
Corpus iuris canonici, in folio, in 3 vols., 1573

in The Plantin Press Online

(2,115 words)

Record ID cp011340
Voet reference number1031
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3252160
Title page transcription
Number of sheets
Edition information
CopiesUNamur- R6B.0087- R6B.0088- R6C.0034- R6C.0035- R6C.0036
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Joint publishing venture of Plantin, the heirs of Joannes Steelsius (headed by Petrus Bellerus) and Philippus Nutius, for which a joint printer's mark was cut, being a combination of the marks of the three firms, which has only been used for this edition (showing the monograms of the designer Pieter van der Borcht and the woodcutter Gerard Janssen van Kampen; Van der Borcht was paid on 25 January 1573 the sum of 2 florins Carolus guilders for the design: Arch. 31, folio 164).
Note 2Plantin had already printed a Corpus iuris canonici in 1569. It was, however, another - Parisian - edition, which served as model for this 1573-publication: the in folio published by Gulielmus Desboys, Gulielmus Merlin, and Sebastianus Nivelle, 1561 (Decretum Gratiani edited by Demochares; Decretales edited by Martinus Gilbertus, professor and lawyer in Paris; Sextus liber, Constitutiones and Extravagantes edited by Aegidius Perrinus and Jacobus Fontanus) (cf. de Clercq, page 184).
Note 3The Antwerp 1573-edition was a rather complicated affair. The Constitutiones and the Extravagantes, normally found as an appendix to the Sextus liber, are given here as separate volumes with the address of Philippus Nutius and the year 1572: it seems as if these volumes were already printed by Nutius and at his expense, a year prior to the publication of the other volumes. To the contrary, the first volume, the Decretum Gratiani, is in fact the Paris 1561-edition of which the first quire and the last ones have been reprinted. The Decretales and the Sextus liber, finally, are reprinted from the 1561-edition. The genesis of the publication may perhaps be reconstructed as follows: Nutius started the enterprise and printed on his own behalf the last two volumes in 1572, but lacking the financial means to achieve the whole, asked the help of Plantin and the heirs of Steelsius. One of the parties - perhaps Nutius , but more likely Plantin (as it is stated explicitly that the replaced parts were printed at his expenses) - could purchase a number of copies of the original 1561-edition of the Decretum Gratiani which were re-arranged so as to look as a publication of the three Antwerp publishers. As not sufficient copies of the Paris-edition of the Decretales and the Sextus liber could be bought these volumes were reprinted after the Parisian model by an Antwerp printer at the expense of the three partners.
Note 4Plantin seems to have started with the project as early as 1569: in a letter to Gaspar de Portinariis, 7 September 1569. he states: 'Au reste, j'ay achevé le cours Canon in- 8⁰ et commencé celuy in-f⁰' (Corr., II, no. 182, page 69). The fact that in years to come no further mention was made concerning the printing of this work could mean that the printing had not yet begun in 1569. It is attractive to suppose that in 1569 Plantin had been able to buy the stock of copies of the 1561-edition of the Decretum Gratiani and was thinking of re-arranging them, if not actually starting with it. Having many other publications to look after, he dropped momentarily the project until taking it up later with the heirs of Steelsius and Nutius.
Note 5In a letter to Camerarius (?), J. Moretus states in September 1578 that unbound copies were sold at 10 florins Carolus guilders (Corr., VI, no. 807).
Note 6Listed in M 296, folio 3r (Corpus canonicum in f⁰ cum glossis, f[euilles] -, [price:] florins Carolus guilders 9 stuivers 10), and M 164, folio 6r.
Further reading


