
L'ABC ou instruction chrestienne pour les petits enfans. Avec l'instruction chrestienne de Pierre de Ravillan, 1558

in The Plantin Press Online

(917 words)

Record ID cp011396
Voet reference number 2
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3131711
Uniform title ABC
Title page transcription ❧ L'A, B, C, ‖ OV INSTRVCTION ‖ CHRESTIENNE ‖ pour les petits en- ‖ fans. ‖ Reueuë par venerables docteurs en Theologie. ‖ AVEC ‖ L'instruction Chrestienne de F.I. Pier- ‖ re de Rauillan. ‖ MATH. X. ‖ Laissez les petits enfans venir à moy, car à telz ‖ est le Royaume de Dieu. ‖ ⊕ 8 ‖ A ANVERS. ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christophle Plantin. ‖ 1558. ‖ AVEC PRIVILEGE.
Collation 16°: A-M⁸; pages [1-192]
Fingerprint 155816 - # b1 A2 un$ : # b2 M5 rnel 155816 - # b1 A2 un$ : # b2 M5 rnel
Number of sheets 6 6
Pages [1] : Title [2] : Privilege (Brussels, 13 May 1558, signed by Ph. de Lens) [3-190] : Text (parts in italic type) [191] : Le petit livret d'arismetique [192] : ⊕ 3
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - R 5.24 (Only known copy; with annotations)
Digital copies Museum Plantin-Moretus: R 5.24
Bibliographical references Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 4986
Online bibliographical references STCV 12918550 USTC 15409 STCV c:stcv:12918550
Note 1 In 1558 Plantin printed two editions of a 'christian instruction for the young children', one in 8°, one in 16°. The texts are identical, except that in the in 8° edition 'Icy est brievement comprins ce que la Sainte Escripture enseigne' is added (pages [167-174]).
Note 2 The titles, however, are somewhat different: in the in 8° edition (see cp011942) only L'A, B, C, … reveue par venerables docteurs en Theologie' is given; in the in 16mo edition to 'L'A, B, C, … reveue par venerables docteurs en Theologie', 'Avec l'instruction chrestienne de F.I. Pierre de Rauillan' is added. In both editions the summary of the privilege, dated 13 May 1558, enumerates 'L'ABC ou Instruction Chrestienne reveue par venerables Docteurs en Theologie: L'instruction Chrestienne de frere Pierre Rauillan'. This poses a problem: the in 8° edition is said to have been 'revised by theologians'; in the in 16mo edition the addition of a 'Christian instruction' by Ravillan is mentioned - whilst the texts of both editions are identical, with the exception of a small additional part, not in the in 16°, but in the in 8° edition, where the name Ravillan doesn't precisely figure. It can be that in the in 8° edition Ravillan's Instruction has been integrated into the text; in this case perhaps to be identified with the second part, a kind of catechism, introduced by 'Demandes et responces, qui comprennent ce qui est necessaire de sçavoir au commun populaire, touchant les principaux pointz de la religion chrestienne'; and that for some reason or another the name of Ravillan has been omitted from the title-page of this in 8° edition. Another explanation is more likely: in the Plantinian catalogue (see further in Notes) the number of sheets of the in 8⁰ edition is quoted to be 11½ (= in fact 11) and of the in 16° edition 11. The only known copy of the in 16mo edition has in fact 6 sheets (quires A-M, of which in a in 16° edition there are two on one sheet) - meaning that 5 sheets are not accounted for. This can imply that the only known copy of the in 16° edition does not in fact include the Instruction chrestienne.
Note 3 In this connection it has to be noted that the Museum Plantin-Moretus-copy has been found in the Museum Plantin-Moretus-archives in a bundle, containing also the privilege for the 1558-edition, the manuscript of Ravillan's 1562 publication, and a letter of Margaret of Parma, Governor-General of the Netherlands, inviting Plantin to account for the latter edition: see cp012797.
Note 4 On the mysterious Ravillan, of whom Plantin published another treatise in 1562: see also cp012797.
Note 5 Of both editions Plantin sold quite a number of copies. Cf. Arch. 34, pages 22 (to be shipped to Frankfurt, 11 March 1557 [1558]: 75 copies, noted down for 7 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers), 27 (to Martin le Jeune, Paris, 5 June 1558: 50 copies, worth 3 florins Carolus guilders 15 stuivers), 28 (to Lucas [Brayer], Paris, 12 February 1559: 100 copies), 33 (?, 100 copies), 34 (shipped to Paris, 22 November 1559: 10 copies), 37 (?, 400, worth 16 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers); Arch. 35, folios 35 verso (to Pierre de la Tombe, Brussels, 8 July 1558: 6 bound copies, to be distributed by P. de la Tombe: one to the 'visitateur' (= censor), 3 to 'monsgr. Taffin pour Arnould d'Entiere [= secretary to president Viglius d'Aytta]', 1 to Philippe de . . . [?]), 36 recto (to Taffin, 11 July 1558: 2 bound copies; 12 July 1558: 1 bound copy), 37 verso (to Schelling [= Schellinc], 'visitateur' at Brussels, July 1558: 1 copy); Arch. 36, folios 5 verso (to Pierre du Pré, 28 April 1561: 12 copies in 16°, worth 1 florins Carolus guilders 4 stuivers), 10 recto (to Lucas Brayer, 5 July 1561: 25 copies), 54 verso (to J. Steelsius, 6 March 1558: 25 copies, worth 2 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers), 58 verso (to J. Steelsius, 17 June 1558: 4 bound copies in 8°), 60 verso (to J. Steelsius, 16 October 1559: 3 bound copies in 8°).
Note 6 Listed inM 296, folio 10 recto (Instruction Xre, 8°, 1558, f[euilles], 11½, [price:] stuivers 1½; Idem in 16°, a° 58, et 61 [= see under Ravillan, cp012797] f[euilles] 11, [price:] stuivers 2).
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