
[Opera], [edited by Henricus Cuyckius], 1578

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,149 words)

Record ID cp011784
Voet reference number927
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Joannes CASSIANUS
Title page transcriptionD. IOANNIS ‖ CASSIANI ‖ EREMITÆ, ‖ Monasticarum Institutionum libri IIII. ‖ De Capitalibus vitiis libri VIII. ‖ Collationes SS. Patrum XXIIII. ‖ De Verbi Incarnatione libri VII. ‖ Nunc demùm post varias editiones ad complurium Ms. ‖ fidem à non paucis mendarum milibus incredibili labo- ‖ re expurgati: id quod ex subiectis ad calcem castigatio- ‖ nibus facilè cognosci poterit: Additis etiam ad quædam ‖ loca Censorijs notationibus, & obscurarum vocum ac ‖ sententiarum elucidatione, vnà cum duobus Indicibus ‖ locupletissimis. ‖ Accesserunt quoque Regulæ SS. Patrum ex antiquissimo Affli- ‖ giniensis monasterij Ms. codice desumptæ. ‖ Opera & studio Henrici Cuyckij Sacræ ‖ Theologiæ Licentiati. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini Architypo- ‖ graphi Regij. M.D.LXXVIII.
Collation8⁰ [129]: A-Z⁸, a-p⁸, AA-VV⁸; pages 1-606, [607-608], 1-275, [276-320] (Errors: first part: pages 16 and 32 not numbered, 262 for 462; 2nd part: pages 8, 108-109, 187 not numbered, 13 for 143, 282 for 272)
Fingerprint1# 157808 - # 1b1 A2 $oper : # 1b2 Z5 um,$ - # 2b1 a $e : # 2b2 p5 ,$c^2# 157808 - # b1 2A2 rorump : # b2 2V5 riatio$
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, 7 August 1577, signed by Iac. Blyleven) [3]-6: Illustriss…domino D. Hermano comiti a Rennenborch, ecclesiae S. Salvatoris apud Ultraiectinos praeposito ac archidiacono, et cathedralis Leodiensis ecclesiae canonico…Henricus Cuyckius…(Louvain, 1 March 1578; italic type) 7-12: Ad lectorem (Louvain, 1 March 1578) 13-15: Illustrium virorum de Ioanne Cassiano elogia (parts in italic type) [16]: Poem by Ioannes Habbecanus, regularis canonicus monasterii Septemfontani in Silva Sunia ad Henricum Cuyckium (italic type) 17-21: Praefatio (italic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) 22-606: Text (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) [607-608]: Blank [1]: D. Ioannis Cassiani Operum Tomus Alter (= title) 2: Praefatio (italic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) 3-107: De Incarnatione Christi libri VII (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) 107: approbation (s. Ioan. Molanus) [108]: Ad candidum lectorem (italic type) [109]-224: Castigatoriae notae (parts in italic type) 225-231: Elucidatio alphabetico ordine (italic type, parts and marginals in roman type) 232-275: Annotationes sive censoriae notae ad D. Ioannis Cassiani libros (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type) [276-299]: Index [300-309]: Catalogus omnium sacrae scripturae sententiarum (parts in italic type) [310-317]: Text of some appendices (parts in italic type) [318]: ANTVERPIÆ EXCVDEBAT CHRI- ‖ STOPHORVS PLANTINVS, ‖ ANNO M.D. LXXVIII [319-320]: Blank
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- A 609KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeGhent University LibraryLeiden University LibrariesBritish Library LondonMaastricht City LibraryKU Leuven- Maurits Sabbe Library, P276.588.0 CASS Mona 1578;P276.588.0 CASS Mona;P276.588.0UNamur- R16A0040- R6A.0375, R6A.0376- Rés.28D.16
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 183 (1578, no. 1) Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3675.Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 1600
Online bibliographical referencesSTCV c:stcv:12917393USTC 401738
Note 1Contains: a) First part: De institutis coenobiorum (pages 17-168: Monasticorum institutionum libri IIII, and De capitalibus vitiis libri VIII), and Collationes Sanctorum Patrum XXIIII (169-606); b) Second part: De Incarnatione Christi libri VII (2-107); Castigatoriae notae (variants compiled by Cuyckius from the different manuscripts; 109-210: 'notae' on the first part; 211-224: 'notae' on De Incarnatione Christi); Lexicon compiled by Cuyckius (225-231); Annotationes sive censoriae notae (comments by Cuyckius on passages of the Institutiones and the Collationes: 232-275); Index ([276-299]); Catalogus (of Biblical quotations found in Cassianus's Opera: [300-309]); Appendix consisting of the text-editions of Regula sanctorum patrum Serapionis et Macharii Pafnutii et alterius Macharii, ex antiquissimo Affligiensis monasterii codice desumtae (including the text of a letter of Macharius; [310-314]) and Collatio sanctorum abbatum sue gloriosissimo principe Blodovico in domo Aquis Palatii (= Capitulare de monachis, 817; [314-317]).
