
Responces de messire Iehan Sceyfve…sur certaines lettres du cardinal de Granvelle. Antwerp, C. de Bruyn, [printed by Plantin], 1580

in The Plantin Press Online

(336 words)

Record ID cp011667
Voet reference number 1916
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Uniform title PAMPHLETS
Title page transcription RESPONCES ‖ DE MESSIRE ‖ IEHAN SCEYFVE ‖ CHEVALIER, SEIGNEVR ‖ DE SAINCT AECHTENRODE, ‖ Ottenborch, Nethene &c. iadis ‖ CHANCELLIER de Brabant, ‖ Sur certaines lettres du ‖ CARDINAL DE GRANVELLE. ‖ V. (typographical fleurons) ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ Par Corneille de Bruyn. ‖ M.D.LXXX.
Collation 4⁰ [155]: A-D⁴, E⁲; pages [1-36]
Fingerprint 158004 - # b1 A3 pub : # b2 E ne
Number of sheets 4.50
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-35]: Text (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) [36]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Ghent University Library- Meul. 476KBR Royal Library of BelgiumKB National Library of the NetherlandsBritish Library London
Bibliographical references Knuttel, no. 537 Wulp, J. K. van der. Tractaten, pamfletten enz., no. 476 Catalogue exhibition 'Charles van Hulthem, 1764-1832', RL Brussels, 1964, no. 91
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12927099
Note 1 Jean Scheyfve (born c. 1515 in Antwerp; died there, 17 June 1581) was from 1557 until 1579 chancellor of the Council of Brabant; he joined in 1576 the party of the States-General. Offended by passages in intercepted letters of Cardinal Granvelle on his person and activities, in this pamphlet Scheyfve reacts to some of them. One of the epistles was a recent letter, which very probably provoked the former chancellor to publish his 'answer'; the two other letters were already some four years old.
Note 2 Contains: pages [3-10]: Answer to a letter from Granvelle to Maximilian Morillon, vicar-general of the archbishopric of Malines (6 July 1580); [11-18]: Answer to a letter to the same (25 August 1576); [19-35]: Answer to a letter to the late Joachim Hopperus (26 August 1576).
Note 3 Like for other pamphlets vilipending Granvelle he was obliged to print in those years, Plantin preferred to remain under cover and to give the name of one of his employees as the responsible printer and publisher (cf. Rooses, Musée, pages 166 and 202).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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