Record ID | cp011685 |
Voet reference number | 644 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:863230,c:lvd:14103643,c:lvd:933216 c:lvd:644354 |
Uniform title | BIBLE: POLYGLOT |
Collation | Folio (400 × 273): *⁶, *⁶, **⁶, ***⁴, *⁸, ¶⁸, [flower]ⁱ⁰, †⁶, A-Z⁶, a-z⁶, Aa-Qq⁶; pages [1-108], 1-743, [744] (Errors: 31 for 41, 49 for 59, 55 for 65, 58 for 68, 374 for 364, 379 for 369, 319 for 391, 498 for 398, 690 for 590, 750-751 for 738-739) |
Fingerprint | 1# 000002 - # 1a1=1a2 *4 $ade - # 2a1 * m : # 2a2 2*3 Cardina - # 3a1 * ns : # 3a2 *4 ndi - # 4a1 q fo : # 4a2 q3 di - # 5a1 p e : # 5a2 p5 etuū$di - # 6a1 + em : # 6a2 +3 i$s - # 1b1 A2 aciē$aër : # 1b2 Z4 $eiusd - # 2b1 a nd : # 2b2 z4 bebo$ - # 3b1 2A |
Number of sheets | 1758.50 |
Pages | [1]: French title: SACRORVM ‖ BIBLIORVM ‖ TOMVS ‖ PRIMVS [2]: Blank [3]: Title [4-5]: illustrations [6]: Blank [7-34]: Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispalensis in sacrorum Bibliorum quadrilingium regiam editionem, De divinae scripturae dignitate, linguarum usu et catholici regis consilio praefatio (marginals in italic type; word in greek type) [35-40]: Eiusdem Benedicti Ariae Montani alia ad lectorem praefatio. In qua de totius operis usu, dignitate, et apparatu ex ordine differitur (Antwerp, 23 July 1571; italic type, parts in roman type) [41-42]: Philippus II. Hispaniarum rex Ferdinando Albae duci, suo apud Belgas praefecto, affini charissimo signed by (Madrid, 25 March 1568, signed by Cayas) [42]: Philippus…rex Hispaniarum…fideli nobis dilecto Christophoro Plantino typographo Antverpuensi (Madrid, 25 March 1568, signed by Gab. de Cayas; italic type, words in roman type) [43]: Philippus…rex Hispaniarum…rectori, decanis, ac doctoribus filiae nostrae Universitatis Lovaniensis (Madrid, 15 August 1568, signed by Gab. de Cayas) [44]: Blank [45]: Actorum publicor. ad Regia Biblia et sacrum apparatum pertinentium exempla praecipua (= general title for the documents reproduced pages 45-82) [45-46]: Philippus II. Hispaniarum rex…Ferdinando Alvarez a Toleto, duci Alvae…nostro fideli dilecto, atq. apud Belgas praefecto…(Madrid, 25 March 1568, signed by Cayas) [47]: Philippus…Rex Hispaniarum…fideli nobis dilecto Christophoro Plantino typographo Antverpiensi (Madrid, 25 March 1568, signed by Gab. de Cayas; italic type) [48]: Bened. Ariae Montani apud Lovaniensem academiam legationis suae expositio facta X. cal. lun. An. M.D.LXVIII [49]: Philippus…rex Hispaniarum…rectori, decanis, ac doctoribus filiae nostrae Universitatis Lovaniensis (Madrid, 15 August 1568, signed by Gab. de Cayas) [50]: Deliberationis a Bened. Aria Montano Lovaniensi academiae pridie festi omnium sanctorum anni M.D.LXVIII. propositae exemplum [51-53]: Philippo II regi catholico, et monarchae potentissimo sacrosanctaeque et divinitus acceptae religionis propugnatori accerrimo, perpetuam felicitatem (Louvain, 30 September 1569. For: Rector, doctores, et universa Lovaniensis academia, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus Machlinianus) [54-55]: approbation (Louvain, 26 March 1571, signed by Conrardus Sylvius, dictae Universitatis notarius) [55]: approbation (Paris, 8 March 1569, signed by H. Nebrisius, I. Faber, G. Postel, I. Benedictus, Dequictebeusius, Genebrardus; Paris, 4 April 1572, signed by P. Danesius, De Sainctes, I. Cogneu, S. Vigor, De Quictebeuf, Provost, Genebrard) [56]: Copie d'une lettre du duc d'Alve à l'évesque d'Anvers (Antwerp, 28 February 1570, signed by Courte ville) [57-58]: Epistola Lovaniensium ad summum pontificem (Louvain, 19 April 1572, signed by Lovaniensis Academia) [59-62]: B. Ariae Montani legati ad summum pontif. oratio (italic type, parts in roman type) [62-63]: Apostolicarum literarum ad regem catholicum exemplum. Gregorius papa XIII. Cariss. in Christo filio nostro Philippo, Hispaniarum regi catholico (Rome, 23 August 1572, signed by Ant. Buccapadulius) [64-66]: Motus proprius. Gregorius pages XIII (Rome, 1 September 1572, signed by Cae. Glorierius) [67]: Aliarum literarum a pontifice ad regem cathol. post discessum Ariae Montani ex urbe, exemplum. Gregorius Papa XIII. carissimo in Christo filio Philippo II. Hispaniar. regi catholico (Rome, 25 October 1572, signed by Ant. Buccapadulius) [68-69]: Privilege (German empire: Vienna, 26 January 1572, signed by A. Erstenberger, Resta Braun) [70-71]: Privilege (Castile: Madrid, 22 February 1573, signed by Iuan Vazquez de Salazar, el doctor Velasco, el doctor Francisco Hernandez de Lieuana, el licendiado Fuen-mayor…registrada lorge de Olaal de Vergara) [72-73]: Privilege (Aragon: Pardo, 20 February 1573, signed by don Bernardus vicecancellarius) [74]: Blank [75-76]: Privilege Brussels, Privy Council, 11 January 1571, signed by I. De la Torre, and Council of Brabant, 12 February 1571, signed by I. De Perre; civilité type.) [77-78]: Privilege (Kingdom of Naples: Naples, 26 September 1572, signed by Ant. Card. Granvelanus …) [79-80]: Privilege (France: Blois, 13 April 1572, signed by Me Anthoine de stuivers Pol …; civilité type, part in italic type) [80]: approbation (Paris, 4 April 1572, signed by P. Danesius, De Sainctes, I. Cogneu, S. Vigor, De Quictebeuf, Provost, Genebrard; italic type, part in roman type) [81]: Privilege (Venice: Venice, 25 October 1572, signed by [monogram]) [82]: Privilege (Brussels, Council of Brabant, 12 February 1571, signed by I. de Perre; civilité type) [83-86]: Doctorum virorum carmina encomiastica (Poems in Hebrew, Greek, Latin; some with the names of the authors: F. Iochannes Benedictus; Gilbertus Genebrardus; Guido Fabricius Boderianus [1 May 1571]) [87-88]: B. Ariae Montani Hispal. ad christianum lectorem de Syriacis Novi Testamenti libris admonitio (italic type) [89]: Danieli Bombergo I.V. doctori Bened. Arias Montanus S.P.D. (Antwerp, 23 May 1570; italic type) [90]: Testimonium Coloniensium (14 June 1570, signed by Laur. Creb.) [91-93]: Tabularum in regiis Bibliis depictarum brevis explicatio, per Christophorum Plantinum [94-95]: Table (for the eight volumes) [96]: De tribus maioribus D. Hieronymi prologis ad propria loca referendis (italic type, word in roman type) [97-108]: Epistola B. Hieronymi ad Paulinum presbyterum, de omnibus divinae historiae libris (marginals in italic type) [1]: Title-page for the Pentateuch (Hebrew, Greek, roman type) 2-183: Genesis 184-333: Exodus 334-441: Leviticus 442-601: Numeri 602-743: Deuteronomium [744]: Blank |
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Digital copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus: A 5 (Volume 1) |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970 Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12924442USTC 401394 |
Note | Typographical disposition of the Bible texts: on even pages Hebrew text (in Hebrew type; to the left side of the page) with the Latin Vulgatatranslation of St. Hieronymus (in roman type; to the right side of the page), underneath the Chaldaic (= Aramaic) paraphrase (in Hebrew type); on uneven pages Greek text (in Greek type; to the right of the page) with the Latin translation (in italic type; to the left of the page), underneath the Latin translation of the Aramaic paraphrase. Each part is followed by a kind of short approbatio signed by B. Arias Montanus, in Hebrew on the even pages, in Latin on the uneven pages (pages 182-183, 332-333, 440-441, 600-601), with at the end a more elaborate approbatio in Hebrew (page 742) and Latin and Greek (page 743), dated Antwerp, 1 March 1569. |
Further reading |
Title page transcription | [French title:] SACRORVM ‖ BIBLIORVM ‖ TOMVS ‖ SECVNDVS. |
Collation | Folio (400 × 272): [*⁵], A-Z⁶, a-z⁶, Aa-Qq⁶, A-S⁶; pages [1-10], 1-720 (= for 743), [744], pages 1-213, [214-216] (Errors: first part: 197 for 185, 200 for 188, 399 for 397, 410 for 408, 320 for 420, 587 for 591, 400 for 600, 709-720 for 721-732, 771 for 733, 711 for 734, 723-730 for 735-742, 720 for 743; second part: 170 for 171, 294 for 194, 296 for 196) |
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Pages | [1]: French title [2]: Blank [3]: illustration [4]: Blank [5-6]: Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispalensis in Chaldaicarum Paraphrason libris et interpretationes praefatio (italic type) [7-8]: In Iosue (on two columns, parts in italic type) [9-10]: Prologus B. Hieronymi presbyteri in librum Iosue [10]: Argumentum (italic type, word in roman type) [1]: Title-page for the 'Prophetae priores' (Hebrew, greek type, roman type) 2-111: Josua 112-215: Liber iudicum 216-229: Ruth 230-231: Prologus signed by Hieronymi…in libros regum 232-367: Samuel I 368-481: Samuel II 482-617: Regum I 618-720 (= for 743): Regum II [744]: approbation [1]: Eusebius Hieronymus Dommoni et Rogatiano suis…(italic type); B. Hieronymi in librum…Paralipomenon…praefatio 2-213: Paralipomenon I-II [214]: Oratio Manassae regis Iuda, quae neque in Hebraeo, neque in Graeco habetur [215]: approbation [216]: Blank |
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Note | Typographical disposition: a) Josua - Regum II: the same as in vol. I; b) Paralipomenon I-II: on even pages Hebrew text (in Hebrew type; to the left side of the page). Each part is followed by a kind of short approbatio (in roman type; to the right side of the page); on uneven pages Greek text (in Greek type; to the right side of the page), with the Latin translation (in italic type; to the left side of the page). Each part is followed by a kind of short approbatio signed by B. Arias Montanus, in Hebrew on the even pages and in Latin on the uneven pages (pages 110-111, 214-215, 228-229, 366-367, 480-481, 616-617) and in Hebrew and Latin at the end of the first part, page 743, and of the second part, page [215]. |
Further reading |
Title page transcription | [French title:] SACRORVM ‖ BIBLIORVM ‖ TOMVS ‖ TERTIVS. |
