
Pastorale, 1589

in The Plantin Press Online

(735 words)

Record ID cp011687
Voet reference number 1957
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Uniform title PASTORALE
Title page transcription [Within double rules:]PASTORALE, ‖ CANONES ET RITVS ‖ ECCLESIASTICOS, ‖ QVI ad Sacramentorum administrationem ‖ aliaq̓ue Pastoralia officia ritè obeunda perti- ‖ nent, complectens:Iussu & auctoritate Reuerendmi & IllustmiDomini, Domini ‖ IOANNIS HAVCHINI, Mechliniensis Archiepiscopi, ‖ pro vniformi Pastoralium officiorum exercitio in hanc formam ‖ redactum, & in lucem emissum. ‖ V. ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXXIX.
Collation 4⁰ [173]: [*]-***⁴, A-Z⁴, Aa-Cc⁴; pages [1-24], 1-207, [208]. Each page within double rules; printed in black and red
Fingerprint 158904 - # *a1 3 c : # *a2 3*3 rum$ad$ - # *b1 A $ : # *b2 2C3 M
Number of sheets 29
Pages [1]: [French title:] Pastorale [2]: Frontispiece [3]: Title [4]: approbation (Louvain, 23 September 1588, signed by Ioan. Hauchinus, and H. Cuyckius); Privilege (Brussels, 18 January 1589, s. I. Facuwes) [5-8]: Ioannes Hauchinus…universis huius Pastoralis usum amplecti volentibus…(Malines, 1 December 1588) [9-24]: Calendar 1-207: Text (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type) [208]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations 1) As a kind of frontispiece on page [2]: engraving, 185 × 132, representing the Christ standing next to the cross, with around him, in circular medallions, representations of the seven sacraments (starting from the left under: Ordo; Matrimonium; Baptismus; Confirmatio; Poenitentia; Eucharistia; Extrema Unctio) 2) V. on title-page: woodcut, 55 × 55, showing St. Peter and St. Paul (monogram of the designer, Pieter van der Borcht)
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 32University Library Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamRuusbroec Institute LibraryKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeGhent University LibraryBritish Library London
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 317 (1589, no. 3) Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 4052 C. de Clercq, 'Les éditions bibliques, liturgiques et canoniques de Plantin' in De Gulden Passer, 34, 1956, pages 178-181 (with reproduction of the title-page on page 179)Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica, 3945
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:7038260USTC 406851
Note 1 Manual for the administration of the sacraments.
Note 2 The genesis of the publication is, largely after Plantin's correspondence but using other sources as well, detailed by de Clercq, loc. cit. A manual revised after the instructions of the Council of Trente had been published in the Southern Netherlands as early as 1571, when the bishop of Ghent, Cornelius Jansenius, issued for his see the Liber Ecclesiae Gandavensis. Jansenius was charged in 1574 by the second council of the Malines church-province (to which, among others, belonged Ghent and Antwerp) to adapt his 'Liber' into a manual which could be used in the whole Malines church-province. The bishop died in 1575, before having been able to accomplish the task. In Ghent the Liber Ecclesiae Gandavensis was reprinted without changes in 1576. A similar Manuale pastorum was printed for the see of Ypres the same year. When the Southern Provinces had been reconquered for Spain, the problem became more pressing. In an interesting letter to Joannes Hauchin, Archbishop of Malines, 4-15 April 1586 (Corr., VII, no. 1990) Plantin tells the prelate that he had been urged by Henricus Dungeus, canon of the Antwerp cathedral, and some of his colleagues, to print such a manual. The typographer asks for advice, proposing as model an edition printed at Salamanca and brought from Spain by Joannes Mofflin. The archbishop referred to the theologians of the University of Louvain. They retained but tittle of the Manuale Salmaticense, but freely used the manuals of Liège, 1553, of Cambrai, 1562, of Ghent, 1571, and some other works as well. The work dragged on, much to Plantin's annoyance, as shown in some letters of March, July and August 1588. At last, on 23 September 1588, the archbishop approved the manuscript and had it forwarded to Plantin. It was titled 'Pastorale Mechliniensis diocesis', but Plantin insisted of having the last words dropped so that also the work could be sold outside the Malines church-province. He obtained what he wished: the title became simply 'Pastorale'. On 1 December 1588 Hauchin signed the order making the Pastorale obligatory in his archdiocese (reproduced in the publication). The privilege is dated 18 January 1589, and the printing itself must have been finished in the following months.
Note 3 Listed in M 296, folio 14v (Pastorale Rom. mechlin., 4⁰, f[euilles] 29, [price:] stuivers 20, 1589), and M 321.
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