
Orationes tres, [translated by et edited by Julius Gabrielius Eugubinus], 1573

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,260 words)

Record ID cp011695
Voet reference number 1264
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1111085
Title page transcription S. GREGORII ‖ NAZIANZENI ‖ THEOLOGI ‖ ORATIONES ‖ TRES, ‖ Apologeticus, De amore erga Pauperes, & ‖ In Natalem diem Saluatoris nostri: ‖ A Iulio Gabrielio Eugubino Latine redditæ. ‖ Eiusdem in easdem Scholia. ‖ Emendationes in omnia, quæ Græcè extant, ipsius ‖ Theologi scripta, ex multis vetustissimis, ac ‖ probatissimis exemplaribus erutæ. ‖ Reliqua sequens pagina indicabit. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus, ‖ Prototypographus Regius. ‖ M.D.LXXIII.
Collation 8º [127]: A-Z⁸, a-i⁸, ‡ⁱº; pages 1-519, [520-540] (Errors: 1º) quire numbered i, k², i³, k⁴, i⁵; 2º) 16 not numbered)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Table (part in italic type) 3-8: Antonio Carafae cardinali amplissimo Julius Gabrielus S.P.D. (Rome, 21 May 1571; words in greek type) 9-15: Lectori lulius Gabrielius S.D. (Rome, 22 May 1571; italic type) [16]: Blank 17-144: Text (marginals in italic type) 145-482: Scholia (italic type, parts in roman type and greek type, marginals in italic type) 483-505: Emendationes (greek type, parts in roman type and italic type; on two columns) 506-519: Loca Sacrae Scripturae quae passim a signed by Greg. Naz. theologo in his tribus orationibus inseruntur, partim integra, partim immuta (words in greek type) 519: Loci nonnulli quos forte in scholiis vel emendasse, vel explicasse contigit [520]: approbation (24 June 1572, s. I. Molanus); Privilege (Brussels, 9 March 1572, s. I. de Langhe) [521-540]: Index (on two columns, words in greek type) [540]: Errata (italic type, words in greek type)
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 13.32: incomplete, till page 496Cambridge University Library- completeParker Library Corpus Christi CollegeRoyal Library of San Lorenzo de El EscorialBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaVatican Apolstolic Library
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 136 (1573, no. 7)
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Contains three 'orationes' of St. Gregorius Nazianzenus: Apologeticus (oratio, qua rationem reddit, cur in Pontum aufugerit, atque inde rursus redierit, postquam presbyter creatus est, simulque declarat, quae, quantaque sit sacerdotii professio, et qualem oporteat esse episcopum) (pages 17-85), De amore erga pauperes (86-126), In Natalem diem Salvatoris nostri oratio (127-144). Followed by Scholia (on the Apologeticus: 145-285 on the De amore erga pauperes: 286-381, on the In Natalem diem Salvatoris nostri: 382-482), and 'Emendationes sive variae lectiones in omnia S. Gregorii Naz. theologi scripta, ex antiquissimis exemplaribus collectae, in quibus notandis, numerisque signandis sequuti sumus codicem Basileae impressum' (483-496).
Note 2 Translated from Greek into Latin by Julius Gabrielius Eugubinus, who also made the comments (scholia). In the foreword to the reader the editor explains that he was greatly assisted by Hieronymus Bentivolus (who put at his disposal an amended manuscript of Gregorius's text, including comments by Nicetas on 16 'orationes' of Gregorius) and Antonius Agellus. In the dedicatory to Cardinal Caraffa he affirms, moreover, that he had been able, through the good graces of Cardinal Gulielmus Sirletus, to consult in the house of Joannes Baptista Carus a Greek expert on the problem, Helias Cretensis.