Collation | Folio (402 × 272): [*ⁱ], A-G⁶, ij G⁸, iij G⁶, H-Z⁶, Aa-Zz⁶, aA-kK⁶, 1L⁴, a-1⁶; pages [1-2], 1-83, [84], [1-28], 73-679, [680]; pages 1-130, [131-132] (Errors: first part: 31-30 for 30-31, 53 for 54, 55 for 65, 58 for 68, 98 for 86, 88-99 omitted, 94 for 106, 96 for 108, 141 for 142, 143 not numbered, 167-168 twice, 179-180 omitted, 553 for 543, 455 for 544, 559-560 for 549-550, 639 for 645, 656-657 for 654-655; second part: 39-42 for 29-32, 94 for 49) |
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Pages | [1]: French title [2]: Blank [1]: Title-page for the 'Hagiographoi Sancti Libri' (Hebrew, greek type, roman type) [2]: Blank 3: Prologus Hieronymi presbyteri in librum Esdram 4-37: Esdra 38-83: Nehemias [84]: Blank [1-28]: Esdra III-IV 73: Prologus B. Hieronymi in librum Tobiae 73-107: Tobias 96 (= for 108): Prologus B. Hieronymi in librum Iudith 96 (= for 108)-141 (= for 142): Iudith [143]: Prologus B. Hieronymi presbyteri in librum Esther 144-187: Esther 188-189: Prologus primus, Prologus secundus, Argumentum in librum Iob (part in italic type) 190-287: Iob 288: Prologus beati Hieronymi presbyteri in Psalterium septuaginta 289: Prologus B. Hieronymi presbyteri in Psalterium quod transtulit in Latinum iuxta Hebraicam veritatem 290-539: Psalterium 540: Epistola signed by Hieronymi presbyteri ad Chromacium et Heliodorum episcopos, de libris Salomonis 541: Prologus in libros eosdem; Alius prologus 542-621: Proverbia 621: Prologus beati Hieronymi in librum Ecclesiasten 622-657: Ecclesiastes 658-679: Canticum Canticorum [680]: Blank [1]: Prologus in librum Sapientiae [1]-35: Liber Sapientiae 36-130: Sapientia Iesu filii Syrach (Ecclesiasticus) [131-132]: Blank |
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Note | Typographical disposition: a) Esther, Iob, Psalterium, Proverbia, Ecclesiastes, Canticum Canticorum: as in vol. I; b) Esdra, Nehemias: as Paralipomenon in vol. II; c) Tobias, Iudith, Liber Sapientiae, Ecclesiasticus: Greek text in middle of page, Latin translation of the Greek text on the one side, Latin Vulgata translation of Hieronymus on the other side; d) Esdra III-IV: only Latin text. Many parts are followed by a kind of short approbatio signed by B. Arias Montanus, in Hebrew on the even pages and Latin on the uneven pages (pages 82-83, 106-107, 186-187, 286-287, 656-657, 678-679; pages 34-35, 129-130). Esdra III-IV [pages 1-28] seem to have been added at the last moment, which should explain the rather confused pagination in this part of the volume. |
Variants | A. Errors: in first part 55 for 65, 58 for 68 (B 65/III; R 45.4/III) B. These errors corrected (A 5/III). |
Further reading |
Title page transcription | [French title:] SACRORVM ‖ BIBLIORVM ‖ TOMVS ‖ QVARTVS. |
Collation | Folio (405 × 274): [*], A-Z⁶, a-z⁶, Aa-Zz⁶, AA-GG⁶, HH⁴, a-m⁶; pages [1-4], 1-919, [920], 1-141, [142-144] (Errors: first part: 189 for 195, 184 for 202, 378 for 358, between 456-457 four pages not numbered, between 468-469 four pages not numbered, 272 for 472, 278 for 478, 635 for 626, 626 for 635, 694 for 664, 767 not numbered, 894 for 794; second part: 45 for 47) |
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Pages | [1]: French title [2]: Blank [3]: illustration [4]: Blank [1]: Title-page for 'Prophetae posteriores' (Hebrew, greek type, roman type) [2]: Blank 3: B. Hieronymi presb. prologus in Esaiam prophetam; Argumentum 4-199: Isaias 200-201: Praefatio in Ieremiam prophetam; Prologus in eundem; Argumentum in eundem (part in italic type) 184 (= for 202)-437: Jeremias 438-[3 th not numbered page after page 456]: Threni, id est lamentationes Hieremiae [4th not numbered page after 456]: Praefatio in librum Baruch (italic type) [4th not numbered page after 456] - [3rd not numbered page after page 468]: Baruch [4th not numbered page after 468]: Blank 469: Prologus in Ezechielem prophetam 470-675: Ezechiel 676-677: Prologus signed by Hieronymi in Danielem prophetam 678-736: Daniel 737: Prologus in librum duodecim prophetarum; Alius prologus; Prologus in librum Oseae prophetae (italic type); Argumentum in eundem 738-765: Hosea 766: Prologus in loel prophetam [767]: Alius prologus in eundem; Argumentum in eundem (italic type) 768-779: Ioel 780-781: Prologus in Amos prophetam; Alius prologus in eundem; Item alius prologus (italic type) 782-805: Amos 804-805: Prologus in Abdiam prophetam; Argumentum (italic type) 806-809: Abdias 810-811: Prologus in Ionam prophetam; Argumentum (italic type) 810-819: Ionas 818-819: Prologus in Michaeam prophetam; Argumentum (italic type) 820-835: Michaeas 836-837: Prologus in Naum prophetam; Argumentum (italic type) 836-843: Naum 844-845: Prologus in Habacuc prophetam; Argumentum (italic type) 846-853: Habacuc 854-855: Prologus in Sophoniam prophetam; Argumentum (italic type) 854-863: Sophonias 864-865: Prologus in Aggaeum prophetam; Argumentum (italic type) 864-871: Aggaeus 872-873: Prologus in Zachariam prophetam; Argumentum (italic type) 872-907: Zacharias 908-909: Prologus in Malachiam prophetam; Argumentum (italic type) 908-919: Malachias 919: approbation (signed by B. Arias Montanus; Louvain, 31 March 1570, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Io. Wilhelmius Harlem.) [920]: Blank 1: Prologus B. Hieronymi presbyteri in libros Machabaeorum; Alius prologus 1-128: Machabaei, I-II 129-141: Liber tertius Maccabaeorum qui in Latino non habetur [142]: approbation (in Latin and Hebrew: Antwerp, 23 June 1570) [143-144]: Blank |
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Note | Typographical disposition: a) Most parts as in vol. I; b) First part of Daniel (pages 678-729) as in vol. II, Paralipomenon; c) Second part of Daniel (pages 730-736), Baruch, and Maccabaei I-II: Greek text, with on either side the Latin Vulgata-translation of St. Hieronymus and the Latin translation of the Greek text (italic type); d) Maccabaei III: Greek text on one half of the page, Latin translation on the other half. The major parts are followed by a kind of short approbatio signed by B. Arias Montanus, mostly in Hebrew on the even pages and Latin on the uneven pages (pages 198-199; 2nd-3rd not numbered pages after page 456; 674-675; 918-919), one in Latin only (3rd not numbered page after page 468), whilst the volume ends with a more elaborate approbatio in Hebrew and Latin (page [142]). |
Further reading |
Title page transcription | [French title:] THΣ KAINHΣ ‖ ΔIAΘHKHΣ AΠANTA. ‖ [Two Syriac words] ‖ NOVVM IESV ‖ CHRISTI D.N. ‖ TESTAMENTVM. ‖ SACRORVM BIBLIORVM ‖ TOMVS QVINTVS. |
Collation | Folio (404 × 274): †⁸, A-Z⁶, Aa-Tt⁶, a-z⁶, aa-zz⁶, aaa⁸; pages [1-16], 1-499 (= for 501), [502-504], 1-566, [567-568] (Errors: first part: 1 and 3 not numbered, 101 for 105, 104-105 twice, 109-112 for 209-212, 305-306 for 303-304, 347 for 407, 457 for 461, 478 for 464, 499 for 501, from second 105 numeration too low with two units; second part: 40 for 32, 791 for 197, 227 for 225, 255-258 for 245-248, 375 for 373, 377 for 375, 463-466 for 473-476, 553-556 for 533-536, 539 for 538, 561 for 541, 553 for 551, 372 for 552) |
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Pages | [1]: French title [2]: Blank [3]: illustration [4]: Blank [5-6]: Ad Philippum II…Guidonis Fabritii Boderiani epistola (Antwerp, 1 July 1571; parts in Hebrew and Syriac) [7-14]: Ad sacrarum linguarum studiosum lectorem, Guidonis Fabritii Boderiani natione Galli, in Novi Testamenti Syriaci Latinam interpretationem, praefatio (italic type, parts in roman type, greek type, Hebrew and Syriac, marginals in roman type) [15-16]: Blank [17-18]: Epistola B. Hieronymi ad Damasum papam, in quatuor evangelistas [19-20]: Alius prologus [20]: Prologus in Matthaeum [1]; Argumentum in Evangelium secundum Matthaeum 2-143: Evangelium secundum Matthaeum 144-145: Prologus Sancti Hieronymi in Evangelium secundum Marcum 144-231: Evangelium secundum Marcum 232-233: Prologus Sancti Hieronymi in Evangelium secundum Lucam 232-385: Evangelium secundum Lucam 386-387: Prologus in Evangelium secundum Iohannem 386-499 (= for 501): Evangelium secundum Iohannem [502-504]: Blank 1: Praefatio beati Hieronymi…in librum Actuum Apostolorum; [Argumentum] (italic type); Alius prologus 2-155: Acta Apostolorum [156]: Blank 157-159: Praefatio Sancti Hieronymi presbyteri in omnes epistolas beati Pauli Apostoli; Prologus specialis in epistolam ad Romanos (italic type); Argumentum 160-555 (= for 535): Epistolae Apostolorum (each epistle preceded by a prologus and/or argumentum) 555 (= for 535): approbation (for the Syriac text and Hebraic transcription: 1 June 1570, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Johannes Harlemensis; 1570, signed by Benedicts Arias Montanus) 556 (= for 536)-539: Epistola secunda Iohannis; Epistola Iudae 540-561 (= for 541): Prologus in Apocalypsim beati Iohannis Apostoli; Alius prologus in Apocalypsim; Argumentum (italic type) 542-566: Apocalypsis 566: approbation (Antwerp, 1 February 1571, signed by B. Arias Montanus) [567]: ANTVERPIÆ EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHORVS ‖ PLANTINVS REGIVS PROTOTYPOGRAPHVS, ‖ ⊕ 23 ‖ ANNO CIϽ.IϽ. LXXI. KAL. FEBRVARII [568]: Blank |
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Note | Typographical disposition: a) Practical all parts: on even pages Syriac text (in Syriac type; to the left side of the page) with the Latin translation (italic type, to the right side of the page); on uneven pages Greek text (in Greek type; to the right side of the page), with the Latin Vulgata-translation of St. Hieronymus (in roman type; to the left side of the page); underneath both the even and uneven pages: Hebrew translation of the Syriac text (in Hebrew; marginals); b) Epistola secunda Iohannis, Epistola Iudae, Acta Apostolorum: Greek text on one side of the page, Latin Vulgata-translation of St. Hieronymus on the other side. Short approbatio signed by B. Arias Montanus in first part: pages 498-499, and second part: pages 154-155, in Hebrew on the even pages and in Latin on the uneven pages. |
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Volumes 6 - 7 - 8: Apparatus.
