
Micrologus de ecclesiasticis observationibus, [edited by Jacobus Pamelius], 1565

in The Plantin Press Online

(533 words)

Record ID cp011753
Voet reference number 1672
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcription MICROLOGVS ‖ DE ECCLESIASTICIS ‖ OBSERVATIONIBVS. ‖ Opusculum ante annos propè quingentos conscri- ‖ ptum ab homine antiquitatis Ecclesiasticæ stu- ‖ diosissimo, nunc primum verò integrum in lucem ‖ editum, ‖ Opera Iacobi Pamelij Brugensis ‖ S. Theol. Licent. ‖ ⊕ 17 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ. ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ - ‖ CIƆ. IƆ. LXV.
Collation 8⁰ [123]: A-H⁸, I⁴; pages 1-135, [136] (Errors: 14-15 not numbered)
Fingerprint 156508 - # b1 A2 m$t : # b2 I3 ui
Number of sheets 8.50
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, January 1564, signed by De la Torre) 3-13: Iacobus Pamelius Brugensis lectori candido. S. (italic type) 13: Errata [14]-16: Table (italic type) 17-135: Text (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) 135: approbation (s. Anthonius Hanspoel) [136]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 140Ruusbroec Institute LibraryKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeGhent University LibraryLeiden University LibrariesBritish Library London
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 44 (1565, no. 2) Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 2925Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 2123
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12918079USTC 401189
Note 1 Treatise on the church ritual (editio princeps) edited by Jacobus Pamelius (= his first publication).
Note 2 In the note to the reader, Pamelius explains how looking for manuscripts of Hrabanus Maurus (died 856), he obtained from the library of the Abbey of Sept-Fonts (Allier) a 'Micrologus de ecclesiasticis observationibus' attributed to the scholar. Internal criticism soon taught him that the text had to be posterior to the Carolingian theologian as it mentions Pope Gregorius VII (1073-1085), Archbishop Amalarius of Trier and Anselmus of Lucca, who lived several centuries later (the treatise is now considered to be the work of Bernold of Constance, monk at the Abbey of St. Blasien, died 1100: cf. Biographie Nationale [de Belgique], 16, 1901, Column 529; a thesis already advanced in Pamelius's time, and noted by the scholar in his introduction). As the Council of Trente had decided to appoint a commission for the reformation of the breviary and missal and the unification of the church rites, Pamelius found it interesting to publish this old manuscript bearing on the subject.
Note 3 The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 74, gives the following details about 'Micrologus de observat. Ecclesiast.': the wages for composing and printing quires B-E are entered on 24 February 1565 and for quires F-I on 10 March 1565; they amount together to 8 florins Carolus guilders 15 stuivers (nothing is said about quire A, which must have been overlooked). As 800 copies were printed, 15 reams of paper 'petit bastard' were used, which, at 1 florins Carolus guilders 4 stuivers per ream, came to 18 florins Carolus guilders, bringing the overall costs to 26 florins Carolus guilders 15 stuivers
Note 4 Plantin in his letter of 26 February 1565 tells Andreas Masius that he is printing the 'Micrologus' (Corr., III, no. 333).
Note 5 Listed in M 296, folio 11v (Micrologus de observat. ecclesiast. in 8⁰ p[er] Jacobum Pamelium, in 8⁰, a⁰ -, f[euilles] 8½, [price:] stuivers 1½).
Further reading

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