
Nomenclator omnium rerum propria nomina variis linguis explicata indicans, 1577

in The Plantin Press Online

(614 words)

Record ID cp011722
Voet reference number 1490
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Hadrianu JUNIUS (DE JONGHE)
Title page transcription NOMENCLATOR, ‖ OMNIVM RERVM ‖ PROPRIA NOMINA ‖ VARIIS LINGVIS ‖ EXPLICATA ‖ INDICANS: ‖ Multo quàm antea emendatior ac locupletior. ‖ HADRIANO IVNIO MEDICO AVCTORE. ‖ ⊕ 32 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXVII.
Collation 8º [139]: †⁴, A-Z⁸, a-h⁸, i⁴; pages [1-8], 1-432, [433-504] (Errors: 63 for 65, 216 for 219; N.B.: pagination difficult to check)
Fingerprint 157708 - # a1 +2 ar : # a2 +3 us - # 1b1 A o : # 1b2 Z5 yd - # 2b1 a ee : # 2b2 i2 s,$c
Number of sheets 32
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, 4 January 1576, signed by Boudewijns) [3-7]: Auctorum tum veterum, tum recentiorum catalogus (on two columns, word in greek type) [8]: Loci insigniores aliquam multorum auctorum, ab Hadr. Iunio aut emendati aut digito commonstrati (on two columns, line in italic type); Notas quibus utimur ita intelligito 1-432: Text (on two columns; roman type, italic type, greek type, gothic type) [433-498]: Indices (on three columns, parts on two columns; words in italic type and greek type) [499]: Approbations (Antwerp, 3 January 1576, s. Henricus Zebertus Dunghaeus; 25 January 1576, s. Ioh. Molanus) [500-501]: Privilege (Vienna, 21 February 1565, s. Haller) [502]: ANTVERPIÆ EXCVDEBAT CHRIST. ‖ PLANTINVS ARCHITYPOGRAPHVS ‖ REGIVS, DECIMO KALEND. SEPTEM- ‖ BRIS, ANNO M.D.LXXVI [503-504]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 672Allard PiersonUS United States Naval Academy - Annapolis (USA, Maryland), AnnapolisCity Archives AntwerpHeritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpKBR Royal Library of BelgiumUniversity of Chicago Library - Chicago (USA, Illinois) Library - Chicago (USA, Illinois)Royal Library of San Lorenzo de El EscorialUniversity Library FreiburgGhent University LibraryProvincial Library, LeeuwardenMaatschappij der Nederlandse LetterkundeBritish Library LondonKU Leuven LibrariesBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaPublic Library, New YorkBibliothèque nationale de FranceUtrecht University Library
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 180 (1577, no. 8) Peeters-Fontainas, J. Impressions espagnoles, no. 652 Claes, 'Lijst…', page 199, no. 257 Claes, 'Supplement op de lijst van Nederlandse woordenlijsten en woordenboeken gedrukt tot 1600' in De Gulden Passer, 1976, page 59, no. 376 (erroneously stated: 1575 instead of 1577)Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 1669 Peeters-Fontainas, J. Impressions espagnoles 652
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12926332USTC 79526
Note 1 Somewhat enlarged re-edition of the 1567-publication.
Note 2 On 21 December 1574 Abraham Ortelius wrote to Joannes Crato a Craftheim, referring to Plantin and his forthcoming publications: 'Habet nomenclatorem Junii ab ipso auctum' (Suppl. Corr., no. 114). Shortly before his death (on 16 June 1575), Junius himself in a letter to Plantin expresses the wish to see the new edition coming out quickly (Corr., IV, no. 635). It lasted, however, quite a time before Plantin started printing. On 13 January 1576 he tells Camerarius that he has the new edition on his presses but that it will not be finished for the coming [Lent-] Fair of Frankfurt (Suppl. Corr., no. 121: 'Nomenclatorem Junii auctum etiam sudat sub praelo non autem prodibit ad proximas nundinas uti nec Opera Augustini a nostri Lovaniensibus ad manuscripta exemplaria toto sexennio collata et infinitis in locis restituta…').
Note 3 The title-page has the year 1577, but according to the colophon the printing was actually finished on 23 August 1576. Plantin could consequently write to Arias Montanus on 1-4 September 1576: 'Nomenclatorem Had. Junii auctiorem cum censura Dni. Molani et novo Privilegio nuper recusi' (Corr., V, no. 738, page 198).
Note 5 Listed in M 296, folio 12v (Nomenclator omnium rer[um] p[er] Ad. Junium, 8º, aº 77, f[euilles] 32, [price:] stuivers 12).
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