Volumes 6-7-8 constitute what the editors called the Apparatus, that is to say an appendix, formed by a series of treatises and text-editions:
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Note 1 | The volumes 6, 7 and 8 do not have a general title-page; they form a series of separate treatises and text-editions having each a title-page or introduced by a heading. Frequently, however, it is specified on these title-pages or in these headings that the treatise or text-edition belong to the Apparatus. |
Note 2 | The order followed in the subsequent descriptions is that given in the Ordo Librorum in the introductory part of volume I. This order can have been changed when the sheets were gathered or by the binder, and, eventually, in some copies a treatise may even have been dropped. |
Note 3 | In April 1572 Plantin had already finished some parts of the Apparatus but a substantial part remained to be printed when the political horizon suddenly clouded. The archtypographer printed only 600 copies (instead of 1,200) of these parts. Perhaps some type-compositions (with Oriental or Greek type not frequently used) remained standing, but the type of a great number of treatises was redistributed. When the political climate improved, Plantin had these treatises reset and the 600 remaining copies reprinted. The operation started late in July 1572 and ended in August 1573. This means that a number of treatises of the different volumes of the Apparatus are found in two versions. In the following descriptions version A stands for the original version, version B for the reset version, and A-B for a text, which, as far as could be detected, was either printed in 1,200 copies before April 1572 or had the last 600 copies reprinted from the original type which had remained standing. Occasionally, and more especially for the copies sold by Plantin (or his successors) in later years, it occurred that, when bringing the sheets together, mistakes were made and that one or more treatises in version B were bound into a volume in which the version A is predominant or vice-versa. |
Further reading |
VI. 1. A-B.
Title page transcription | LEXICON ‖ GRÆCVM, ‖ ET ‖ INSTITVTIONES ‖ LINGVÆ GRÆCÆ, ‖ Ad sacri Apparatus instructionem. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus ‖ Prototypographus Regius. ‖ M.D.LXXII. |
Collation | Folio [335]: α-β⁶, A-Z⁶, a-i⁶; pages 1-24, 1-382, [383-384] (Errors: 119 for 117, 120 for 118, 361 for 373) |
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Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-24: Institutiones linguae Graecae (on two columns separated by a double line; roman type and greek type) [1]-382: Dictionarium Graecolatinum (on three columns; roman type and greek type) 382: approbation (Louvain, 25 March 1571, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Iohannes Wilhelmi Harlemius) [383-384]: Blank |
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Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VI |
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Note 1 | Rooses supposes that this Greek grammar and dictionary were compiled by F. Raphelengius. |
Note 2 | The treatise was composed and printed between December 1571 and the beginning of August 1572 (Rooses, M. Musée Plantin-Moretus, pages 78-79). |
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VI. 2. A.
Title page transcription | SYRORVM ‖ PECVLIVM. ‖ HOC EST, ‖ VOCABVLA APVD SCRIPTO- ‖ RES PASSIM VSVRPATA: TARGVMISTIS VERO AVT ‖ PRORSVS INCOGNITA: AVT IN IPSORVM VOCABVLARIIS ‖ ADHVC NON SATIS EXPLICATA. ‖ ANDREAS MASIVS sibi, suæ memoriæ ‖ iuuandæ caussa colligebat. ‖ ⊕ 23 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Regij Prototypographi. ‖ M.D.LXXI. |
Collation | Folio (418 × 272): a-d⁶, e⁴; pages 1-54, [55-56]. Printed, according to oriental tradition, from back to front |
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Pages | [1]: Title [2]: D. Benedicto Ariae Montano theologo…S.D. Andreas Masius (Zevenaar, 1 July 1570; italic type, word in roman type) 3-54: Text (on three columns; parts in italic type, gothic type, greek type, Syriac, Hebrew) 54: approbation (2 September 1570, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus) [55]: Errata et addenda (on three columns; parts in greek type, Hebrew and Syriac) [56]: Blank |
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Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VI |
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Note 1 | This Syriac dictionary compiled by Andreas Masius was, together with the Syriac Grammar by the same Masius, composed and printed between 17 January 1571 and the end of March 1572 (Rooses, Musée Plantin-Moretus, page 78). |
Further reading |
VI. 2. B.
Title page transcription | SYRORVM ‖ PECVLIVM. ‖ HOC EST, ‖ VOCABVLA APVD SYROS SCRIPTO- ‖ RES PASSIM VSVRPATA: TARGVMISTIS VERO AVT ‖ PRORSVS INCOGNITA: AVT IN IPSORVM VOCABVLARIIS ‖ ADHVC NON SATIS EXPLICATA: ‖ ANDREAS MASIVS sibi suæ memoriæ ‖ iuuandæ caussa colligebat. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Regii Prototypographi. ‖ M.D.LXXII. |
Collation | Folio (406 × 270): a-d⁶, e⁴; pages 1-54, [55-56]. Printed, according to oriental tradition, from back to front |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: D. Benedicto Ariae Montano theologo…S.D. Andreas Masius (Zevenaar, 1 July 1570; italic type, word in roman type) 3-54: Text (on three columns; parts in italic type, gothic type, greek type, Hebrew, Syriac) 54: approbation (2 September 1570, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus) [55-56]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VI |
Bibliographical references | |
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Note 1 | Text completely reset; the Errata et addenda have been incorporated into the text. |
Further reading |
VI. 3. A.
Title page transcription | GRAMMATICA ‖ LINGVAE SYRICAE, ‖ INVENTORE ATQ. AVCTORE ‖ ANDREA MASIO: ‖ OPVS nouum, & à nostris hominibus adhuc non tractatum: quod labo- ‖ riosa animaduersione atq. notatione vocalium, aliorumq'. punctorum ‖ Syricorum, quibusq. dictionibus in optimis emendatissimisq'. libris ap- ‖ positorum ille nuper composuit. ‖ PSAL. LXXI. ‖ [Syriac text] ‖ PSAL. XCIV. ‖ [Syriac text] ‖ ⊕ 23 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Regii prototypographi. ‖ M.D.LXXI. |
Collation | Folio (418 × 272): A-E⁶; pages 1-59, [60]. Printed, according to oriental tradition, from back to front |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-4: D. Benedicto Ariae Montano theologo…Andreas Masius S.D. (Zevenaar, 15 March 1570; italic type, word in roman type and Hebrew, marginals in italic type) 5-59: Text (parts in italic type, greek type, Syriac and Hebrew; marginals in italic type and Syriac) 59: approbation (2 August 1570, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus) [60]: Errata (parts in Syriac) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VI |
Bibliographical references | |
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Note 1 | Cf. treatise no. 2. |
Further reading |
VI. 3. B.
Title page transcription | GRAMMATICA ‖ LINGVÆ SYRICÆ, ‖ INVENTORE ATQ. AVCTORE ‖ ANDREA MASIO: ‖ OPVS nouum, & à nostris hominibus adhuc non tractatum: quod labo- ‖ riosa animaduersione atq. notatione vocalium, aliorumq'. punctorum ‖ Syricorum, quibusq. dictionibus in optimis emendatissimisq'. libris ‖ appositorum ille nuper composuit. ‖ PSAL. LXXI. ‖ [Syriac text] ‖ PSAL. XCIV. ‖ [Syriac text] ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus ‖ Architypographus Regius. ‖ M.D.LXXIII. |
Collation | Folio (406 × 270): A-E⁶; pages 1-59, [60]. Printed, according to oriental tradition, from back to front |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-4: D. Benedicto Ariae Montano theologo…Andreas Masius S.D. (Zevenaar, 15 March 1570; italic type, word in Hebrew, marginals in roman type) 5-59: Text (on two columns; parts in italic type, greek type, Syriac and Hebrew, marginals in italic type and Syriac) 59: approbation (2 August 1570, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Goudanus) [60]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VI |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | Text completely reset; the Errata et addenda have been incorporated into the text. |
Note 2 | For more details cf. treatise no. 2. |
Further reading |
VI. 4. A.
Title page transcription | DICTIONARIVM ‖ SYRO-CHALDAICVM, ‖ GVIDONE FABRICIO BODERIANO ‖ COLLECTORE ET AVCTORE. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus ‖ Architypographus Regius. ‖ M.D.LXXIII. |
Collation | Folio (406 × 270): [*], a⁶, A-Q⁶, R⁴; pages [1-4], 1-12, 1-198, [199-200] (Errors: 29 for 27, 1 for 31, 45 for 43, 95 for 86, 86 for 95, 311 for 113, 19 for 119, 334 for 134, 342 for 142, 147 for 148, 167 for 197). Printed, according to oriental tradition, from back to front |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2-4]: Benedicto Ariae Montano th. doctiss. salutem precatur aeternam Guido Fabricius Boderianus (Valois, 12 August 1571; italic type, words in Hebrew) 1-12: Grammatica Chaldaea (on three and four columns, parts in Hebrew and greek type) 1-198: Dictionarium Syro-Chaldaicum (on three columns; parts in italic type, gothic type, greek type, Hebrew and Syriac) 198: Note of 5 lines in Syriac; approbation (Louvain, 7 December 1570, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, C.R. Goudanus, I. Harlemius) [199-200]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VI |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | It cannot be specified with certitude when version A of this Aramaic grammar and dictionary, compiled by G. Fabricius Boderianus, was composed and printed. |
Further reading |
VI. 4. B.
Title page transcription | DICTIONARIVM ‖ SYRO-CHALDAICVM, ‖ GVIDONE FABRICIO BODERIANO ‖ COLLECTORE ET AVCTORE. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus ‖ Architypographus Regius. ‖ M.D.LXXIII. |
Collation | Folio (418 × 272): [*], a⁶, A-Q⁶, R⁴; pages [1-4], 1-12, 1-197, [198-200] (Errors: 12 for 24). Printed, according to oriental tradition, from back to front |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2-4]: Benedicto Ariae Montano th. doctiss. salutem precatur aeternam Guido Fabricius Boderianus (Valois, 12 August 1571; italic type, words in Hebrew) 1-12: Grammatica Chaldaea (on three and four columns; parts in Hebrew, words in italic type and greek type) 1-197: Dictionarium Syro-Chaldaicum (on two columns; parts in italic type, greek type, gothic type, Hebrew and Syriac) [198]: Note of five lines in Syriac; approbation (Louvain, 7 December 1570, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, C.R. Goudanus, I. Harlemius) [199-200]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VI |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | There was a specific reason why Plantin had this text reset and reprinted: in a letter of 1-7 August 1572 he assures Arias Montanus, who had written him from Rome, that he would immediately forward the text of the Lexicon Syro-Chaldaicum to his compositors for a new edition in which dangerous words [detailed very likely by Arias Montanus] should be dropped so that the work could be shipped to Rome and Spain ('Perlectis litteris distribui statim compositoribus lexicon Syrochaldaicum ad novam cudendam impressionam quam deletis nominibus illis pertentosis istuc et in Hispanias mittere possimus': Correspondance de C. Plantin, III, no. 409). |
