
L'agriculture et maison rustique, [printed by Jacques du Puis], 1565

in The Plantin Press Online

(692 words)

Record ID cp011378
Voet reference number 1139
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcription L'AGRICVLTVRE ‖ ET ‖ MAISON RVSTI- ‖ QVE DE M. CHARLES ‖ ESTIENNE DOCTEVR ‖ EN MEDECINE. ‖ EN LAQVELLE est contenu tout ce qui peut estre requis ‖ pour bastir maison champestre: nourrir & medeciner bestiali & ‖ volaille de toutes sortes: dresser iardins, tant potagers que par- ‖ terres: gouuerner mousches à miel: planter & enter toute sorte ‖ d'arbres fruictiers: entretenir les prez, viuiers & estāgs: labourer ‖ les terres à grains: façonner les vignes: planter bois de hauste fu- ‖ stage & taillis: bastir la garenne, la haironniere, & le parc pour ‖ les bestes sauuages. ‖ Plus vn bref recueil de la Chasse, & dela Fauconnerie. ‖ ⊕ 17 ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ Chés Christophle Plantin, au compas d'or. ‖ - ‖ M.D.LXV. ‖ Auec Priuilege du Roy.
Collation 4⁰: ā⁴, ē⁴, ī⁲, a-z⁴, A-T⁴; pages [1-20], folios 1 recto-155 verso, [156 recto-168 verso]
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 7 April…[?], signed by [?], and Council of Brabant, 18 April 1564 old style, s. Perre) [3-10]: A monseigneur maistre Thomas de Brageloigne, conseiller du roy nostre sire, et lieutenant criminel de la Prevosté et Viconté de Paris (15 January 1564, s. Charles Estienne; italic type) [11-18]: Table (on two columns; roman type, parts in italic type) [19-20]: Blank 1 recto-155 verso: Text (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type)[156 recto-166 verso]: Index (on two columns) [167 recto-188 verso]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Sidney Sussex Library - K 3.10
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 66 (1566, no. 45)Bib. Belgica (1964-1970 éd.), II, page 1054 N.B.: both mentioning the work without knowing an existing copy.
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 In 1564 was published at Paris by Jacques du Puis the first French edition of La maison rustique, the famous treatise on husbandry. It had been first published in Latin, under the title Praedium rusticum, in 1554, Paris, apud Carolum Stephanum. Charles Estienne seems to have written himself the French text of the 1564-edition.
Note 2 Plantin's edition is not a reprint but in fact the original publication of Jacques du Puis of which the Antwerp typographer simply changed the title-page, as was already been deduced from the Plantinian Archives by Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), and as is clearly shown in the only known copy at Cambridge.
Note 3 In Arch. 4, folio 91 verso, is listed under 'Maison rustique françois' at the date of 9 June 1565 a sum of 15 stuivers for composing and printing 300 copies of 'A premiere fueille' for which 12 'mains' (i.e. 300 sheets) of paper 'petit bastard' were used. On the other hand Plantin bought copies of the original edition directly from Jacques du Puis; if not exactly 300, in any case quite a substantial number, at 10 stuivers a piece: 12 copies on September 1564, 30 on 9 November 1564, 40 on 3 February 1565, 40 on 20 March 1565; in all 122 copies (Arch. 39, folio 86 verso; cf. Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.) , II, page 1054). Probably with the consent of du Puis, Plantin replaced the original title-page with one showing his own Antwerp imprint, and brought the copies on the market as being his own edition.
Note 4 Du Puis must have issued in 1564-1565 at least two editions of the Maison rustique. In any case, the copy of the Paris 1564-edition in Museum Plantin-Moretus, B 1811, differs from the publication showing Plantin's imprint. It may be supposed that when the first Paris edition had been marketed, Plantin contacted du Puis for the second edition. It is possible that the first shipment to Plantin of 12 copies on 17 September 1564 (and perhaps the second of 30 copies on 9 November 1564 as well) belonged to the first edition.
Note 5 This French edition is mentioned by Plantin in the dedicatories of his Dutch editions of 1566 and 1582.
Note 6 Listed in M 296, folio 12 recto (Mayson Rustique francois, 4⁰, f[euilles] 44, [price:] stuivers 10).
Further reading

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