
Un brief et vray recit de la prinse de Terouane et Hedin, avec la bataille faitte à Renti, 1555

in The Plantin Press Online

(455 words)

Record ID cp011595
Voet reference number 1634
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Jacques Basilic MARCHET
Title page transcription VN BRIEF ET ‖ VRAY RECIT DE LA PRINSE ‖ de Terouane & Hedin, auec la Bataille fait- ‖ te à Renti: & de tous les actes memora- ‖ bles, faits depuis deus ans en ça, ‖ entre les gens de l'Empereur ‖ & les François. ‖ Par Iaques Basilic Marchet, Signeur de Samos. ‖ Traduit de Latin en François. ‖ ⊕ 2EN ANVERS. ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christofle Plantin, ‖ pres la Bourse neuue. ‖ 1555. ‖ Auec priuilege.
Collation ? [110]: A-D⁴; pages [1-32]
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-6]: Au tres-puissant roy Philippe, roy d'Angleterre…, prince d'Espaigne, etc. Iaques Basilic Marchet [7-8]: L'imprimeur au lecteur (Antwerp, 27 June 1555; italic type) [9-31]: Text (parts in italic type) [32]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Bibliothèque nationale de France - Res. Oi 67
Bibliographical references Not in Ruelens-de Backer Text reproduced in 1872 in a publication of the 'Société des bibliophiles belges', with an introduction from M. Alvin. Text of Plantin's French edition and Bellerus's Latin publication of 1555 reproduced by L. Techener, Paris, 1874, with an introduction of F. le Sergeant de Monnecove; the introduction of Alvin for the Brussels 1872-publication has also been retaken. Cf. also E. Legrand, Bibliographie hellénique des XVe et XVIe siècles, IV, Paris, 1964 (reprint), pages 51-53
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Narrative of the taking by the army of Charles V of the French cities Thérouanne (20 June 1553) and Hesdin (18 July 1553), and of the victory of the imperial army at the battle of Renty, 13 August 1554.
Note 2 As specified on the title-page this French exposition was translated from a Latin original. Plantin's Antwerp colleague, Joannes Bellerus, published in 1555 the Latin text (a copy in KBR Royal Library of Belgium). It is not clear if the translation, either by Plantin himself or by a translator he commissioned, has been made from Bellerus's publication or from a manuscript Plantin was able to obtain.
Note 3 The note of the printer to the reader does not give details about the work or its genesis, but it is interesting for French linguistics as Plantin tries to explain the for that time somewhat revolutionary and in any case simplified orthography of the French language he uses in his translation.
Note 4 25 copies of 'Terouanne' were forwarded to the Antwerp bookseller Guillaume Symon on 22 July 1555 (Arch. 38, folio 7 verso), and another 25 copies, worth 6 stuivers, to Martin Nutz (Nutius) on 9 August 1555 (Arch. 38, folio 4 verso).
Note 5 Not listed in M 296 or M 164.
Further reading

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