Further reading |
VI. 5. A.
Title page transcription | THESAVRI ‖ HEBRAICÆ LINGVÆ, ‖ OLIM A SANTE PAGNINO ‖ LVCENSI CONSCRIPTI, ‖ EPITOME. ‖ Cui accessit ‖ GRAMMATICES ‖ LIBELLVS EX OPTIMIS ‖ QVIBVSQVE GRAMMATICIS ‖ COLLECTVS. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus ‖ Prototypographus Regius. ‖ M.D.LXXII. |
Collation | Folio (405 × 270): *-**⁶, A-M⁶; pages [1-24], 1-141, [142-144] (Errors: 30 for 40, 133 for 123, 120 for 130). Printed, according to Hebrew tradition, from back to front |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Franciscus Raphelengius Alnetanus Hebraicae linguae studiosis S.P.D. (italic type) [3-24]: Grammatica Hebraea, ex omnibus quibusque grammaticis collecta… (roman type, italic type and Hebrew) 1-141: Epitome thesauri linguae sanctae (on three columns; roman type, italic type and Hebrew) 141: approbation (Louvain, 31 March 1569, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Iohannes Wilhelmi Harlemius) [142-143]: Index dictionum quarum radix inventu paulo difficilior videtur: earum radice postposita (on five columns, Hebrew) [144]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VI |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | This Hebrew grammar and dictionary were compiled, after the edition of Santes Pagninus, by F. Raphelengius (cf. cp012200). Version A was composed and printed between August 1571 and 22 March 1572 (Rooses, Musée Plantin-Moretus, page 78). Version B was started on 28 July 1572. |
Note 2 | The first part, including the title-page (pages [1-24]), is the same in both versions. It is, consequently, very difficult to specify which of the remaining part belongs to version A and which to version B. The principal difference is that in one version the dictionary is printed on three columns and in the other on two columns. As in the other parts of vol. 6 the treatises on three columns belong to version A and those on two columns to version B, it may be assumed that this was also the case for the Hebrew dictionary. This means that in the Museum Plantin-Moretus-copies the version A has been gathered into a volume which otherwise has only version B - texts, and vice-versa. |
Further reading |
VI. 5. B.
Title page transcription | Thesauri Hebraicae linguae, olim a Sante Pagnino Lucensi conscripti, epitome. Cui accessit Grammatices libellus, M.D.LXXII. pages [1-24]: same type-composition as version A. |
Collation | A-M⁶; pages 1-141, [142-144]: reset (Errors: 98 for 97, 114 for 115) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | 1-141: Epitome thesauri linguae sanctae (on three columns; roman type, italic type and Hebrew) [142-143]: Index… [144]: approbation (Louvain, 31 March 1569, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Iohannes Wilhelmi Harlemius) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VI |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Further reading |
Title page transcription | |
Collation | |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | |
Edition information | |
Copies | |
Bibliographical references | |
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Note 1 | The Old Testament in Hebrew with interlinear Latin translation (adapted from the editions of Santes Pagninus by B. Arias Montanus, F. Raphelengius and the brothers Le Fèvre de la Boderie) and the New Testament in Greek with interlinear Latin translation forming together a Bible in the original languages with their literal Latin translations. These texts differ somewhat from the ones given in volumes 1-5 (cf. Darlow-Moule, no. 4637, for the Greek New Testament). |
Note 2 | In the Ordo Librorum in the introductory part of volume I, this Bible-edition is given as volume 7. In the catalogues (M 164 and M 296), however, it is listed as volume 6. In the Ordo Librorum is mentioned as forming part of volume 7 the Hebraicorum idiotismorum librum. In the catalogues (M 164 and M 296), this Idiotismi is specified to be the first treatise of volume 8, and, in fact, in the different copies of the Polyglot Bible in Museum Plantin-Moretus this treatise appears as the first part of volume. 8. Very probably after the printing of the Ordo librorum the editors changed their mind: they made of the Bible in Hebrew and Greek an edition confined to these texts (by dropping the Idiotismi) and changed it from volume 7 into volume 6. |
Note 3 | The dropping of the Idiotismi was very likely dictated by the fact that it was decided to print an extra number of copies of the Bible-volume and to sell them separately: see cp012166. |
Further reading |
VII. 1.
Title page transcription | HEBRAICORVM ‖ BIBLIORVM ‖ Veteris Testamenti Latina interpretatio, opera o- ‖ lim Xantis Pagnini Lucensis: nunc verò Bene- ‖ dicti Ariæ; Montani Hispalēsis, Francisci Raphe- ‖ lengii Alnetani, Guidonis, & Nicolai Fabricio- ‖ rum Boderianorum fratrum collato studio, ad ‖ Hebraicam dictionem diligentissimè expensa: ‖ CENSORVM LOVANIENSIVM IVDICIO ‖ EXAMINATA, ET ACADEMIÆ ‖ SVFFRAGIO COM- ‖ PROBATA: ‖ Ad Regij Sacri operis commoditatem ‖ & apparatum. ‖ ⊕ 21 ‖ Christophorus Plantinus Regius Prototypogra- ‖ phus Antuerpiæ excudebat. |
Collation | Folio (402 × 270): (a) †⁴, A-L⁶, M⁸; pages [1-8], 1-147, [148]; (b) a-k⁶, l⁸, m-o⁶, p⁸; pages 1-186, [187-188]; (c) Aa-Ii⁶, Kk⁴; pages 1-114, [115-116]; (d) AA-OO⁶; pages 1-166, [167-168] (Errors: (b) 5-6 for 6-7; (d) 98 for 89). Printed, according to Hebrew tradition, from back to front. Hebrew texts with interlinear Latin translation, on two columns, separated by a double rule |
Fingerprint | 157202 - # a1 A2 ultate : # a2 A3 d$q - # b1 A e : # b2 Q4 tô$m |
Number of sheets | 50 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-7]: Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispalensis in Latinam ex Hebraica veritate Veteris Testamenti interpretationem, ad christianae doctrinae studiosos praefatio (Antwerp, 1 September 1571; parts and marginals in italic type) [7-8]: approbation (University of Louvain: 26 March 1571, signed by Conrardus Sylvius, notarius) [8]: approbation (University of Paris, 8 March 1569, signed by H. Nebrisius, I. Faber, G. Postel, I. Benedictus, Dequicteleufius, Genebrardus) [1]-147: Genesis - Deuteronomium (Hebrew, parts in roman type and italic type, marginals in roman type, Hebrew and italic type) [148]: Blank 1-186: Josuah - Paralipomenon II (Hebrew, parts in roman type and italic type, marginals in roman type, Hebrew and italic type) 186: approbation (signed by Arias Montanus) [187-188]: Blank 1-114: Hezra - Cantica Canticorum (Hebrew, parts in roman type and italic type, marginals in roman type, Hebrew and italic type) [115]: Notes in Hebrew; approbation (signed by B. Arias Montanus) [116]: Blank 1-166: Iesahiahu - Malachi (Hebrew, parts in roman type and italic type, marginals in roman type, Hebrew and italic type) [167]: approbation (signed by B. Arias Montanus); approbation (Louvain, 25 March 1571, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Iohannes Wilhel. Harlemius) [168]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VII |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925757USTC 401529 |
Further reading |
VII. 2.
Title page transcription | NOVVM ‖ TESTAMENTVM ‖ GRAECE ‖ Cum vulgata interpretatione Latina Græce contextus lineis ‖ inserta: Quæ quidem interpretatio, cùm à Græcarum dictio- ‖ num proprietate discedit, sensum, videlicet, magis quàm ‖ verba exprimens, in margine libri est collocata: atque alia ‖ BEN. ARIÆ MONTANI HISPALENSIS ‖ operâ è verbo reddita, ac diuerso characterum genere distin- ‖ cta; LOVANIENSIVM verò Censorum iudicio & totius Aca- ‖ demiæ calculis comprobata; in eius est substituta locum. ‖ TYPOGRAPHVS LECTORI. ‖ HVIVS operis, atque adeò eorum omnium quæ in sacro hoc APPARATV ‖ continentur, qui ordinem, rationemq' omnem cupit cognoscere, is tum eam ‖ quæ proximè sequitur, tum verò eas omnes eiusdem MONTANI Præ- ‖ fationes, quæ quidem singulis sunt ‖ annexae libris, attentè perlegat. huius enim ‖ minimi sanè laboris neminem vnquam pænitebit. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus ‖ Regius Prototypographus. ‖ M.D.LXXII. |
Collation | Folio (400 × 273): A⁴, A-Q⁶; pages [1-8], 1-191, [192] (Errors: 66 not numbered, 96-97 twice numbered, 106-107 omitted, 148 for 146) |
Fingerprint | 000002 - # a1 +2 ai$in$ : # a2 +3 eam$ - # *1b1 A fa : # *1b2 M5 nerabis$ - # *2b1 a2 $ : # *2b2 p5 raru - # *3b1 2A tu$ : # *3b2 2K3 nt$beata$ - # *4b1 2A tos$p : *4b2 2O4 :$ipsum$proph |
Number of sheets | 157 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-7]: Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispalensis, in Novi Testamenti Graeci Latinam interpretationem e verbo expressam ad christianum lectorem praefatio (Antwerp, 1 August 1571; words in italic type and greek type) [8]: Blank [1]-191: Text (Greek text with Latin interlinear translation; on two columns; roman type, italic type and greek type, marginals in roman type, italic type and greek type) 191: approbation (Antwerp, 1 December 1571, signed by B. Arias Montanus; Louvain, 25 March 1571, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Ioannes Wilhelm. Harlemius) [192]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VII |
Bibliographical references | |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925758USTC 405711 |
Further reading |
VII. 3. A.
Title page transcription | COMMVNES ‖ ET FAMILIARES ‖ HEBRAICAE LINGVAE ‖ IDIOTISMI, ‖ OMNIBVS BIBLIORVM INTERPRETATIONIBVS, ‖ ac præcipuè Latinæ Santis Pagnini versioni accommodati, ‖ atque ex variis doctorum virorum laboribus & obseruationi- ‖ bus selecti & explicati, ‖ BENEDICTI ARIÆ MONTANI HISPALENSIS OPERA. ‖ AD SACRORVM BIBLIORVM APPARATVM. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus ‖ Prototypographus Regius. ‖ M.D.LXXII. |
Collation | Folio (417 × 272): A-B⁶; pages 1-24 |
Fingerprint | 157202 - # b1 A2 ectato : # b2 B4 $oculi |
Number of sheets | 6 |
Pages | [1]: Title 2: Benedicti Ariae Montani in librum de Hebraicis Idiotismis, praefatio (1 March 1572; italic type, word in roman type) [3-4]: [Quaedam praeceptiones] (on two columns; italic type, word and marginals in roman type) 5-24: Text (on three columns) 24: approbation (signed by Sebastianus Baer Delphius, Antwerp) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VIII |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925760USTC 401534 |
