
Martyrologium Romanum, 1589

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,297 words)

Record ID cp011906
Voet reference number 626
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1132842
Author Caesar BARONIUS
Title page transcription MARTYROLOGIVM ‖ ROMANVM, ‖ AD NOVAM KALENDARII RATIO- ‖ NEM, ET ECCLESIASTICAE HISTORIAE ‖ VERITATEM RESTITVTVM. ‖ GREGORII XIII. PONT. MAX. ‖ IVSSV EDITVM. ‖ ACCESSERVNT NOTATIONES ‖ atque Tractatio de Martyrologio Romano: ‖ AVCTORE CÆSARE BARONIO SORANO, ‖ CONGREGATIONS ORATORII PRESBYTERO. ‖ Secunda editio ab ipso auctore emendata & compluribus aucta. ‖ ⊕ 38 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D. LXXXIX.
Collation Folio [254]: *-***⁶, A-Z⁶, a-z⁶, AA-FF⁶, GG⁴; pages I-XXXV, [XXXVI], 1-576, [577-632] (Errors: XXI for XXIII)
Fingerprint 158902 - # a1 *3 is$ : # a2 3*4 r,$vt$di - # 1b1 A il : # 1b2 Z4 s$a - # 2b1 a c: # 2b2 z4 ræu - # 3b1 2A2 icum : # 3b2 2G3 usa.$2^158902 - # a1 *3 is$ : # a2 3*4 r,$vt$di - # 1b1 A ud : # 1b2 Z4 s$a - # 2b1 a c: # 2b2 z4 ræu - # 3b1 2A2 icum : # 3b2 2G3
Number of sheets 167
Pages [I]: French title: MARTYROLOGIVM ‖ ROMANVM [II]: illustration [III]: Title [IV]: Bull of Pope Gregorius XIII ordering to use the revised Martyrologium Romanum, to the exclusion of all others (Rome, 14 January 1584, signed by Ant. Buccapadulius) [V-VI]: Sanctissimo…D.N. Sixto V. Pont. Max. Caesar Baronius Congregationis Oratorii presbyter S [VII]:…lectori Caesar Baronius S [VII]: Caesar Baronius Christophoro Plantino, Architypographo Regio S. (Rome, 8 March 1588; italic type, word in roman type) [VIII]: Candido lectori…(Rome, 18 September 1585, signed by Wilhelm. Damasi Lindanus, episcopus Ruremundensis; italic type, word in roman type) IX-XXVI: De Martyrologio Romano: Praecapitulatio dicendorum (parts in italic type) XXVII-XXXV: Note on the calendar (parts in italic type) [XXXVI]: Quotations from Cyprianus and Ambrosius (italic type, parts in roman type) 1-570: Text (parts on two columns, parts in italic type, marginals in roman type) 571-572: Approbationes at Rome (Letter of Baronius to Pope Sixtus V asking to permit Willelmus Lindanus, Bishop of Roermond, to visit the work; report by Lindanus to Pope Sixtus V, Rome, 22 August 1585; approbation by Lindanus, Rome, 2 September 1585; approbation, 1 October 1585, signed by F. Thomas Zobbius, sacri palatii magister) 573-575: Lectiones…(on two columns, parts in italic type) 576: Martyrologium in choro cantatur in tono Lectionum Matutini, hoc modo (roman type, italic type and music) [577-630]: Indices (on two columns, parts in italic type) [630]: Errata (parts in italic type) [631]: Two poems - a hexastichon and a distichon - on the book by R.P. Juvenalis Ancina Fossanensis, presb. Congr. Orat. (italic type, parts in roman type); approbation (Antwerp, 25 August 1588, signed by Michael Hetsroey Bruegelius); Privilege (Brussels, 17 September 1588, signed by I. de Witte) [632]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations Copper engraving, 290 × 190, on page [II], with an allegorical representation: in the center, in an altar-niche, the Christ surrounded by Saints and Martyrs; to the left the representation of Ecclesia, to the right Religio; above the Holy Virgin with the Child. In a cartouche, underneath 'Gloria haec est omnibus sanctis eius'; On the socles to the left and the right quotations from St. Cyprianus
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 284 - K 660: incompleteAllard PiersonHeritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpRuusbroec Institute LibraryKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeRoyal Library of San Lorenzo de El EscorialGhent University LibraryBritish Library LondonMaastricht City Library
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 320 (1589, no. 16) Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 4048 C. de Clercq, 'Les éditions bibliques, liturgiques et canoniques de Plantin' in De Gulden Passer, 34, 1956, pages 177-178 Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 2063
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12923999USTC 406842
Note 1 Revised edition of the Martyrologium Romanum, with annotations by Baronius (per day: computus-note on the specific calendar-day; text of the Martyrologium for that particular day [on one column]; annotations [on two columns]).
