Record ID | cp011504 |
Voet reference number | 2300 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:1115354 |
Author | Joannes Ravisius TEXTOR |
Title page transcription | EPITHETORVM ‖ IOANNIS RAVISII TEXTORIS ‖ EPITOME, EX HADR. IVNII ME- ‖ DICI RECOGNITIONE. ‖ ACCESSERVNT ‖ Eiusdem Rauisij Synonyma poëtica, multò, ‖ quàm prius locupletiora. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ - ‖ M.D.LXIIII. ‖ Cum Priuilegio. |
Collation | 16mo [87]: A-Z⁸, Aa-Gg⁸; pages 1-480 (Errors: 204 for 224) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title 2-3: C. Plantinus lectori S.D. (1 October 1564) 4-5: Io. Ravisii Textoris praefatio 6-453: Text (italic type, parts in roman type) 453-456: Auctorum et poetarum in hoc opere citatorum abbreviata nomina (on two columns) 457-459: Henrigi (= sic) Laberii Nuncuriani de morte sui Textoris querimonia, ad…D. Ludovicum Miletium hypodidascalum Navarriensem…(italic type) 460: C.P. lectori (word in greek type) 460-478: Hadriani Iunii appendix (italic type, parts in roman type, words in greek type) 478-480: De usu epithetorum (s. V. Giselinus; italic type) 480: EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHORVS ‖ PLANTINVS ANTVERPIAE ‖ ANNO CIƆ IƆ LXIV ‖ KALEN. DECEMB |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - R 51.27: with manuscript annotations by Theodorus Pulmannus |
Bibliographical references | Not in Ruelens-de Backer |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | Dictionary of Latin words and names, and the epithets which could accompany them; with an appendix by Hadrianus Junius (pages 460-478). |
Note 2 | Adaptation of Textor's Epithetorum epitome (first edition: Lyons, S. Gryphius, 1541, in 12mo, 511 pages; a copy in Municipal Library Mende: cf. Répertoire des ouvrages pédagogiques, page 549) by Hadrianus Junius. As Plantin explains in his foreword, dated 1 October 1564: having planned a reprint of the Epitheta but recalling some criticisms formulated against Textor's work, he asked his learned friends for advice and eventual corrections. H. Junius replied in far more detail than anticipated, deleting some epithets but adding many more. In the note to the reader on page 460, the typographer adds that the publication being practically finished he received from H. Junius a new series of epithets, which Plantin, instead of waiting for a new edition, preferred to give in the form of an appendix. |
Note 3 | According to the colophon, the printing of the Epitheta was finished on 1 December 1564. |
Note 4 | The edition had, as announced on the title-page, an additional volume: Synonyma propriorum nominum, which, however, was formally presented as a separate edition, and was in fact normally sold separately (see following no.). |
Note 5 | The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 67 verso, gives the following details about 'Epitome Epithetae Textoris 16⁰': the printing was 'par demyes feilles' (on this special printing technique: see no. cp013530 and L. Voet, The Golden Compasses, II, page 304). The wages for composing and printing the Epithetorum epitome (A-Z, a-g) are entered from 28 May until 2 December 1564 (including on 2 December 'refaict A', meaning that the first quire has been reset), and amount to 27 florins Carolus guilders 18 stuivers; those for printing the Synonyma, from 27 January until 11 February 1565, amount to 4 florins Carolus guilders 18 stuivers, making a total for composing and printing of 32 florins Carolus guilders 18 stuivers (= in fact 32 florins Carolus guilders 16 stuivers). For the edition 44 reams 14 'mains' (meaning, when taking into consideration the 'imperfections', some 1,250 copies) of 'papier carré' were used, which, at 1 florins Carolus guilders 3½ stuivers per ream, came to 52 florins Carolus guilders 10½ stuivers, bringing the overall costs to 85 florins Carolus guilders 8½ stuivers |
Note 6 | Listed in M 296, folio 5 verso (Epithetorum textoris epitome, in 16⁰, f[euilles] 15, [price:] stuivers 2½), and M 164, folio 10 verso. The mention can eventually refer to the 1569-edition. |
Further reading |