Further reading |
VII. 3. B.
Title page transcription | COMMVNES ‖ ET FAMILIARES ‖ HEBRAICAE LINGVAE ‖ IDIOTISMI, ‖ OMNIBVS BIBLIORVM INTERPRETATIONIBVS, ‖ ac præcipuè Latinæ Santis Pagnini versioni accommodati, ‖ atque ex variis doctorum virorum laboribus & obseruationi- ‖ bus selecti & explicati, ‖ BENEDICTI ARIÆ MONTANI HISPALENSIS OPERA. ‖ AD SACRORVM BIBLIORVM APPARATVM. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus ‖ Architypographus Regius, ‖ Anno M.D.LXXII. |
Collation | Folio (400 × 275): A-B⁶; pages 1-24 |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Benedicti Ariae Montani in librum de Hebraicis Idiotismis, praefatio (1 March 1572; italic type, word in roman type) [3-4]: [Quaedam praeceptiones] (on two columns; italic type, word and marginals in roman type) [5]-24: Text (on three columns) 24: approbation (signed by Sebastianus Baer Delphius, Antwerp) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VIII |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | The text has been completely reset. That this is the second version can safely be deduced from the title given to Plantin: 'architypographus', whilst in the version A it is always 'prototypographus'. |
Further reading |
VIII. 1. A.
Title page transcription | LIBER IOSEPH, ‖ SIVE, ‖ DE ARCANO SERMONE, ‖ AD SACRI APPARATUS INSTRV- ‖ CTIONEM, A BENEDICTO ARIA MONTANO ‖ HISPALENSI CONCINNATVS. ‖ TYPOGRAPHVS LECTORI. ‖ Habes in hoc opere, studiose Lector, præter plenam totius argumenti suscepti dis- ‖ putationem, vltra vndecim mille sacræ scripturæ loca apertè explicata, ad quæ ‖ cætera quæcunque eiusdem generis fuerint, referre certissimè possis. quod si ‖ hoc volumen cum proximo de Actione coniungas, perpetuum sacrorum li- ‖ brorum commentarium tibi paraueris. ‖ ⊕ 11 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus ‖ Prototypographus Regius. ‖ Anno M.D.LXXI. |
Collation | Folio (417 × 272): †⁴, A-K⁶, L⁴; pages [1-8], 1-118, [119-128] (Errors: 22 for 26, 27 for 35) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3]: Benedictus Arias Montanus sacrarum literarum studioso lectori signed by (Antwerp, 5 October 1571) [4-7]: De divisione rerum ex quibus arcanus instituitur sermo, ac symbola petuntur (italic type, words in roman type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type and italic type) [8]: Blank [1]-2: Praefatio (italic type, word in roman type, marginals in italic type) 3-118: Text (on two columns, words in italic type, greek type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type, italic type and Hebrew) [118-125]: Indices (on four columns, italic type) [125]: approbation (signed by Sebastianus Baer Delphius, Antwerp; signed by Franc. Sonnius) [126-128]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VIII |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Further reading |
VIII. 1. B.
Title page transcription | LIBER IOSEPH, ‖ SIVE, ‖ DE ARCANO SERMONE, ‖ AD SACRI APPARATVS INSTRV- ‖ CTIONEM, A BENEDICTO ARIA MONTANO ‖ HISPALENSI CONCINNATVS. ‖ TYPOGRAPHVS LECTORI. ‖ Habes in hoc opere, studiose Lector, præter plenam totius argumenti suscepti dis- ‖ putationem, vitra vndecim mille sacræ scripturæ loca apertè explicata, ad quæ ‖ cætera quæcunque eiusdem generis fuerint, referre certissimè possis. quod si ‖ hoc volumen cum proximo de Actione coniungas, perpetuum sacrorum li- ‖ brorum commentarium tibi paraueris. ‖ ⊕ 11 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus ‖ Architypographus Regius. ‖ Anno M.D. LXXII. |
Collation | Folio (400 × 275): A-K⁶, L⁴; pages 1-122, [123-128] |
Fingerprint | 157202 - # b1 A2 s$etia : # b2 L3 ia. |
Number of sheets | 32 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Benedictus Arias Montanus sacrarum literarum studioso lectori signed by (Antwerp, 5 October 1571) 3-5: De divisione rerum ex quibus arcanus instituitur sermo, ac symbola petuntur (on two columns; italic type, words in roman type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type and italic type) 6-7: Praefatio (italic type, word in roman type, marginals in italic type) 8-122: Text (on two columns; words in italic type, greek type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type, italic type and Hebrew) 122-[128]: Indices (on five and four columns; italic type) [128]: approbation (signed by Sebastianus Baer Delphius, Antwerp, signed by Franc. Sonnius) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VIII |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925761USTC 401531 |
Further reading |
VIII. 2. A.
Title page transcription | LIBER IEREMIAE, ‖ SIVE, ‖ DE ACTIONE, ‖ AD SACRI APPARATVS INSTRV- ‖ CTIONEM, BENEDICTO ARIA MONTANO ‖ HISPALENSI AVCTORE EDITVS. ‖ TYPOGRAPHVS LECTORI. ‖ NOVI argumenti librum tibi studiose Lector edimus, non modo ad sacrarum ‖ scripturarum interpretationem, sed ad omnium ferè aliorum auctorum expo- ‖ sitionem vtilissimum; & multorum in sacra scriptura difficillimorum locorum ‖ Indicem expeditissimum. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus ‖ Prototypographus Regius. ‖ Anno M.D.LXXI. |
Collation | Folio (417 × 272): a⁶, b⁸; pages 1-26, [27-28] |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-6]: Praefatio (Antwerp, 15 March 1571; parts in italic type, marginals in italic type) [6]: De ratione habitus et gestus, eorumque cognitione et usu brevis quaedam praeceptio (italic type, words in roman type); De portentosis actionibus (italic type, word in roman type, marginals in roman type and italic type) 7-26: Text (on two columns; words in Hebrew, marginals in roman type and italic type) [27-28]: Indices (on four columns; italic type) [28]: approbation (signed by Reinerus Brakel, Antwerp) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VIII |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Further reading |
VIII. 2. B.
Title page transcription | LIBER IEREMIAE, ‖ SIVE, ‖ DE ACTIONE, ‖ AD SACRI APPARATVS INSTRV- ‖ CTIONEM, BENEDICTO ARIA MONTANO ‖ HISPALENSI AVCTORE EDITVS. ‖ TYPOGRAPHVS LECTORI. ‖ NOVI argumenti librum tibi studiose Lector edimus, non modo ad sacrarum scri- ‖ pturarum interpretationem, sed ad omnium ferè aliorum auctorum expositionem ‖ vtilissimum; & multorum in sacra scriptura difficillimorum locorum Indicem ‖ expeditissimum. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus ‖ Architypographus Regius. ‖ Anno M.D.LXXIII. |
Collation | Folio (400 × 275): a⁶, b⁸; pages 1-21 (= for 25), [26-28] (Errors: 21 for 25) |
Fingerprint | 157302 - # b1 a2 $pos : # b2 b5 $aliq |
Number of sheets | 7 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2-5]: Praefatio (Antwerp, 15 March 1571; parts and marginals in italic type) [5]: De ratione habitus et gestus…(italic type, word in roman type); De portentosis actionibus (italic type, word in roman type, marginals in roman type and italic type) 6-21 (= for 25): Text (on two columns; words in Hebrew, marginals in roman type and italic type) [26-27]: Indices (on four columns; italic type) [27]: approbation (signed by Reinerus Brakel, Antwerp) [28]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VIII |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925764USTC 401601 |
Further reading |
VIII. 3. A.
Title page transcription | THVBAL-CAIN, ‖ SIVE, ‖ DE MENSVRIS SACRIS ‖ LIBER, ‖ Tribus voluminibus distinctus. ‖ DE CVBITO. ‖ DE SATHO. ‖ DE SICLO. ‖ BENEDICTO ARIA MONTANO ‖ HISPALENSI AVCTORE. ‖ TYPOGRAPHVS LECTORI. ‖ EXHIBEMVS tibi, studiose Lector, non solùm mensurarum, ponderum, ac ‖ nummorum, quæ in sacris indicantur libris, certam expensamq' rationem, sed ‖ earundem rerum elementa vera, quibus aliorum etiam auctorum, qui aliquid in ‖ hoc genere scripsere, sententiam vera æstimatione tenere possis. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus Prototypographus ‖ Regius: ad sacrorum Bibliorum Apparatum. ‖ Anno M.D.LXXII. |
Collation | Folio (417 × 272): aa⁶-bb⁴; pages 1-23 (= for 19), [20] (Errors: 13 for 14, 23 for 19) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Auctor lectori (parts in italic type and Hebrew, words in greek type) [3-5]: Praefatio (italic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) 6-23 (= for 19): Text (on two columns, words in italic type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type and Hebrew); approbation (signed by Reynerus Brakel, Antwerp; signed by Franc. Sonnius) [20]: Ill |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VIII |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | With an illustration (see description in section illustrations). |
Further reading |
VIII. 3. B.
Title page transcription | THVBAL-CAIN, ‖ SIVE, ‖ DE MENSVRIS SACRIS ‖ LIBER, ‖ Tribus voluminibus distinctus. ‖ DE CVBITO. ‖ DE SATHO. ‖ DE SICLO. ‖ BENEDICTO ARIA MONTANO ‖ HISPALENSI AVCTORE. ‖ TYPOGRAPHVS LECTORI. ‖ EXHIBEMVS tibi, studiose Lector, non solùm mensurarum, ponderum, ac nummo- ‖ rum, quæ in sacris indicantur libris, certam expensamq' rationem, sed earundem rerum ‖ elementa vera, quibus aliorum etiam auctorum, qui aliquid in hoc genere scripsere, sen- ‖ tentiam vera æstimatione tenere possis. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus Architypographus ‖ Regius: ad sacrorum Bibliorum Apparatum. ‖ Anno M.D.LXXII. |
Collation | Folio (400 × 275): aa⁶, bb⁴; pages 1-19, [20] |
Fingerprint | 157202 - # b1 2a2 $sua$p : # b2 2b3 .$&$N |
Number of sheets | 5 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Auctor lectori (roman type, italic type and Hebrew) 3-5: Praefatio (italic type, words and marginals in roman type) 6-19: Text (on two columns; words in italic type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type and Hebrew) 19: approbation (signed by Reynerus Brakel, Antwerp; signed by Franc. Sonnius) [20]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VIII |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925768USTC 442789 |
Note 1 | The illustration in version A has not been reproduced in version B. |
Further reading |
VIII. 4. A.
Title page transcription | PHALEG, ‖ SIVE, ‖ DE GENTIVM SEDIBVS ‖ PRIMIS, ORBISQVE TERRÆ ‖ SITV, LIBER, ‖ BENEDICTO ARIA MONTANO ‖ HISPALENSI AVCTORE. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus Prototypographus ‖ Regius, ad sacri Apparatus instructionem. ‖ Anno M.D. LXXII. |
Collation | Folio (417 × 272): A⁸; pages 1-14, [15-16] |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-6]: Praefatio (Antwerp, 1 March 1572; italic type, words in roman type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type and italic type) [7] -14: Text (on two columns, parts in italic type, marginals in roman type, italic type and Hebrew) 14: Note on the map (italic type, word in roman type) [15-16]: Pars orbis Iapheth adscripta (on two columns, parts in italic type and Hebrew) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VIII |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | With an illustration (world-map) (see description in section illustrations). |
