
Missale Romanum, in 4⁰, March 1573

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,085 words)

Record ID cp011498
Voet reference number 1681
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3241991
Title page transcription MISSALE ‖ ROMANVM, ‖ EX DECRETO SACROSANCTI ‖ Concilij Tridentini restitutum. ‖ PII V. PONT. MAX. ‖ IVSSV EDITVM. ‖ V. ‖ ANTVERPIÆ,, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Prototypographi Regij. ‖ M.D. LXXIII. ‖ Cum Priuilegiis Pont. Max. & Regis Catholici.
Collation 4⁰ (205 × 146): *-****⁸ A-T⁸, V10, Aa-Ff⁸, Gg⁶, a-k⁸, AA-FF⁸, GG⁴, †⁸; pages 1⁰) I-XLV, [XLVI-LXIIII]; 2⁰) 1-339 (= for 323), [324]; 3⁰) I-CVI, [CVII-CVIII]; 4⁰) 1-160; 5⁰) 1-101, [102-104]; 6⁰) 1-15, [16] (Errors: 2nd part: 37 for 47, 47 for 74, 269 for 169, 997 for 297, 317-318-339 for 321-322-323, 26 and 300 not numbered; 4th part: 54 and 115 not numbered, 144-145 for 154-155; 5th part: 2 not numbered). Printed in black and red, on two columns (with some exceptions)
Number of sheets
Pages [I]: Title [II]: Privilege (Rome, 28 July 1570, signed by Cae. Glorierius; Antwerp, Privy Council and Council of Brabant, 7 October 1570, s. De Langhe) III-IIII: Bull of Pius V on the reformation of the missal (Rome, 14 July 1570, s. Cae. Glorierius and H. Cumyn; italic type) V-XXX: Rubricae generales…Ritus servandus…(parts in italic type) XXX-XXXV: De defectibus… XXXVI-XLV: Praeparatio…(parts in italic type, marginals in roman type) [XLVI-LXIII]: Calendar (parts in italic type) [LXIIII]: illustration 1-339 (= for 323): Proprium missarum de tempore (parts in italic type and music, marginals in roman type) [324]: illustration I-CVI: Proprium missarum de tempore (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type) [CVII-CVIII]: Blank [1]-160: Proprium missarum de sanctis (marginals in roman type) 1-101: Commune sanctorum (marginals in roman type) [102]: Series chartarum⊕ 14 [103]: ANTVERPIÆ EXCVDEBAT ‖ CHRISTOPHORVS PLANTINVS, ‖ REGIVS ARCHITYPOGRAPHVS, ‖ ANNO DOMINI M.D.LXXIII. ‖ XIII. KALEND. APRILIS [104]: Blank [1] -3: Bull of Pius V on the reformation of the missal (Rome, 17 December 1570, s. F. de Torres, A. Calorius; italic type) [4]: Note that the text is in concordance with the 'Cantus Toletanae Ecclesiae' 5-15: Modus cantandi orationes in missa, vesperis, et laudibus (music) [16]: Blank
Edition information
Variants in the illustration (see Notes; about the meaning: cf. no. cp013519. A. 'Cum cruce aenea', meaning the illustration in copper engraving representing Christ on the Cross as described in no. cp013491 B. 'Sine cruce aenea': without this copper engraving (Museum Plantin-Moretus, R 54.25 and A 2061).
Illustrations representing scenes from the New Testament, saints and the sacraments: woodcuts, many with the monograms of the designer Pieter van der Borcht (PB), and the woodcutters Antoon van Leest (AVL), Arnold Nicolai (A), and Cornelis Muller (C) 1) V. on title-page: 27 × 40 (St. Peter and St. Paul) 2) 1 illustration, 175 × 120, in 2nd part, page [300] (PB, AVL) 3) 10 illustrations, 111 × 75, of which one reproduced twice (1st part, page [LXIV] and 4th part, page 43), printed within woodcut-frames or typographical fleurons: in 1st part, page [LXIV] (PB, AVL); in 2nd part, pages [26] (PB, AVL), [324] (PB, AVL); in 3rd part, page [XXXVI] (PB, AVL); in 4th part, pages [1] (PB, AVL), 8 (PB, AVL), 32 (PB, AVL), 43 (PB, AVL), 114 (PB, AVL), 128 (PB, AVL), 150 (PB, AVL) 4) 6 illustrations, 90 × 75, printed within typographical fleurons: in 3rd part, pages XXIIII (PB, AVL), LV (PB, AVL); in 4th part, pages 78 (PB, AVL), 95 (PB, AVL), 109 (PB, AVL), 137 (PB) 5) 1 illustration, 98 × 55, in 4th part, page 125 (A) 6) 1 illustration, 90 × c. 60, in 4th part, page 54 (A) 7) 18 illustrations, 54 × 54, of which one reproduced twice (in 2nd part, page 43, and 5th part, page 56), in 2nd part, pages 22, 24, 28, 30 (C), 43 (C), 37 (= for 47), 166, 189, 213 (A); in 4th part, pages 73 (PB, AVL), 103; in 5th part, pages 49, 51, 53, 54, 56 (C), 58, 71, 85 8) 2 illustrations, 30 × 30, in 2nd part, page 1, and in 5th part, page 1 9) 4 frames made with woodcuts representing scenes from the Old and New Testament: in 2nd part, pages 1 and 301; in 3rd part, page LV; in 4th part, page 115
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 54.25: with at the beginning a manuscript page giving specifications for printing missals intended for Spain- A 2061: incomplete: only parts 1 and 2
Bibliographical references Not in Ruelens-de Backer and Weale-Bohatta
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 On 21 January 1573 Plantin told de Çayas that within three weeks he would have finished 'los Missales in quarto' (Corr., III, no. 455). The printer was somewhat more prudent when in his letter of 7 February 1573 he states that '(together with a breviary in 8⁰ and 'les grandes heures') [seront achevées] le petit missal in 4⁰ dedans peu de semaines après pourveu que les tailleurs des images ne nous retardent comme jà ils ont faict par cy devant que je crains grandement' (Ibidem, no. 462). According to the colophon the printing was actually finished on 20 March 1573. Consequently, on 8 April 1573 Plantin could announce to de Villalva that the missal in 4⁰ had been completed (Ibidem, no. 468).
Note 2 On 6 April 1573 were shipped to Spain 1,000 copies of 'Missalia Romana ad usum hispan[icum], 4⁰, petite forme', of which 825 'sine cruce aenea' and 175 'cum cruce aenea' (Arch. 22, folios 17v-18r; values not noted). Cf. Plantin's letter to de Villalva, 19-25 April 1573 (Corr., III, no. 472).
Note 3 A number of imperfect copies were retained by Plantin at Antwerp. As he affirms in his letter to de Villalva of 2 July 1573: 105 copies, which by now had been completed and would be shipped at the earliest occasion (Corr., IV, no. 479). They were indeed sent on 27 August 1573, not 105 copies, but 88 'ad usum hispan[icum] du commun papier petits 4⁰', worth 1 florins Carolus guilders 15 stuivers a piece (Arch. 22).
Note 4 It is perhaps this edition (or the one described in following no.) which is listed in Arch. 296, folio 11v ([Missale Rom.] Idem in 4⁰ petit maioris ch[arta], [price:] flor. 2, f[euilles]- -; Idem in 4⁰ petit com[mun], [price:] flor. 1 stuivers 16, f[euilles] --).
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