Note 2Important scholarly edition of Cassianus's Opera and first edition of the texts given in appendix: the Regula sanctorum, the letter of Macharius, and the Capitulare de monachis. Cuyckius used a number of manuscripts he took care to enumerate in his notes in the second part: a) For the De institutis coenobiorum the scholar consulted five manuscripts: from the Abbey of Affligem, the Monastery of Regular Canons at Corsendonk, the Monastery of Regular Canons of Bethlehem near Louvain, the Monastery of Regular Canons at 'Buscus Domini Isaac' (Bois-Seigneur-Isaac) near Nivelles, and the library of Plantin (this manuscript is very likely to be identified with the 14th century Ms. still in the Museum Plantin-Moretus-library: Denucé, Manuscrits, no. 69); b) For the Collationes the list was still longer: besides the manuscripts belonging to Bethlehem, Corsendonk, Bois-Seigneur-Isaac, and Plantin, mentioned sub a, also manuscripts from the Abbey of Gembloux, the Abbey of St. Trond, the Abbey of Villers (near Nivelles), the Abbey of St. Jacques in Liège, the Monastery of Regular Canons at Groenendaal (near Brussels), the Monastery of Regular Canons called the Rouge-Cloître (near Brussels), the College of St. Martin at Louvain, the Abbey of Park near Louvain; c) For the De Incarnatione Christi, to the contrary, Cuyckius had to be content with a single manuscript from the Augustinians of Cologne; d) The texts of the Regula and other documents at the end were taken from a manuscript of the Abbey of Affligem. On this edition and the manuscripts used: P.B. Corbett and F. Masai, 'L'édition Plantin de Cassien, de la Règle des Pères et des Capitulaires d'Aix pour les moines' in Scriptorium, 5, 1951, pages 60-74.
Note 3In the dedicatory to the Count of Rennenborch (in fact Rennenberg), Cuyckius explains that he had been exhorted to edit Cassianus from Rome by Cardinal Antonius Caraffa. He also affirms that his edition compares favorably with the ones printed some years before at Basel and Lyons.
Note 4Plantin, in a letter of 7 May 1580, answering an epistle from Cuyckius of 14 April, acknowledges Cuyckius's thanks for having received a number of copies of Cassianus (and continues with an apology of his - Plantin's - behaviour in religious matters) (Corr., VI, no. 874). It may be supposed that these were additional copies delivered to the scholar, as the publication was already put on the market in 1578.
Note 5In a letter of 1 January 1575 Plantin tells Alanus Copus, then in Rome, in the 'familia' of Cardinal Hosius, that he expects [from Rome] various 'lectiones' of Cassianus (and Irenaeus) (Corr., IV, no. 596: 'Cassiani et Irenaei varias lectiones expectamus'). It is possible that these 'lectiones' were intended for Cuyckius.
Note 6Listed in M 296, folio 3r (Cassiani Joannis opera, 8⁰, 2 voll., 1578, f[euilles] 61, [price:] stuivers 15), and M 164, folio 6v.
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