
Liber I missarum, 1587

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,465 words)

Record ID cp011633
Voet reference number 1716
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Philippus de MONTE
Title page transcription [Engraved title-page; typographical text within cut-out medallions:] LIBER I ‖ MISSARVM ‖ PHILIPPI DE MONTE, ‖ ECCLESIÆ METROPO- ‖ LITANÆ CAMERACEN- ‖ SIS CANONICI, AC ‖ THESAVRARII, ‖ ET ‖ Sacratissimi RVDOLPHI II. ‖ Imperatoris, etc. Chori Præfecti. ‡ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ EX OFFICINA CHRISTOPHORI ‖ PLANTINI, ARCHITYPOGRAPHI REGII, ‖ M.D.LXXXVII.
Collation Folio (520 × 365): folios [1], I-CLXXVI (Errors: folios not numbered between XXII-XXIII, and XLIIII-XLV). No signatures; the foliation in Roman numerals is repeated on both pages of the open sheets (left and right)
Number of sheets
Pages [1r]: Engraved title-page [1v]: Blank ? Iro-vo: Ad…Rudolphum Caesarem eius nominis II…(s. Philippus de Monte) Iiro: Table III (= starting on verso of II) - CLXXVI: Text
Edition information
Illustrations Engraved title-page, with two cut-out medallions for the typographical texts (cf. no. 1306: de la Hèle, Octo missae)
Copies Bibliothèque nationale de France (Vm123incomplete: engraved title-page and 7th Mass [Folios CXLV-CLXXVI] missing)Illustere O.L. Vrouwe Broederschap, 's HertogenboschStiftsbibliothek, KlosterneuburgBayerische Staatsbibliothek
Bibliographical references A. Goovaerts, Histoire et bibliographie de la typographie musicale dans les Pays-Bas, 1880, page 265, no. 292 Stellfeld, pages 94-106 Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Music and text of seven masses composed by de Monte: a) with 5 voices: Ad te levavi oculos meos (III-XXII), Emitte, Domine (XXIII-XLIIII); b) with 6 voices: Si ambulavero (XLV-LXVII), Deus, Deus meus (LXIX-XCI), Quomodo dilexi (XCIII-CXVII), Cum sit omnipotens (CXIX-CXLIII); c) with 8 voices: Confitebor Tibi Domine (CXLV-CLXXVI). Edition ornated with large initials.
Note 2 As was the case for all the monumental music-editions issued by the Plantin Press in those years, the large-dimension paper used had originally been purchased for printing the great Antiphonarium commissioned by King Philip II; a fact often referred to in Plantin's correspondence (for this particular edition, cf. Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1204, page 138: letter to de Çayas, 31 January 1586).
Note 3 Printer and author must have agreed upon the publication as early as 1584, probably through direct or indirect contacts at the Frankfurt Fairs, de Monte having accepted to pay part of the expenses (cf. Plantin's letter to de Çayas, 31 January 1587 [Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1204, page 138]: publication of music-editions, including de Monte's, 'a media costa de mi y de los mismos Authores'). In 1584 or early in 1585, the manuscript must have reached Plantin, but for a long time the author did not receive any reply from Antwerp (cf. his letters to Clusius of 20 August and November 1585: Stellfeld, page 95; Suppl. Corr., no. 193). Finally, on 31 December 1586, a somewhat perplexed Plantin answered de Monte (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1185; Stellfeld, page 96): his son-in-law Jan Moretus had just brought in four letters of de Monte, dated 14 September 1585, 17 September 1585, 17 December 1585, and 30 September 1586, which he had received in one parcel from the secretary of the Antwerp Cathedral Chapter! The letters including also 'quelque partie de la copie de vos Messes'. Plantin could not explain the long delay nor why he received now all those letters together. He was also somewhat puzzled by the content of the letters. What this content was, he does not detail, but he argues: 'veu que jusques a ceste heure n'avons eu aucun advis de vous et que moymesmes je vous ay escrit et a Monsr. Charles de l'Ecluse demeurant a Vienne que je n'attendois autre chose pour commencer l'impression de vosdictes messes que vostre Ordonnance et ordre de nous faire advancer quelque partie de l'argent, ce que je vous prie faire'. He intended to start printing immediately, about Epiphany (6 January 1587), and he thought that the printing would be well advanced, if not finished, when the text of de Monte's dedicatory should arrive. In Plantin's letter to de Monte of 8 February 1587 (Corr., VIII, no. 1211; Stellfeld, page 97) a proof-sheet was included. The printer affirms that other sheets will follow through the intermediary of his factor at Frankfurt, but he insists to receive some payment, and ends with saying that he is still waiting for the dedicatory. On 28 February 1587 Plantin could tell the composer that he had received in good order de Monte's letter of 3 February, that he was glad to hear that through Mr. Borcouts at Maastricht he would be paid 30 'dalders' 'pour m'aider à supporter les fraiz', that he was now printing a sheet of the Missae every working day, and that for the dedicatory he could wait another six weeks (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1214; Stellfeld, pages 97-98). This dedicatory must have reached him in due time.
