
Missale Romanum, in 8⁰, 1587

in The Plantin Press Online

(946 words)

A.Version with woodcut-illustrations.

Record ID cp011912
Voet reference number 1701
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3241998
Title page transcription MISSALE ROMANVM, ‖ Ex decreto Sacrosancti Concilij ‖ Tridentini restitutum. ‖ PII V. PONT. MAX. ‖ IVSSV EDITVM. ‖ Additis aliquot SS. Officiis, ex præcepto ‖ S.D.N. Sixti Papæ Quinti. ‖ V. ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXXVII. ‖ Cum Priuilegiis Pont. Max. & Regis Catholici.
Collation 8⁰ [140]: *ˉ****⁸, A-Z⁸, Aa-Kk⁸, a-g⁸; pages 1⁰) I-XLV, [XLVI-LXIIII]; 2⁰) 1-528; 3⁰) I-CX, [CXI-CXII]. Printed in black and red, on two columns (with the exception of some introductory parts)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [II]: Blank [III-VI]: Bull of Pius V on the reformation of the missal (Rome, 14 July 1570; italic type, parts in roman type) [VII]: Privilege (Rome, 28 July 1570; Antwerp, Privy Council and Council of Brabant, 7 October 1570, signed by De Lange) VIII-XIIII: Rubricae generales missalis XV-XLV: Ritus servandus in celebratione missae; De defectibus in celebratione; Praeparatio ad missam (parts in italic type) [XLVI-LXIII]: Calendar [LXIIII]: illustration 1-528: Proprium missarum de tempore I-CX: Commune sanctorum; Missae votivae et aliae; Orationes diversae [CXI]: Series chartarum [CXII]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations Woodcuts, representing scenes from the New Testament, some with the monograms of the designer Pieter van der Borcht (PB) and the woodcutter Antoon van Leest (AVL): 1) vignette on title-page, 55 × 55 (St. Peter and St. Paul; PB) 2) 2 illustrations, 111 × 75, with the monograms of PB and AVL, printed within a frame of typographical fleurons: 1st part, page [LXIV]; 2nd part, page 24 3) 4 illustrations, of same type, printed without frame (but the last two within rules), in 2nd part, pages 248, 260, 298, 481 4) 1 illustration, 90 × 75, in 2nd part, page 316 (PB, AVL) 5) 7 illustrations, 54 × 54, printed within small border: 2nd part, pages 46, 167, 286, 376 (AVL), 401, 517; 3rd part, page I 6) 2 illustrations, 52 × 35, in 2nd part, pages 20 and 42
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 1926: pages CVII-CX missing
Bibliographical references Weale-Bohatta, no. 1269 Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3950 Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Issued in two versions: one with woodcut-illustrations (as described here), and one with copper engraving-illustrations (see cp013505).
Note 2 In his correspondence Plantin has less to say about this in 8⁰ edition than about the in folio edition published the same year: Correspondance de C. Plantin, VIII-IX, no. 1136 (to de Çayas, 13 September 1586: after the missal in folio he has the intention to print a 'petit Missel in 8⁰'), no. 1162 (to de Çayas, 24 October 1586: he hopes to start soon with the missal in 8⁰), no. 1202 (to de Tisnacq, 28 January 1587: is printing a missal in 8⁰), no. 1233 (to de Çayas, 24 March 1587: is printing some liturgical works, including a missal in 8⁰, at the expenses of 'bibliopoli' [= the Parisian bookseller M. Sonnius, and his Cologne colleague, A. Mylius]), no. 1283 (to F. Ximenes, 21 July 1587: 'J'ay pareillement achevé le Missel in 8⁰ portatif pour ceux qui vont par chemin ou autres qui se delectent oyant la messe de lire ce que le prebstre ne list si haut qu'on le puisse facilement entendre').
Note 3 Listed in M 296, folio 11 verso ([Missale Romanum] 1587, in 8⁰, cum fig[uris], f[euilles] 44, [price:] stuivers 25 (= for the copies with woodcut-illustrations). Idem 17 fig[ures] cuivre: stuivers 50), and M 321 (under 1587) (Missale Romanum…8⁰, 1587, f[euilles] 44, [price:] stuivers 25. Idem cum figuris aeneis in 8⁰: [price:] stuivers 50; 17 fig[ures] en cuivre).
Further reading

B. Version with copper engraving-illustrations.

Title page transcription MISSALE ‖ ROMANVM, ‖ Ex decreto Sacrosancti Concilij ‖ Tridentini restitutum. ‖ PII V. PONT. MAX. ‖ IVSSV EDITVM. ‖ Additis aliquot SS. Officiis, ex præcepto ‖ S.D.N. Sixti Papæ Quinti. ‖ V. ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXXVII. ‖ Cum Priuilegiis Pont. Max. & Regis Catholici.
Collation 8⁰ [140]: *ˉ****⁸, A-Z⁸, Aa-Kk⁸, a-g⁸; pages 1⁰) I-XLV, [XLVI-LXIIII]; 2⁰) 1-528; 3⁰) I-CX, [CXI-CXII]. Printed in black and red, on two columns (with the exception of some introductory parts)
Number of sheets
Edition information
Illustrations Copper engravings, representing scenes from the New Testament, some with the monograms of the designer Pieter van der Borcht and the engravers Abraham de Bruyn (ADB), Pieter Huys (PH), and Joannes Wiericx (IW): 1) vignette on title-page, 57 × 57: Last Supper (PB, ADB) 2) 2 full-page illustrations, 115 × 75, printed within frame of typographical fleurons: 1st part, page [LXIIII], and 2nd part, page 24 (PB, PH) 3) 4 full-page illustrations, 124 × 84 and 112 × 77, in 2nd part, pages 248 (IW), 260, 298, 481 4) 8 illustrations, from 7 plates, 72 × 72: in 2nd part, pages 46, 167, 286, 316, 376 (PB), 401, 517, and 3rd part, page [I] (the illustrations in 2nd part, page 517 and 3rd part, page [I] being identical) 5) 2 illustrations, 55 × 36, in 2nd part, pages 20 and 42 (PB)
Copies British Library London - Legg. 160Groot Seminarie - Great Seminary), Bruges (A 18.373Abbey Maredsous - 327-144
Bibliographical references Cf. cp010057
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Of the 1587-editions two versions were issued: one with copper engraving-illustrations (as described here), and one with woodcut-illustrations (see  cp010057).
Note 2 For more details, see cp010057. (version A).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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