
Theatrum oder Schawbüch des Erdtkreijs, [printed by Plantin], 1580

in The Plantin Press Online

(523 words)

Record ID cp011882
Voet reference number 1818
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3130415
Author Abraham ORTELIUS (ORTELS)
Title page transcription [Engraved title-page:] Pasted on centre-part (where in Latin editions: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum) a paper with the German title: Theatrum ‖ oder ‖ Schawbüch ‖ des Erdtkreijs' [Underneath:] Latin text as in 1579 (see preceding no.).
Collation Folio (390 × 275): A⁶, [maps: quires not numbered], [a⁲]; pages [1-12], 93 double sheets, [1-4]
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Quotation from Cicero, in German translation (gothic type) [3]: Dedicatory to Philip II, in German (gothic type) [4-6]: Adolphi Mekerchi…frontispicii explicatio (on two columns; in one column: Latin text, in italic type; in the other: the German translation, in gothic type) [7-10]: An den günstigen Leser…(s. Abraham Ortelius, Antwerp, 1580; in gothic type) [11]: Epigramma Danielis Rogerii Albimontani (in Latin; italic type) and German translation (on two columns; in gothic type) [12]: illustration (Portrait of Ortelius) 1-93: Double sheets with maps, numbered 1-93 [1]: Beschlusz des Authors uber dises sein Theatrum…(gothic type) [2-3]: Index (gothic type) [4]: Privilege (Regensburg, 22 October 1576, signed by Rudolphus and Estenberger; Antwerp, Privy Council, 3 February 1579, s. Sille; Brussels, Council of Brabant, 5 March 1579, s. Blyleven; part in civilité type); In Antorff / ‖ Bey Christoffel Plantin / in verlegung Abraham Ortell / ‖ M.CCCCC.LXXX
Edition information
Variants At least three. To quote Koeman, III, page 46: 'Of this German edition at least three different variants exist. Just like the Dutch edition of 1571, which retained a colophon dated 1571 but was reset and provided with plates made after that date, this German edition was also partially reset at least two times after 1580 still it retained the date 1580 and was provided with new plates made after that date'.
Illustrations Same illustrations as in preceding no
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 3455: bound with Additamentum III in GermanKBR Royal Library of BelgiumBibliotheka Pan, GdanskSaltykov Public Library, LeningradMaritiem Museum, Rotterdam - Rotterdam (The Netherlands)Municipal Library SchaffhausenAustrian National LibraryLibrary of Congress - Washington D.C. (USA)University Library WroclawUniversity Library Yale, New Haven
Bibliographical references Denucé, II, page 110 Koeman, III, pages 45-46, no. 16A, pages 51-52, no. 16B Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 German edition of the Theatrum, containing the same maps as the Latin 1579-edition, with on the map-sheets the comments in German translated from Latin.
Note 2 As compared to the Latin 1579-edition, the typographically printed part is much simplified: in the introductory part the 'Catalogus auctorum' and the larger part of the poems and at the end the Nomenclator Ptolemaicus and the letter of H. Lluyd about the island of Man have been deleted.
Note 3 The printing of this German edition is not explicitly mentioned in Plantin's ledger detailing his transactions with Ortelius. Is only noted at 26 May 1580: 'Pour l'impression de ung privilege sur le Theatre en Alleman: 2 florins Carolus guilders' (Arch. 19, folio 119; cf. Denucé, II, pages 110 and 184).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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