Further reading |
VIII. 4. B.
Title page transcription | PHALEG, ‖ SIVE, ‖ DE GENTIVM SEDIBVS ‖ PRIMIS, ORBISQVE TERRÆ ‖ SITV, LIBER, ‖ BENEDICTO ARIA MONTANO ‖ HISPALENSI AVCTORE. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus Architypographus ‖ Regius, ad sacrorum Bibliorum Apparatum. ‖ Anno M.D.LXXII. |
Collation | Folio (400 × 275): A⁸; pages 1-13, [14-16] |
Fingerprint | 157202 - # 1b1 A2 $part : # 1b2 A5 istru - # 2b1 A u : # 2b2 A3 endi - # 3b1 A ab : # 3b2 A5 bu$fa |
Number of sheets | 10 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2-5]: Praefatio (Antwerp, 1 March 1572; italic type, words in roman type and Hebrew, marginals in italic type) 6-13: Text (on two columns; words in italic type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type, italic type and Hebrew) 13-[14]: Index (on four columns; italic type) [14]: Note on the map [15-16]: Pars orbis Iapheth adscripta (on two columns, parts in italic type and Hebrew) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VIII |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925769USTC 415502 |
Note 1 | illustration as in version A. |
Further reading |
VIII. 5. A-B.
Collation | Folio (417 × 272): A⁴; pages 1-7, [8] |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | 1: Heading 1-2: Praefatio (Antwerp, 7 March 1572; italic type, word in roman type, marginals in italic type) 3-7: Text (on two columns, words in Hebrew and greek type, marginals in italic type) [8]: approbation (signed by Sebastianus Baer Delphius, Antwerp) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VIII |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | With an illustration (map of Chanaan) (see description in section illustrations). |
Further reading |
VIII. 6. A.
Collation | Folio (417 × 272): A⁶; pages 1-10, [11-12] (Errors: 8 for 6, 5 for 7) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Heading [1-2]: Praefatio (Antwerp, 1 March 1572; italic type, word in roman type) 3-10: Text (on two columns, words and marginals in italic type, greek type and Hebrew) [11-12]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VIII |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | With an illustration (map of Israel) (see description in section illustrations). |
Further reading |
VIII. 6. B.
Collation | Folio (400 × 275): A⁸; pages 1-10, [11-16] |
Fingerprint | 157202 - # 1b1 A2 $part : # 1b2 A5 istru - # 2b1 A u : # 2b2 A3 endi - # 3b1 A ab : # 3b2 A5 bu$fa |
Number of sheets | 10 |
Pages | [1]: Heading [1-2]: Praefatio (Antwerp, 1 March 1572; italic type, word in roman type) 3-10: Text (on two columns; words and marginals in italic type, greek type and Hebrew) 10-[16]: Indices (on four and five columns; italic type) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VIII |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925769USTC 415502 |
Note 1 | illustration as in version A. |
Further reading |
VIII. 7. A.
Title page transcription | EXEMPLAR, ‖ SIVE, ‖ DE SACRIS FABRICIS ‖ LIBER, ‖ BENEDICTO ARIA MONTANO ‖ HISPALENSI AVCTORE. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus Prototypographus ‖ Regius, ad sacri Apparatus instructionem. ‖ Anno M.D.LXXII. |
Collation | Folio (417 × 272): A⁶, B⁴; pages 1-18, [19-20] |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-5]: Praefatio (Antwerp, 31 October; italic type) 6-18: Text (on two columns; parts in italic type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type, italic type and Hebrew) [19]: approbation (signed by Reinerus Brakel, Antwerp) [20]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VIII |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | Contains: a) Noah sive de arcae fabrica; b) Beseleel, sive de tabernaculo; c) Ariel, sive de templi fabrica et structura. |
Note 2 | 10 illustrations on the construction of the Ark of Noah, the Tabernacle, the Temple (see description in section illustrations). |
Further reading |
VIII. 7. B.
Title page transcription | EXEMPLAR, ‖ SIVE, ‖ DE SACRIS FABRICIS ‖ LIBER. ‖ BENEDICTO ARIA MONTANO ‖ HISPALENSI AVCTORE. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus Architypographus ‖ Regius, ad sacri Apparatus instructionem. ‖ Anno M.D.LXXII. |
Collation | Folio (400 × 275): A⁸; pages 1-16 |
Fingerprint | 157202 - # b1 A2 tholic : # b2 A5 ncta |
Number of sheets | 4 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]-3: Praefatio (Antwerp, 31 October; on two columns; italic type) 4-16: Text (on two columns; words in italic type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type, italic type and Hebrew) 16: approbation (signed by Reinerus Brakel, Antwerp) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VIII |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925770USTC 401533 |
Note 1 | illustrations as in version A. |
Further reading |
VIII. 8. A.
Collation | Folio (417 × 272): a⁴; pages 1-6, [7-8] |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Praefatio (Antwerp, 26 March 1572; italic type, word in roman type) 3-6: Text (on two columns; parts in italic type, greek type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type, italic type and Hebrew) [7]: illustration [8]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VIII |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | With an illustration: a high-priest in full ornate (see description in section illustrations). |
Further reading |
VIII. 9. A.
Collation | Folio (417 × 272): *; pages [1-4] |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Heading [1]: Praefatio (Antwerp, 17 March 1572; italic type, words in roman type) [2-4]: Text (on two columns; word in greek type, marginals in roman type and Hebrew; illustration on page 3) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VIII |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | With an illustration: plan of Jerusalem (see description in section illustrations). |
Further reading |
VIII. 8. and 9. B.
Title page transcription | [Heading:] AARON, ‖ SIVE, ‖ SANCTORVM VESTIMENTORVM ‖ ORNAMENTORVMQVE SVMMA ‖ descriptio; ad sacri Apparatus instructionem: ‖ BENEDICTO ARIA MONTANO ‖ HISPALENSI, EXPOSITORE. |
Collation | Folio (400 × 275): a⁴; pages 1-7, [8] (Errors: 5-6 not numbered) |
Fingerprint | 000002 - # b1 a I : # b2 a2 m$ |
Number of sheets | 2 |
Pages | [1]: Heading; Praefatio (Antwerp, 26 March 1572; italic type, word in roman type) 2-4: Text (on two columns; words in italic type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type, italic type and Hebrew) [5]: illustration [6]: [Heading:] NEHEMIAS, ‖ SIVE, ‖ DE ANTIQVAE IERVSALEM ‖ SITV, VOLVMEN: A BENEDICTO ARIA ‖ MONTANO HISPALENSI DESCRIPTVM [6]: Praefatio (Antwerp, 17 March 1572; italic type, words in roman type) 7: Text (on two columns, word in greek type, marginals in roman type, italic type and Hebrew) [8]: Ill |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VIII |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12926276USTC 442791 |
Note 1 | In this version B the two treatises of version A - Aaron and Nehemias - have been brought together, in this sense that the pagination of Nehemias continues the one of Aaron. The separate heading of Nehemias, however, has been kept. |
Note 2 | Two illustrations as in version A, 8-9. |
Further reading |
VIII. 10. A.
Title page transcription | DANIEL, ‖ SIVE, ‖ DE SAECVLIS CODEX ‖ INTEGER, ‖ A ‖ BENEDICTO ARIA MONTANO ‖ HISPALENSI RATIONEM EX SACRIS ‖ nominibus subducente, conscriptus. ‖ TYPOGRAPHVS LECTORI. ‖ OMNIA ferè quæ de temporum ratione significata maioribus summis in ‖ sacra Bibliorum historia nobis credenda proponebantur, minutis numeris é pro- ‖ priis locis sigillatim in hunc codicem relata, iam velut demonstrata tenere ‖ licebit. Expectabis verò ab auctore ipso (tantùm Deus illius vota secundet) ‖ maius opus, in quo historiarum in speciem circa tempora repugnantiæ apertissi- ‖ ma explicatione dirimantur. Interim his fruere laboribus tibi magno ad lucem ‖ sacræ lectioni admouendam vsui futuris. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus Prototypographus ‖ Regius, ad sacri Apparatus instructionem. ‖ Anno M.D.LXXII. |
Collation | Folio (417 × 272): A⁶; pages 1-11, [12] |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-5: Praefatio (Antwerp, 1 January 1572; italic type, words in roman type, greek type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type and italic type) 6-11: Text (on two columns; parts in italic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) 11: approbation (signed by D. Henricus Dunghen, Antwerp) [12]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VIII |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Further reading |
VIII. 10. B.
Title page transcription | DANIEL, ‖ SIVE, ‖ DE SAECVLIS CODEX ‖ INTEGER, ‖ A ‖ BENEDICTO ARIA MONTANO ‖ HISPALENSI, RATIONEM EX SACRIS ‖ nominibus subducente, conscriptus. ‖ TYPOGRAPHVS LECTORI. ‖ Omnia ferè quæ de temporum ratione significata maioribus summis in ‖ sacra Bibliorū historia nobis credenda proponebantur, minutis numeris è pro- ‖ prijs locis sigillatim in hunc codicem relata, iam velut demonstrata tenere ‖ licebit. Expectabis verò ab auctore ipso (tantùm Deus illius vota secundet) ‖ maius opus, in quo historiarum in speciem circa tempora repugnantiæ apertissi- ‖ ma explicatione dirimantur. Interim his fruere laboribus tibi magno ad lu- ‖ cem sacræ lectioni admouendam vsui futuris. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus Architypographus ‖ Regius, ad sacrorum Bibliorum Apparatum. ‖ Anno M.D.LXXII. |
Collation | Folio (401 × 270): A⁴; pages 1-8 |
Fingerprint | 157202 - # b1 A2 CI : # b2 A3 æc$ |
Number of sheets | 2 |
Pages | [1]: Title 2-3: Praefatio (italic type, words in roman type, greek type and Hebrew; marginals in roman type and italic type) 4-8: Text (on two columns; parts in italic type, marginals in italic type and roman type) 8: approbation (signed by D. Henricus Dunghen, Antwerp) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VIII |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925820USTC 442792 |
Further reading |
VIII. 11. A-B.
Collation | Folio (401 × 270): A-C⁴; pages 1-22, [23-24] |
Fingerprint | 000002 - # b1 A R : # b2 C3 psu |
Number of sheets | 6 |
Pages | 1: Heading 1: Iohannes Harlemius lectori signed by (italic type) 1-20: Text (on three columns; parts in italic type and greek type) 21-22: Catalogus librorum canonicorum Veteris et Novi Testamenti…(on three columns; part in greek type) [23]: approbation (signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Louvain, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Louvain); EXCVDEBAT ANTVERPIÆ CHRISTOPHORVS PLANTINVS, POSTRIDIE ‖ CALENDARVM IANVARII, ANNO M.D.LXXII [24]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VIII |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925821USTC 405727 |
