
Bible [in French], in folio, 1578

in The Plantin Press Online

(902 words)

Record ID cp011494
Voet reference number718
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3252925
Uniform title BIBLE: Editions in French
Title page transcription[Within double rules:] LA SAINCTE ‖ BIBLE, ‖ CONTENANT LE VIEIL ‖ ET NOVVEAV TESTAMENT; ‖ traduicte de Latin en François. ‖ Auec les ARGVMENS sur chacun liure, declarans ‖ sommairement tout ce que y est contenu. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christophle Plantin, ‖ Architypographe de sa Maiesté. ‖ M.D.LXXVIII.
CollationFolio [304]: †⁶, A-Z⁶, a-q⁶, r⁸, s-z⁶, AA-ZZ⁶, Aa-bb⁶, cc⁴, A-X⁶; pages [1-12], 1-860, 1-216, [1-36] (Errors: second part: 67 for 51, 78 for 58, 167-168-167-168-179-180-181-182-183-184-185-186-177-178-181-182…, 400 for 398, 480 not numbered, 478 for 481 and 482, again numbered from 481, blank page before 481 not counted; third part: 1 not numbered). All pages within double rules and on two columns(each column separated by two double rules), except pages [1-11] and in the last part pages [3-36]
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 30 July 1572, signed by De la Torre, and Council of Brabant, 12 September 1572, s. I. de Witte; Brussels, Privy Council, 27 June 1576, s. De la Torre, and Council of Brabant, 24 July 1576, s. Iac. Blyleven) [3]: Iacobus De Bay lectori S. (Louvain, 15 March 1572; italic type) [4-5]: La somme de tout ce que nous enseigne la Saincte Escriture… [6]: Description des annees depuis la creation du monde, iusques a l'an present M.D.LXXVIII… [7-11]: Epistre de sainct Ierosme a Paulin…(marginals in roman type and italic type) [12]: Table (italic type) 1-860: Text of Old Testament (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type; blank page before 481) [1]-216: Text of New Testament (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type) [1]: L'estat des Juifs sous la monarchie des Romains [2]: Monarchie des Romains (marginals in roman type and italic type) [3-32]: Indices (on three columns) [33-35]: Interpretation des noms propres, Hebrieux, Chaldeens, Grecs et Latins…(on four columns; roman type and italic type) [35]: approbation (12 February 1572, s. I. Molanus) [36]: ⊕ 31
Edition information
IllustrationsWoodcuts representing liturgical objects and technical aspects of religious life in Biblical times; only for the Old Testament: 1) 1 illustration, 270 × 172 (on page 267) 2) 1 illustration, 267 × 170 (on page 64) 3) 1 illustration, 116 × 63 (on page 271) 4) 1 illustration, 110 × 62 (on page 66) 5) 2 illustrations, 70 × 282 (on page 270) 6) 9 illustrations, c. 55 × 55 (on pages 61, 62, 63, 271)
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus - R 59.2University Library BernKBR Royal Library of BelgiumGhent University LibraryKB National Library of the NetherlandsBritish Library LondonMunicipal Library MaastrichtBibliothèque nationale de FranceVan Eys lists also: Amiens Métropole Public Libraries - Amiens (France, dép. Somme)Bibliothèques et Archives Municipales de Besançon - Besançon (France, dép. Doubs)Municipal Library CambraiRoyal Danish LibraryUniversity Library GrazMetzNantesSorbonne University LibraryWürttembergische Landesbibliothek, StuttgartMunicipal Library TroyesAustrian National LibraryUL Liège- TH00430 [f°]KU Leuven- Maurits Sabbe Library, P22.056.1/Fo BIJB;P22.056.1/Fo BIJB;P22.056.1/Fo;PN00500/F°UNamur- R6C.0030
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 187 (1578, no. 15) Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3686 Van Eys, I, no. 153
Online bibliographical referencesBiblia Sacra 1578.B.fre.CP.a
Note 1Reprint of the French Bible translation of R. Benoist (published for the first time in 1566). Plantin had the intention to print this French Bible in 1567, but he contented himself with the publication of the Nouveau Testament (see no. cp011016). He had this Nouveau Testament reprinted in 1573 (see no. cp011360). Perhaps he had at that moment also in mind to print the complete Bible (it is, in any way, significative that in this 1578-edition the Latin foreword by the Louvain theologian Jacobus de Bay is dated 15 March 1572, and that the approbatio by I. Molanus bears the date of 12 February 1572). In that case Plantin had to postpone his plan again, till finally in 1578 he could put on the market this monumental edition. As in the 1573-Nouveau Testament, he carefully avoided to mention the name of R. Benoist as the translator, the figure of the Parisian priest having become too controversial in certain Catholic circles (see no. cp011016).
Note 2The indices in the third part, pages [3-32] are: pages [3-5]: Table des tesmoignages allegues de mot a mot du Vieil Testament au Nouveau par Iesus Christ et ses Apostres; [5-6]: Autre table des tesmoignages qui ne sont point de mot a mot alleguez du Vieil Testament; [6-8]: Recueil d'aucuns mots et manieres de parler difficiles du Nouveau Testament, avec leur declaration; [9-11]: La table des Evangiles et Epistres qu'on lit a l'eglise aux dimenches et festes de l'an; [12-32]: Indice, ou, table alphabetique des choses contenues es livres tant du Vieil que du Nouveau Testament.
Note 3Listed in M 296, folio 2v (La S. Bible en francois in f⁰ 1578, f[euilles] 282, [price:] florins Carolus guilders 4 stuivers 10), and M 164, folio 5r.
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