Note 4 In his letter of 12 September 1587, the printer states that the 'Messes' had been finished the day before. The text is not very clear or in any case not very clearly expressed: 'Nous avons graces a Dieu achevé hier vos Messes et livré cejourdhuy 12 exemplaires d'icelles complets a Monsr. le Mesureur et outre iceux ung exemplaire de la septiesme messe de laquelle je me suis trouvé forcompte des le commencement: car je n'avois faict mon compte que de six messes que j'esperois aussi d'achever devant la presente foire de Francfort ou j'ay envoyé le reste des six premieres pour de la vous estre envoyees, ce que j'espere que ledict Mesureur fera incontinent de ceste dicte septiesme pour la joindre aux autres et encores d'une autre de Beata (= copy of the Missa ad Modulum Benedicta es sex vocum of de Monte issued by the Plantin Press in 1579) qui de long temps m'a esté faicte imprimer, vous suppliant que preniés en gré ce treziesme et autre exemplaire extraordinaire…' (Corr, VIII-IX, no. 1302; Stellfeld, pages 99-100). This seems to imply that Plantin, when printing the Missae, in his haste to get them in time to the Franfurt Fair, forgot the 7th and last mass. Without the 7th mass the copies were shipped to Frankfurt. The 12 copies forwarded to Le Mesureur (probably to be delivered directly to de Monte) were complete. Plantin added a copy of the 7th mass to be joined to another incomplete copy, together with a copy of de Monte's 1579 publication. What Plantin intended to do with the incomplete copies shipped to Frankfurt, he does not tell. It may be surmised that he sent copies of the missing 7th mass at the next occasion, that means at the Lent Fair of 1588, to be joined to the copies already stored in his Frankfurt-warehouse. This can explain why some copies (as the copy in Bibliothèque nationale de France) do not have the 7th mass.
Note 5 Already on 5 September 1587 Plantin presented to his friend, the new bishop of Antwerp, Livinus Torrentius, three copies (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1300; Stellfeld, pages 98-99: 'd'offrir…ces trois divers livres de Messes en musicque fort simplement reliés et mesmes non encores achevés pour les pouvoir faire lier a son plaisir et si bon luy semble en accomoder le choeur de son Eglise…').
Note 6 In his letter of 28 February 1587 (see above) Plantin gladly acknowledged the news that through the intermediary of Borcouts at Maastricht he would receive 30 'dalders'. In fact 60 'rycksdallers', worth 135 florins Carolus guilders, were paid to him through Arnold Borschouts, an Antwerp lawyer, acting for Cornelis Borschouts (the 'Borcouts' of the letter, and probably a relative of the Antwerp lawyer) 'pour Philippes de Monte pour compte des messes que on imprime pour ledit de Monte (Arch. 20, folio 173; cf. Stellfeld, page 98).
Note 7 The direct sales of copies by Plantin have been compiled from the Plantinian archives by Stellfeld, pages 100-103. They were somewhat more satisfactory than for the 1579- Missa: 10 in 1587; 4 in 1588; 1 in 1589; 1 in 1590; 4 in 1592; 3 In 1593; 1 in 1594; 1 in 1595; 1 in 1596; 1 in 1597; 1 in 1598; 1 in 1599; 5 in 1600;1 in 1601; 1 in 1612; 2 in 1620; 1 in 1625; 1 in 1641; in all 40 copies. The unbound copies were normally sold 18 florins Carolus guilders; after 1612, 16 florins Carolus guilders Other details in Stellfeld, op. cit.
Note 8 Listed in M 296, folio 11v (Missarum lib. I. Phil. de monte, f[euilles] 177, [anno] 87, [price:] florins Carolus guilders 18), and M 321 (number of sheets not specified; 'grand pap[ier] doublé').
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