
De thiende. Leiden, 1585

in The Plantin Press Online

(369 words)

Record ID cp011818
Voet reference number2259
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1048414
Author Simon STEVIN
Title page transcriptionDE ‖ THIENDE ‖ Leerende door onghehoorde lichticheyt ‖ allen rekeningen onder den Menschen ‖ noodich vallende, afveerdighen door ‖ heele ghetalen sonder ghebrokenen. ‖ Beschreven door SIMON STEVIN ‖ van Brugghe. ‖⊕ 44 ‖ TOT LEYDEN, ‖ By Christoffel Plantijn. ‖ M.D.LXXXV.
Collation8⁰ [123]: A-B⁸, C⁴; pages 1-36, [37-40] (Errors: 8 not numbered)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Blank [3]-[8]: Den sterrekyckers, landtmeters, tapijtmeters, wijnmeters, lichaemmeters int ghemeene, muntmeesters, ende allen cooplieden, wenscht Simon Stevin gheluck (italic type, parts in roman type, marginals in italic type) 9: Cortbegryp (parts in italic type) 10-21: Text (parts and marginal in italic type) 22-36: Aenhangsel (parts and marginals in italic type) [37]: Privilege (Delft, 20 December 1584, signed by Van Langen) [38-40]: Blank
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- A 137CambridgeBritish Library LondonBibliotheek Rotterdam - Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Digital copies Museum Plantin-Moretus: A 137 (7)
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 284 (Leiden, no. 3) Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), V, page 217. Reprints: H. Bosmans, La 'Thiende' de Simon Stevin. Facsimile with introduction, Antwerp-The Hague, 1924 (Uitgaven van de Vereeniging der Antwerpsche Bibliophielen, no. 38) Facsimile with an introduction by A.J.E.M. Smeur, Nieuwkoop, 1965 (Dutch Classics on History of Science, no. 15). Reprint with English translation in The principal works of Simon Stevin, II. Mathematics, edited by D.J. Struik, Amsterdam, 1958. German translation by H. Gericke and K. Vogel, Frankfurt, 1965 (Ostwalds Klassiker der exakten Wissenschaften, 1)
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Treatise on decimal counting (pages 10-21), with an appendix giving practical examples (pages 22-36).
Note 2In the dedicatory the author claims to be the first to have worked out the system, but affirms that it is so simple that it does not merit the name of invention.
Note 3A French translation was also issued in 1585 (included in La pratique d'arithmetique: see no. cp010292).
Note 4Listed in M 321 (De Thiende leerende alle rekeninghen afveerdighen door heele getalen sonder gebrokenen door Simon Stevin van Brugghe, f[euilles] 2½, [price:] stuivers -).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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