
Les emblesmes, [translated by Jacques Grévin], 1570

in The Plantin Press Online

(342 words)

Record ID cp011409
Voet reference number 1486
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Hadrianu JUNIUS (DE JONGHE)
Title page transcription LES ‖ EMBLESMES ‖ DV S. ADRIAN LE ‖ IEVNE, MEDECIN ET HISTO- ‖ RIEN DES ESTATS DE ‖ HOLLANDE. ‖ Faicts François & sommairement ‖ expliquez. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ De l'imprimerie de Christop…‖ M.D. LXX. ‖ AVEC PRIVI…
Collation 16mo (114 × 68): A-E⁸; pages 1-78, [79-80] (Errors: 20 not numbered, 96 for 69)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 6 January 1565, signed by De la Torre, and Council of Brabant, 12 March 1565, s. De Perre) [3-4]: A monsieur, monsieur de la Forest, ambassadeur en Angleterre pour la maiesté du Roy de France (Antwerp, 20 October 1567, s. Iaq. Grevin, medecin) 5-61: Text (roman type and italic type) [62]: Blank [63]-78: Explication de quelques emblemes difficiles (italic type, parts in roman type) [79-80]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations Woodcuts: 57 illustrations, 56 × 56, as used in the Latin and Dutch editions
Copies British Library London- 246 a 37: right part of title-page somewhat teared off, which makes some parts illegibleUniversity of Glasgow Library - Glasgow (Great Britain)Faculté de Théologie protestante, MontaubanBibliothèque nationale de France
Bibliographical references Praz, M. Seventeenth-Century Imagery, page 385 J. Landwehr, Dutch Emblem Books, 1962, no. 119 J. Landwehr, Emblem Books in the Low Countries, 1970, no. 288 J. Landwehr, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese books of devices and emblems, 1534-1827, 1976, no. 418 Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 French translation: a) of 57 of the 58 emblems of the Latin editions(s) (the last one, no. 58, has been left out; the Latin headings and the Latin verses accompanying the illustrations have been translated, but the dedications to several personalities have not been retaken); b) summarized (as compared to the original Latin version) explanations of the 57 emblems.
Note 2 The name of the translator, 'Jacques Grevin, medecin', is given in the dedicatory to Monsieur de la Forest.
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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