in 1565 as A. Nicolai could deliver on 17 March 21 '[figures] des Empereurs', and on 24 March 12 'figures des Emp.'. It is, however, not explicitly stated that these 'figures' were for the Sambucus-edition; they also can have been executed for another publication. Nicolai started much later cutting the emblems: he delivered one on 10 December 1565 (= 12 stuivers), one on 19 December 1565 (= 10 st), 3 on 6 January 1566 (= 3 florins Carolus guilders), 6 on 1 February 1566 (sum paid not noted), and finally 9 on 14 February 1566 (= 7 florins Carolus guilders) (Arch. 3, folio 51r); in all 20 blocks. Cornelis Muller executed also part of the job: he was paid 3 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers for 6 'figures des Emblesmes de Sambuc.' on 24 December 1565 (Arch. 31, folio 65v), while finally Gerard Janssen van Kampen is credited on 17 February 1566 for 10 'fig. Emb. Samb.' (= 10 florins Carolus guilders), 'Le visage de Sambucus' (Sambucus's portrait: 3 florins Carolus guilders) and 'Item 5 medailles desd. emblemes' (3 florins Carolus guilders) (Arch. 31, folio 76v). This does account only for 36 of the 55 additional emblems, but in the 'Livre des ouvriers' (Arch. 31) not every payment is noted with accurate detail. |
Note 4 | The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 86, does not say anything on the additional illustrations, but gives the following details about 'Emblemata Sambuci 2. edition': the wages for composing and printing are entered from 2 March until 17 March 1566 and amount to 21 florins Carolus guilders 8 stuivers As each edition contains 18 sheets, and as 800 copies were printed, 30 reams (including 2 reams 10 'mains' for the 'imperfections') of paper 'petit bastard' were used, which, at 1 florins Carolus guilders 8 stuivers per ream, came to 42 florins Carolus guilders, bringing the overall costs (without the illustrations) to 63 florins Carolus guilders 8 stuivers; 'revient à 1½ stuivers [per copy] '. |
Note 5 | In his letter to Sambucus, 12 January 1566, Plantin tells the author: 'Je poursuy et presse les tailleurs des figures de vos Emblesmes pour les pouvoir imprimer devant ceste foire de Francfort, ce que ne pouvant estre ie vous prie de croire quil naura tenu a moy mais a la negligence et mauvaise foy du pourtraiteur et des tailleurs qui non seulement me travaillent et font dommage mais aussi a eu mesmes' (Suppl. Corr., no. 13). |
Note 6 | Listed in M 296, folio 5v ([Emblemata Sambuci] Idem 2a editio in 8⁰, f[euilles] 18, [price:] stuivers 7), and M 164, folio 10v. |
Further reading |