Note 3 Cardinal Caraffa had induced Plantin, through the intermediary of Cardinal Granvelle, to print in 1570 the Apologeticus of Gregorius Nazianzenus, translated and edited by his protégé Constantius Sebastianus Olivetanus (see preceding no.). It was again the Italian prelate who from Rome pressed Plantin to publish this new edition with comments on parts of Gregorius's work. The cardinal now intervened more directly than in the preceding case. On 2 January 1572 Plantin tells de Goneville, 'auditeur' of Cardinal Granvelle, that he has received letters from Rome from a certain Don Fernando de Torres, affirming to be the 'agent' of Cardinal Granvelle 'et pour cela que le très illustre Card. Carafa luy a délivré un certain livre qu'il m'envoye pour imprimer, et avec ledict livre y avoit lectres dudict Sr Carafa, par lesquelles il luy plaist me recommander l'impression dudict livre…' (Corr., II, no. 303). Again Plantin did not wish to go against the formal request of the powerful prelate, but he was not very happy with the intended edition. In the long, carefully worded letter of 1 February 1572 to Cardinal Caraffa he explains that the 'censores librorum' of the University of Louvain to whom he forwarded the manuscript, had mentioned that there existed already several editions of the works of Gregorius Nazianzenus, including one in three volumes with comments by Elias Cretensis ('Verumtamen cum ipse illius scriptor, in ejus libri proemio dicat se vidisse Commentarios Eliae Cretensis in ipsum Nazianzenum scriptos quidem, sed typis, ut ipse existimat, non excusos; isque Nazianzeni liber cum annotationibus Abbatis Billii, primum Parisiis, postea etiam Coloniae sit impressus, ac postremum alia quaedam illius prodierit editio, tribus comprehensa voluminibus cum Commentariis Eliae Cretensis…'). Accordingly Plantin asks in very measured terms if it would not be preferable to publish only the text of Gregorius and to omit the comments (Corr., III, no. 374). Caraffa's answer has not been preserved, but he must have insisted to publish the comments as well. In a letter of end December 1572 (preserved in the drafts of Plantin's correspondence; the addressed is not named; the editors of the Correspondance guessed him to be de Goneville, the 'auditeur' of Cardinal Granvelle; more likely he is to be identified with the secretary of Cardinal Caraffa) the typographer explains that Arias Montanus has arrived safe and well from Italy in Antwerp, carrying with him letters of the Cardinal: 'duquel [= the cardinal] j'espère avec la grâce de Dieu d'accomplir tant en l'impression des oraisons de Nazianzenus annotations et diverses leçons qu'ès autres livres spécifiés au mémoire de son Illme Se m'a délivré le mesme Seigneur Docteur Arias Montanus et en toutes autres choses qu'il luy plaira m'ordonner. Pour arres de quoy j'envoye ici la première feille dudict livre de Nazianzene et par chaicun ordinaire continueray d'envoyer les feilles qui s'iront imprimant…' (Corr., III, no. 449). The printing, however, lasted longer than Plantin had anticipated. In his letter of 18 April 1573 to Leonardo Leonardi, secretary of Cardinal Caraffa, he apologizes for the long delay, promising: 'Je m'enhardi maintenant de luy envoyer ces autres feilles ayant prins résolution de continuer jusques au parachèvement de l'ouvrage et alors en envoyer quelque nombre d'exemplaires avec autres livres à V.S. pour en délivrer au très illustre Cardinal Caraffa mon Seigneur tel nombre qu'il luy plaira et faire du reste son plaisir' (Corr., III, no. 470).
Note 4 It is possible that originally the edition was issued without index, but that at the urging of Cardinal Caraffa an elaborate one was added. This can be deduced from the fact that on 27 September 1573 Plantin mailed to the prelate a copy of this Index, together with a complete copy of the work ('…j'envoye aussi l'Index in Nazianzenum avec encores ung exemplaire de l'oeuvre entier') (Corr., IV, no. 490). If this supposition is correct, then the first two pages must also have been reprinted, as in the table on page [2] the 'Index verborum, rerumve notabilium' is duly noted.
Note 5 The imprint on the title-page (Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus…) suggests, moreover, that the edition was in fact not printed in the Plantin Press but commissioned by Plantin to a fellow typographer.
Note 6 Listed in M 296, folio 7v (Gregorii Nazianz. orationes tres, 8º, f[euilles] 33½, [price:] stuivers 8), and M 164, folio 14r.
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