Note 1 | On this edition: see J. Harlemius, Index Biblicus, no. 1290. |
Further reading |
VIII. 12. A-B.
Title page transcription | [Heading:] HEBRAEA, CHALDAEA, GRAECA ‖ ET LATINA NOMINA VIRORVM, MVLIERVM, POPVLORVM, ‖ idolorum, vrbium, fluuiorum, montium, cæterorumq̓ue locorum quæ ‖ in Biblis vtriusque Testamenti leguntur in veteri interprete, cum aliquot ‖ appellatiuis Hebraicis, Chaldaicis, & Græcis vocibus: adiecta eorum ex- ‖ positione & explicatione. Locorū præterea descriptio ex Cosmographis. |
Collation | Folio (401 × 270): A-E⁶; pages [1-60] |
Fingerprint | 000002 - # b1 A r : # b2 E4 ut$p |
Number of sheets | 15 |
Pages | [1]: Heading; Typographus Christiano lectori signed by (italic type) [1-60]: Text (on two columns; parts in italic type, greek type and Hebrew, marginals in Hebrew and greek type) [60]: approbation (13 March 1571, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus and Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VIII |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925822USTC 405706 |
Note 1 | On this edition see: Hebraea, Chaldaea, Graeca et Latina nomina…, nos. 1747-1751. |
Further reading |
VIII. 13. A-B.
Collation | Folio (401 × 270): A-D⁴; pages 1-31, [32]. Printed, according to oriental tradition, from back to front |
Fingerprint | 000002 - # b1 A ll : # b2 C3 itu |
Number of sheets | 8 |
Pages | 1: Heading 1-2: Franciscus Raphelengius Chaldaicae linguae studiosis signed by (parts in Hebrew) 3-28: Text (on four columns; italic type, Hebrew and words in roman type) 28: approbation (9 March 1572, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Iohannes Wilhelm. Harlemius) 29-31: Loca ex Chaldaica paraphrasi reiecta, quae supervacanea esse videbantur (on three columns; Hebrew, parts in italic type) [32]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VIII |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925834USTC 405737 |
Further reading |
VIII. 14. A.(?)
Collation | Folio (417 × 272): [a⁴]; pages [1-8] |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Heading [1-3]: Praefatio ad lectorem (Antwerp, 13 January 1572; words in italic type, greek type and Hebrew, marginals in italic type) [3-4]: Benedicti Ariae Montani de exemplari psalterii Anglicani animadversio (italic type, parts in roman type and Hebrew) [4]: Psalmus XCVI…(Hebrew, parts in roman type and italic type; marginals in roman type and Hebrew) [5-8]: Text (on five columns; Hebrew, parts in italic type) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VIII |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | The texts have been set twice. There are, consequently, two versions, but it is not possible to decide with any certainty which is version A and which version B. As A 5 contains nearly exclusively version A-texts and B 65 version B-texts, it may be assumed that this is also the case for this particular treatise. |
Further reading |
VIII. 14. B.(?)
Collation | Folio (401 × 270): †⁴; pages [1-8] |
Fingerprint | 000002 - # b1=b2 +2 ntiq |
Number of sheets | 2 |
Pages | [1]: Heading [1-3]: Praefatio ad lectorem (Antwerp, 13 January 1572; words in italic type, greek type and Hebrew, marginals in italic type) [3-4]: Benedicti Ariae Montani de psalterii Anglicani exemplari animadversio (italic type, parts in roman type and Hebrew) [4]: Psalmus XCVI…(Hebrew, parts in roman type and italic type, marginals in roman type and Hebrew) [5-8]: Text (on five columns; Hebrew, parts in italic type) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VIII |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925836USTC 405715 |
Further reading |
VIII. 15. A.
Collation | Folio (417 × 272): A⁸; pages [1-16] |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Heading; Praefatio (italic type, word in roman type) [1-13]: Text (on three columns; greek type, words in roman type and italic type) [14]: Ad lectorem (italic type); approbation (Louvain, 19 November 1571, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Johannes Harlemius) [15-16]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VIII |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | The texts have been set twice. There are no external clues to decide which is version A and which is version B. However, as in all the other treatises belonging to version B there is a very marked tendency to gain pages (and paper) by making the type-disposition more compact, it may be accepted that the text in B 65 represents version B and the one in A 5 version A. |
Further reading |
VIII. 15. B.
Collation | Folio (401 × 270): A⁶; pages [1-12] |
Fingerprint | 000002 - # b1 A s : # b2 A4 dièr |
Number of sheets | 3 |
Pages | [1]: Heading; Praefatio (italic type, word in roman type) [1-12]: Text (on three columns; greek type, words in roman type and italic type) [12]: Ad lectorem (italic type); approbation (Louvain, 19 November 1571, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Johannes Harlemius) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VIII |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925837USTC 442793 |
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VIII. 16. A. (?)
Collation | Folio (417 × 272): A⁶; pages 1-11, [12] |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Heading [1]-11: Text (on two columns, parts in italic type, greek type and Hebrew) 11: approbation (2 November 1571, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Johannes Harlemius) [12]: Blank |
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Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 5 VIII |
Bibliographical references | |
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Note 1 | See the remark under no. 14. |
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VIII. 16. B.(?)
Collation | Folio (401 × 270): A⁶; pages 1-11, [12] |
Fingerprint | 000002 - # b1 A2 rtis : # b2 A4 us$s |
Number of sheets | 3 |
Pages | [1]: Heading [1]-11: Text (on two columns; parts in italic type, greek type and Hebrew) 11: approbation (2 November 1571, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Johannes Harlemius) [12]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VIII |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925838USTC 405710 |
Further reading |
VIII. 17. A-B.
Collation | Folio (401 × 270): A-C⁶; pages 1-33, [34-36] |
Fingerprint | 000002 - # b1 A e : # b2 C4 ibu |
Number of sheets | 9 |
Pages | [1]: Heading; Praefatio Iohan. Harlemii; Explicatio quorundam signorum quibus in his variis lectionibus usi sumus 2-33: Text (on three columns; parts in italic type; page 26: Lectori) [34]: approbation (Louvain, 4 February 1572, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus) [35]: Loca quaedam in quibus a librariis error aliquis commissus videri poterat, quem tamen ex manuscriptis deprehendere nequivimus (parts in italic type, greek type and Hebrew) [36]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | (B 65 VIII) |
Bibliographical references | Adams B-970Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925857USTC 442795 |
Further reading |
VIII. 18. A-B.
Collation | Folio (401 × 270): †⁸; pages [1-16] |
Fingerprint | 000002 - # b1 + $ : # b2 +4 ius |
Number of sheets | 4 |
Pages | [1]: Heading [1-2]: Introduction (Antwerp; words in Syriac) [3-12]: Tabula titulorum…(on two columns; Syriac, parts in roman type and italic type) [13-14]: Loca restituta…(on three columns; roman type and Syriac; words in Hebrew) [14]: G. Fabric, lectori 15 lines Syriac text (on one column) [15-16]: Errata (on three columns; italic type, parts in roman type, Hebrew and Syriac) [16]:G. Fabr. lectori |
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Illustrations | Copper engravings: Some with the monograms of the engravers Petrus a Merica (or Van der Heyden) (PAM), Pieter Huys (PH), Joannes Wiericx (IW), Philip Galle (PG). The allegorical and symbolical meaning of the frontispieces are explained in the 'Tabularum in Regiis Bibliis depictarum brevis explicatio per Christophorum Plantinum' (Introductory part of volume I); the illustrations in volume VIII are enumerated and their order indicated in the 'Ordo librorum…' (Introductory part of volume I). Volume I: three frontispieces: 1) c. 375 × c. 245: Title-page (PAM) 2) c. 375 × c. 245: Allegory of the 'pietas regia' (= Philip II) (PAM) 3) 370 × 260: Allegory of the Authority of the Pentateuch. Volume 2: 1 frontispiece (c. 365 × c. 245): The crossing of the Jordan by the people of Israel (IW). Volume 4: 1 frontispiece (367 × 240): Workers in the vineyard of the Lord. Volume 5: 1 frontispiece (382 × 244): The baptism of Christ. Volume 8: 16 illustrations: 1) 89 × 65: representation of a sicla (PG): on the last page (page [24]) of the treatise Tubalcain [only in version A; in version B the illustration has been dropped] 2) 310 × 325: world-map (with texts in Latin and Hebrew, and an inscription naming Arias Montanus as the designer and giving the date of 1571) [in version A: on the first blank page a typographical text 'Orbis tabula. Ben. Aria Montano auctore'. In version B this inscription has been dropped]: hors texte accompanying the treatise Phaleg 3) 329 × c. 505: Map of Chanaan (inscription naming Arias Montanus as the designer): hors texte accompanying the treatise Chanaan 4) 340 × 500: Map of the Terra Israel (inscription naming Arias Montanus as the designer): hors texte accompanying the treatise Chaleb 5) 10 illustrations hors texte accompanying the treatise Exemplar sive de sacris fabricis liber: a) 138 × 345: Arca Noe (Inscription: '…Ben. Ariae Montano expositor.') b) 163 × 368: Tabernacle (Inscription: 'Sacri tabernaculi icnographia Bened. Aria Montano descriptore') (PH) c) 190 × 388: Tabernacle (Inscription: 'Sacri tabernaculi orthographia ex interiori prospectu. B.A.M. descriptore') (PH) d) 140 × 375: Tabernacle (Inscription: 'Sacri tabernaculi orthographia exprospectu exteriori secundum artem. B.A.M.') (PH) e) 140 × 390: Tabernacle (Inscription: 'Tabernaculi absoluti ac triplici velo tecti exemplum') (PH) f) 240 × 368: (Inscription: 'Sacri in tabernaculo apparatus partes exdescriptione Mosis a Bened. Aria Montano observata') (PH) g) 362 × 240: Camp of Israel (IW) h) 315 × 440: Ground-plan of the Temple of Jerusalem (Inscription: 'Templi Ierosolymitani antiqui…icnographia. Ben. Aria Montano Hispalensi descriptore') (PH) i) 368 × 215: Part of the Temple of Jerusalem (Inscription: 'Sacrae aedis icnographia ex Benedicti Ariae Montani descriptione) (PH) j) Part of the Temple of Jerusalem (Inscription: 'Templi cum porticu et cellis absoluta orthographia ex descriptione Bened. Ariae Montani…') (PH) [Note: this order as given in Plantin's explicatio. The actual order in the different copies can be modified] 6) 364 × 245: A Hebrew great-priest (PH): hors texte accompanying the treatise Aaron 7) 284 × 247: Plan of Jerusalem, in the treatise Nehemias. Note: The three maps and the ten illustrations of Exemplar sive de sacris fabricis liber in volume 8 have been reproduced as hors texte in B. Arias Montanus, Antiquitatum Iudaicarum libri IX, Leiden, Officina Plantiniana apud F. Raphelengium, 1593 |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - B 65 VIIIMuseum Plantin-Moretus (complete sets: A 5, B 65, R 45.4; also: volumes 1, 2, 4: B 948; volume 6: A 6; volume 7: R 39.5 [on vellum]. Note: a) marginal annotations by Arias Montanus in B 948, volumes 1, 2R 45.4, volumes 1, 4b) proof sheets with the corrections of Arias Montanus: R 45.4, volumes 2 and 5, and B. 948, volumes 4c) copy of volumes 5 [New Testament] in which Latin Vulgata text has been left blank, probably specially arranged for Arias Montanus: B 948bis)Heritage Library Hendrik Conscience Antwerp - with a printed leaf inserted, a dedicatory of Plantin to the magistrate of the city of Antwerp; text reproduced in F.H. Mertens, Catalogue méthodique de la Bibliothèque publique d'Anvers, 2, 1846, page VII; proof sheet in Museum Plantin-Moretus, folio Varia II, 4; draft of the dedicatory in the hand of Plantin in Arch. 9, folio 63 rectoAllard PiersonMajor Seminary Ten Duinen BrugesKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeRoyal Library of San Lorenzo de El Escorial - copy on vellumUniversity Library GenevaGhent University LibraryMunicipal Library Haarlem - copy presented to Prince William of Orange - cf. L. Hellinga-Querido, De koningsbijbel van de prins, Haarlem, 1971Leiden University LibrariesBritish Library London - copy on vellum, with a printed leaf inserted at the beginning, stating that this copy was presented by Arias Montanus, at the command of Philip II, to the Duke of Alva - text of the inscription in Darlow-Moule, no. 1422Cambridge University LibraryMunicipal Library LyonsBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaAbbey MaredsousBibliothèques de l'UMONSBodleian LibrariesBiblioteca Nazionale Centrale di RomaBN Turin - on vellumUtrecht University LibraryVatican Apolstolic Library - on vellum |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, page 89 (1569, no. 1), page 101 (1571, no. 1), page 118 (1572, no. 1), pages 128-135 (1573, no. 1) Masch, I, pages 340-349 Darlow-Moule, no. 1422 Adams B-970 Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 436 See also Notes |