Note 2 In the dedicatory to Pope Sixtus V, some details are given about the genesis of the work.
Note 3 The first edition was published in 1586 at Venice. Baronius told Plantin in his letter of 8 March 1588 (see further) that it had been printed without his consent or knowledge and that it was full of errors.
Note 4 Plantin took the initiative for the publication: in a letter of 5 February 1588 he explains to Baronius that having received copies of the Martyrologium by way of the Fairs of Frankfurt and having distributed them among bishops and prelates, he had been urged to bring out a new edition for the Netherlands, and had been offered subsidies to make it possible; the printer, consequently, requested Baronius's consent, asking at the same time for eventual corrections and additions (Correspondance de C. Plantin, VIII-IX, no. 1346; Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 208). Already on 8 March 1588 Baronius answered affirmatively and in a very enthusiastic manner, promising to send a 'Romanorum Martyrologium emendatum, et aliis compluribus auctum' (letter printed in the preliminary part of Plantin's edition; reproduced in Correspondance de C. Plantin, VIII-IX, no. 1357). Plantin took advantage of the occasion to mail copies of the epistle to a number of prelates in order to facilitate his requests for money for buying paper for the publication (letters to the Abbot of St. Martin, of 14 July 1588 [Correspondance de C. Plantin, VIII-IX, no. 1385] and 31 July 1588 [Ibidem, no. 1413]; letters to N. Oudartius but intended to reach J. Hauchin, Archbishop of Malines, of 14 July 1588 [Ibidem, no. 1386] and 2-6 August 1588 [Ibidem, no. 1391]).
Note 5 The corrected copy with the additions must have reached Plantin soon afterwards, but it took some time before he could get the approbatio (dated 25 August 1588) and the privilege (dated 17 September 1588): this he had to explain in some letters to a rather impatient Baronius (14 August 1588: Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin no. 210; 31 August 1588: Ibidem, no. 212; also to Henricus Gravius, a friend of Baronius at Rome: Correspondance de C. Plantin, VIII-IX, no. 1405). Finally, in October 1588, he could mail the first printed sheet (Correspondance de C. Plantin, VIII-IX, no. 1410; Supplément Correspondance, no. 213).
Note 6 Some sheets were reprinted when Cardinal Alphonsus Gesualdus asked to include a 'memoriale de la vita di S. Juliano' in the Martyrologium. Plantin was willing to oblige the powerful Cardinal, and received, moreover, 20 'scudi' through the intermediary of Italian merchants at Antwerp, the Bonvisi, to defray the costs (letter, in Italian, to Cardinal Gesualdus, 23 June 1589: Correspondance de C. Plantin, VIII-IX, no. 1476). A rather large note on 'Julianus episcopus' is included in the annotation on 8 March, pages 110-111, which is probably the 'memoriale de la vita di S. Juliano' Cardinal Gesualdus asked to insert.
Note 7 The printing was finished immediately after the death of Plantin: on 6 July 1589 Jan Moretus told an official he was on the point to finishing the work ('Nous aurons achevé le Martyrologium Romanum avec les annotations de Caesar Baronius': Correspondance de C. Plantin, VIII-IX, no. 1480). On 11 July he promised Baronius to send as soon as transport was available a 'balla' with copies of the Martyrologium (and of the first volume of the Annales ecclesiastici) (Correspondance de C. Plantin, VIII-IX, no. 1483). The shipment of the copies is also mentioned in those months in some other letters (Correspondance de C. Plantin, VIII-IX, nos. 1488 [20 July 1589], 1491 [31 July 1589], 1492 [15 August 1589]).
Note 8 Listed in M 296, folio 11 verso (Martyrologium Romanum cum Notat. Caes. Baronii in f⁰, 1589, f[euilles] 16 [= an error for 167], [price:] florins Carolus guilders 4 stuivers 10), and M 321 (under 1589) (f[euilles] 167).
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