Record ID | cp011411 |
Voet reference number | 1855 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:1132999 |
Author | Publius OVIDIUS NASO |
Title page transcription | [Within woodcut-compartment:] † P. OVIDII □ NASONIS ‖ METAMOR- ‖ PHOSEON ‖ LIBRI XV. ‖ AB Andrea Naugerio casti- ‖ gati, & Vict. Giselini scho- ‖ liis illustrati. ‖ RELIQVA proximè sequens ‖ pagella indicabit. ‖ ⊕ 35 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‡ Ex officina Christoph. ‖ Plantini, M.D.LXXXII. |
Collation | 16mo [98]: A-Z⁸, a-f⁸, g⁴; pages 1-432, [433-472] (Errors: 78 for 87) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: List of the additional works published in this volume 3-9: V. Giselinus Georgio Fabricio Chemnicensi S.D. (Antwerp, 1 August 1566; italic type, part in roman type) 10-20: Transformationum Ovidii series compendio excerpta, per Gulielmum Canterum, Novarum lect. lib. I, cap. XX (marginals in roman type) 21-432: Text (italic type, parts and marginals in roman type) [433-444]: Index (on two columns; italic type) [445]: Lectori [446-458]: Varietas lectionum in Metamorphos. Ovidii, ex Aldina editione, Ann. M.D.XXXIII (italic type, parts in roman type and greek type) [459]: Notae librorum, quibus hic usi sumus [460-466]: Notationes quorundam locorum in argumentis Luctatii Grammatici, quae in vignette Giselini libris varie leguntur. Ad Georgium Fabricium Chemnicensem (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type, Greek words) [467]: Typographus lectori [467-469]: Georg. Fabricii Chemnicensis in Nucem P. Ovidii Nasonis emendationes (italic type, parts in roman type) [470]: Blank [471]: EXCVDEBAT ANTVERPIÆ ‖ CHRISTOPHORVS PLANTI- ‖ NVS, ANNO M.D.LXXXII [472]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- O.B. 1. 10CambridgeBritish Library LondonBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaBibliothèques de l'UMONSVatican Apolstolic Library. |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, page 243 (1582, no. 35) |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | First of the three volumes of the works of Ovidius issued by Plantin in 1582-83; a reprint of his editions of 1566-67, 1575 and 1578. |
Note 2 | In Arch. 788 is specified that of 'Ovidius 16⁰' (= meaning the three volumes) were printed 1,500 copies. |
Note 3 | Not listed in M 296, nor - more surprisingly - in M 321. |
Further reading |