Bibliographical references | |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925858USTC 405726 |
Note 1 | Plantin's Polyglot Bible in five languages (Latin, Greek, Hebrew, 'Chaldaic' [= Aramaic], and Syriac) and eight volumes may considered to be the largest typographical enterprise of the 16th century. A general survey on the genesis of the work, its characteristics and its importance in the general context of the Plantin Press in L. Voet, The Golden Compasses, I, pages 60-64. See also by L. Voet: De Polyglot-Bijbel: de geschiedenis van een reuzenonderneming (catalogue of the exhibition in Museum Plantin-Moretus, 14 July - 30 September 1972), and 'De Antwerpse Polyglot-Bijbel' in Noordgouw, Cultureel Tijdschrift van de Provincie Antwerpen, 1973, pages 33-52; and Federico Perez Castro - L. Voet, La Biblia Poliglota de Amberes, Madrid, Fundacion Universitaria Espanola, 1973 (French and Spanish translation). Some additional details in L. Voet, The Golden Compasses, II, pages 36, 42, 46, 246, 250, 251, 288, 316. The most fundamental study, referring to the Plantinian archives, remains M. Rooses, 'Plantijns Koninklijke Bijbel. Geschiedenis van een boek in de XVIe eeuw' in De Gids, 3, 1880, pages 238-278; retaken, with corrections and additions, in Le Musée, pages 71-93. Cf. also T. Lamy, 'La Bible royale en cinq langues imprimée par Plantin' in Bulletin de l'Académie royale de Belgique, 1892, pages 628-668; C. de Clerq, 'Les éditions bibliques, liturgiques et canoniques de Plantin' in De Gulden Passer, 34, 1956, pages 162-168; C. Clair, 'The Antwerp Polyglot' in The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 82, 1954, pages 118-125; C. Clair, Christopher Plantin, 1960, pages 57-86; B. Rekers, Benito Arias Montano, 1961, pages 97 sqq. (also in English translation); L. Hellinga-Querido, De koningsbijbel van de prins in de Stadsbibliotheek te Haarlem, 1971; M. Sabbe, 'Guy Le Fèvre de la Boderie et la Polyglotte anversoise' in De Gulden Passer, 6, 1928, pages 250-252; F. Asencio, 'Juan de Mariana y la Poliglota de Amberes: censura oficial y sugerencias de M. Bataillon' in Gregorianum, 36, 1955, pages 50-80; F. Secret, 'Documents pour servir à l'histoire de la publication de la Bible d'Anvers' in Sefarad, 18, 1958, pages 121-128. |
Note 2 | Plantin's Polyglot Bible, also known as the Royal Polyglot or the Antwerp Polyglot, is the second of the great Polyglots. Its model was the first - the Complutensian or Ximenes - Polyglot (Alcala de Henares, 1514-1517, 6 vols.), but with many corrections, the addition of the Syriac text and the numerous treatises of the Apparatus. The main sources are described by Darlow-Moule, no. 1422, as follows: the Hebrew text was taken from the Complutensian Polyglot but collated with Bomberg's [= van Bomberghen's] Venice edition. The 'Chaldaic' (= Aramaic) text in the Pentateuch was printed from the Complutensian; in the remaining books it was taken from Bomberg compared with the manuscripts deposited by Ximenes at Alcala. The Greek text followed the Complutensian, corrected by the Aldine edition. The Syriac text was based on Widmanstadius's edition (Vienna, 1555) compared with a manuscript supplied by D. Bomberg [= Daniel van Bomberghen] from Cologne. Besides these main sources, the editors consulted many manuscripts, printed books, collations, and notes, supplied by various scholars. Cf. also C. de Clercq, op. cit., pages 164-165. |
Note 3 | Benedictus Arias Montanus was the leading force of the gigantic enterprise. His principal assistants were Franciscus Raphelengius, Plantin's son-in-law, and Guido Fabricius Boderianus (Guy Le Fèvre de la Boderie), who, like Arias, were also specialized in Oriental languages. He was further assisted by Guido's brother, Nicolas Le Fèvre de la Boderie, and by Plantin's proof-readers, Cornelis Kilianus, Theodoor Kemp and Antoon Spitaels. Theologians of the University of Louvain - Augustinus Hunnaeus, Joannes Harlemius and Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus - were very helpful in verifying promptly the sheets and giving their approbationes in due time. A large number of the text-editions and treatises in the three volumes of the Apparatus were edited or written by Arias Montanus, others by F. Raphelengius and G. Le Fèvre. Some other scholars - Andreas Masius, Guilielmus Canterus, Cardinal Sirlet - made also contributions. Finally, some appendices were reprinted without much changes from older editions. In the introductory part of volume I Arias Montanus enumerates all these scholars and thanks also a number of other specialists or maecenases who had helped him in one way or another, by collating texts, lending manuscripts or simply by giving him their moral support. |
Note 4 | Arias Montanus arrived in Antwerp on 18 May 1568 and started immediately with the work. On 17 July 1568 a proofsheet was made, which received Arias's approval. In the week of 2-7 August 1568 the first sheets of the first quires of the first volume were printed. This first volume was achieved on 12 March 1569. That is the text proper (pages 1-744). The introductory part (pages [1-108]) can only have been finished in the beginning of 1573, as it contains the privileges of which the last ones (for Castile and Aragon) were only granted in February 1573. The second volume started on 12 March 1569 and was finished in mid-October of that year. The dates of the following volumes run as follows: third volume, mid-October 1569-8 July 1570; fourth volume, beginning of January 1570-23 June 1570; fifth volume, 3-8 July 1570-9 February 1571. The Hebrew and Greek Bible of volume 7 was started on 5 November 1569 and achieved on 7 December 1571. The work at the volumes 6 and 8 and part of volume 7 is somewhat more difficult te follow. A large number of these treatises where not yet finished when in April 1572 the revolt of Zeeland and Holland obscured the political situation. When on 9 June 1572 Plantin wrote to Arias Montanus, then in Rome, 'Nos, laus Deo, omnia absolvimus quae ad Biblia regia pertinent' he made in fact an overstatement: of the treatises not yet finished in April 1572 he had only printed 600 copies, instead of 1,200. When later in the year the situation improved, he had these treatises reset and reprinted. This operation started late in July 1572 and was only finished in August 1573 (for more details see the descriptions of volumes 6, 7, 8). The introductory part of the first volume must likely have been printed in the first half of 1573. |
Note 5 | Of the Polyglot Bible 1,213 copies were printed: 13 on vellum, 10 on 'grand papier impérial d'Italie' (sold 200 florins Carolus guilders), 30 on 'papier impérial à l'aigle' (sold 100 florins Carolus guilders), 200 on 'papier fin royal au raisin' of Lyons (sold 80 florins Carolus guilders), and 960 on 'papier grand royal de Troyes' (sold 70 florins Carolus guilders; 60 florins Carolus guilders to booksellers). The copies on vellum were specially ordered and distributed by Philip II (owing to the political and economical difficulties of the moment, only the first 5 volumes of each set were in fact printed on vellum). About these copies on vellum (and their actual finding-places) and the sale of Polyglot Bibles by Plantin: Rooses, Musée Plantin-Moretus, pages 86-89. |
Note 6 | Listed in M 164, folio 4 recto, and M 296, folio 2 recto: Biblia Sacra quatuor linguarum quȩ Regia vocamus cum apparatu continent 8 voll.ạ taxata flor. 70, bibliopolȩ florins Carolus guilders 60. Eadem ex papiro meliori et albiori Racemi florins Carolus guilders 80. Eadem ex papiro Regali aquile florins Carolus guilders 100 et ex pap[ir]o Imperiali Italiȩ florins Carolus guilders 200. Primus tomus Pentateuchus continet f[euilles] 197, 2us tomus f. 242, 3us tomus f. 211, 4us tomus 269, 5us tomus f. 272, 6us tomus f. 209, 7us tomus Lexica etc. f. 227, 8us tomus Idiotismi etc. f. 128. [Total:] f. 1755. |
Note 7 | Of volume 7 copies were sold separately. In M 164, folio 4 recto, and M 296, folio 2 recto, is listed 'Biblia S. cum versione S. Pagnini interlineari in f⁰, Anno 1572, f[euilles] 209, [price:] flor. 10'. The description fits volume 7 (= in the description in M 164 and M 296 given as volume 6). Moreover, copies of this volume can be found separately in libraries, some even with a special title-page making of them a 'separate' edition (see cp012166). |
Note 8 | Volume 6 as such, and parts of it, must likewise have been marketed separately, but, as far as we could find out, without special title-pages. The annotation in M 296, folio 10 verso 'Lexicon grȩcum cum aliis dictionariis heb. chaldaicis etc. in f⁰ pro bibliis Regiis separ[atim] co[mmun] pap[ier], [price:] flor. 7, Ann⁰ 1573, f[euilles] -' refers certainly to this volume (a copy in Heidelberg University Library and Ghent University Library). Parts of it could and were eventually sold also separately. Among them certainly the Thesaurus Hebraicae linguae of S. Pagninus (volume VI, 5) (cf. the remarks of Plantin in his introduction to the 1578 edition in 8⁰ of the Epitome thesauri linguae sanctae: no. 1864; a copy in UL Montauban), the Grammatica linguae Syriacae of Andreas Masius (volume VI, 3) (a copy in Heidelberg University Library, Q 3561), and the Lexicon Graecum (volume VI, 1). On the latter, cf. the revealing letter of M. Sonnius, the Paris bookseller, to Plantin, 3 October 1578 (Correspondance de C. Plantin, VI, no. 811): '…lesquelz vous prie m'envoijer, aussi de cinq Lexicon pro bibliis qui sont audict inventaire a 7 florins Carolus guilders n'ay receu que Lexicon grecum, desquelz avoijs vendu ung ses jours passés bien relié, pensant que tout y fut mais m'a este rapporté, a cause que son compagnon avoijt achepté ung aultre entier de Compere Gilles Beijs. Pourquoy vous prie n'oblier à m'envoyer le reste, qui est le tout excepté le grec, aussi avons trouvé des Lexicon grecum d'avantaige apart quy sont avecque vostre bible'. As late as 1578 Plantin was thus busy selling volume 6 of the Polyglot Bible, and parts of it, separately. |
Further reading |