Record ID | cp011778 |
Voet reference number | 1153 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:3250652 |
Uniform title | EVANGELIA: Evangeliorum dominicalium summaria… |
Title page transcription | [Within double lines:] EVANGELIORVM ‖ DOMINICALIVM ‖ SVMMARIA, ‖ SANCTORVMQ. HISTORIAE ‖ paucissimis verbis expressæ, ‖ iuxta Kalendarium ‖ Romanum; ‖ CVM ICONIBVS ‖ in ære excusis. ‖ ⊕ 58 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ M.D.LXXXIIII. |
Collation | 32mo (105 × 52): a-g⁸; pages 1-212 (= for 112) (Errors: 52 for 25, 212 for 112). All pages within double lines |
Fingerprint | 158424 - # *b1 a2 ro : # *b2 g4 ho |
Number of sheets | 2.333 |
Pages | [1]: Title 2-212 (= for 112): Text (even pages: blank; uneven pages: illustrations and text) |
Edition information | |
Variants | A. Plates of the illustrations in the same condition as in the 1580-edition B. Plates retouched. |
Illustrations | 55 copper engravings, c. 57 × c. 38, designed by Pieter van der Borcht and engraved by a not-named artist (perhaps P. Uten Waele). The plates of the 1580-edition (see preceding no.) were used again, but by mistake one plate was used twice: the illustration of Whitsuntide was also used for the Sunday after Whitsuntide (pages 59 and 61), whilst the latter illustration (which appears in the 1580-edition), was not reproduced. In variant A the plates of the illustrations seem to be in the same condition as when used in the 1580-edition. In variant B the plates are retouched, which give them a darker and less attractive outlook, whilst details are often altered |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus (8-129: variant A; R. 6.15: variant B). Not checked which variant: KBR Royal Library of BelgiumUNamur- R4Z.0132, R4Z.0133 |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, page 263 (1584, Antwerp, no. 8) Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3830.Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 1090 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12913511 |
Note 1 | Reprint of the 1580-edition, which it faithfully reproduces, with only minor changes. |
Note 2 | As in 1580 these Evangeliorum dominicalium summaria, presented as a separate edition, forms in fact part of the Sanctorum Kalendarii Romani iuxta Concilium Tridentinum restituti, imagines in aere excisae, also reprinted in 1584 (see no. cp010567), and was normally sold together with it. |
Further reading |