Title page transcriptionDECRETVM ‖ GRATIANI: ‖ SEV VERIVS, ‖ Decretorum Canonicorū collectanea, ‖ Ab ipso auctore Gratiano primūm inscripta, ‖ CONCORDIA DISCORDANTIVM CANONVM: ‖ Ex diuite illa scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum, summorum Pontificum, Conciliorúmque Oecu- ‖ menicorum supellectile, eiusdem Gratiani labore concinnata, & in suas classes digesta. ‖ Præfixa sunt ab Antonio DEMOCHARE Sorbonicæ Academiæ collega, singulis ferè Distinctionibus& Causarum quæstionibus παράτιτλα quædam, summam totius rei succinctè complectentia. ‖ Additi sunt insuper ab eodem passim ad marginem, librorum & capitum ex quibus ista ‖ Decretorum farrago compacta est, numeri indicatorij. ‖ Non sine amplissimis tum Canonum ipsorum, tum rerum in Glossis maximè insignium indicibus alphabeticis. ‖ ⊕ 26 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Apud Christophorum Plantinum, Hæredes ‖ I. Steelsii, & Philippum Nutium. ‖ M.D.LXXIII.
CollationFolio (335 × 220): a-cVIII, dX, A-ZVIII, AA-ZZVIII, AAA-XXXVIII, a-fVIII, gX; pages [1-68], Columns 1-3044, 1-220, [221-232] (Errors: 2nd part: 963 for 396, 476 for 475, 502 for 520, 010 for 810, 913-914 for 933-934, 1019 for 1119, 1356 for 1536, 1689-1690 for 1691-1692, 1845-1846 for 1825-1826, 1621 for 1961, 2100-2999 omitted)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-4]: Clarissimi principi…cardinali D. Carolo Lotaringo, Remensi archiepiscopo, Antonius Monchiacenus Demochares Ressonaeus, felicitatem (Paris, 28 November 1560; marginals in italic type) [5]: Vita Gratiani ex variis biographis excerpta (parts in italic type) [5-67]: Tables and Indices (on four, two and three columns, parts in italic type) [67]: Errata [68]: illustration; In opus Gratiani ad lectorem dodecastichon (italic type); Columns 1-3044: Text (parts in italic type, with glosses); Columns 1-220: Margarita decreti, seu tabula Martiniana, edita per fratrem Martinum ordinis Praedicatorum, domini papae poenitentiarium et capellanum (on three columns, parts in italic type); Columns [221-226]: Repertorum dictionum quae in Margarita…(on three columns); Columns [227-228]: Index diction. Marg. decreti (on three columns); LVTETIAE PARISIORVM ‖ Ex officina chalcographica Gulielmi Desboys, sub ‖ Sole aureo, in via Iacobæa. ‖ Anno Domini M.D.LXI.; Columns [229-232]: Blank
Edition information
VariantsA: as described here (Museum Plantin-Moretus, A 280) B: (KBR Royal Library of Belgium V.B. 2364C): 1) Quire XXX (Columns 3013-3044) reprinted, with on Columns 3043-3044 the colophon 'Antverpiae, excudebat Theodorus Lyndanus Typis & Sumptibus Christophori Plantini.'; 2) Quires a-f8, g10 (Margarita decreti; Repertorium) replaced by quires a-e8, f10, containing Margarita decreta (Columns 1-198: pages [1-99]), Repertorium (pages [100-103]; page [104] Blank). On page [103] colophon: 'Antverpiae, typis et sumptibus Christophori Plantini. Excudebat Ioannes VVithagius. Anno. M.D. LXXII.'
IllustrationsWoodcut, 210 × 171, on page [68], representing Gratianus with popes and churchmen at his side, the whole surrounded by cartouches in which figures of the Old Testament, the Evangelists and Church-fathers are depicted. This woodcut figures in the original 1561 Paris-edtion
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus - A 280: variant AKBR Royal Library of Belgium (V.B. 2364 c: variant B). Not checked which variant: Cambridge
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 139 (1573, no. 17) de Clercq, page 187.
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Variant A is in fact the edition of Gulielmus Desboys, Paris, 1561, in which only the first quire a8 (pages [1-16]) has been replaced by a quire printed at Antwerp. Variant B is also the Paris 1561-edition in which, besides quire a, have also been replaced the last quires: XXX8 and a-f8, g10. It may be supposed that variant A has not been marketed, but that in this particular copy by some error the last quires of the Paris-edition have been preserved instead of being replaced by the reprinted quires. Variant B should thus represent the volume as it was marketed by Plantin, the heirs of Steelsius and Nutius: the larger part being the 1561 Paris-edition, with the first and the last quires replaced.
Note 2According to the colophons the last quires were printed at the expense of Plantin by two Antwerp printers, some by Theodorus Lyndanus (Van der Linden) (including perhaps also the first quire), the larger part by Joannes Withagius (Verwithagen).
Note 3For more details see the introductory note to this 1573 in folio edition.
Further reading


Title page transcriptionDECRETALES ‖ GREGORII IX. PONT. MAX. ‖ SVIS COMMENTARIIS ILLVSTRATAE: ‖ Ab innumeris penè mendis repurgatæ & pristino suo nitori exantiquorum exemplarium collatione, tam in textu quàm in glossisoptima fide feliciter restitutae. ‖ Quibus additæ sunt ex integris ipsis Decretalibus, non minus necessariæ quàm ‖ vtiles annotationes, & interpretationes germanæ, ac compluribus in lo- ‖ cis (vt passim videre est) lectiones variæ, Opera ac diligentia Mar- ‖ tini Gilberti, ordinarij Iuris Pontificij professoris in alma Pa- ‖ risiorum Academia, & in supremo Senatu Aduocati. ‖ Huic Postremæ æditioni accessit repertorium continens concordantias Rubricarum & Materiarum, ‖ in Sexto, Clementinis, Decreto, & toto corpore Iuris Ciuilis sibi inter se correspondentium. ‖ ⊕ 26ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Apud Christophorum Plantinum, Viduam Ioannis Stelsij, & Philippum Nutium. ‖ M.D.LXXIII.
CollationFolio (340 × 223): aVIII, bVI, A-ZVIII, AA-ZZVIII, AAA-ZZZVIII. AAAAVIII, BBBBIV; pages [1-28], Columns 1-2136, pages [1-10], folios 1r-18v, [19r-v], pages [1-8] (Errors: in 2nd part: 295-296 for 195-96, 1411-1412 for 1427-1428, 1809-1810 for 1909-1910, 2022 for 2002)Museum Plantin-Moretus (A 282); KBR Royal Library of Belgium; Cambridge
Fingerprint157302 - # a1 a3 end : # a2 b4 otes - # b1 A c : # b2 4B3 ib.$4.$tit.$18
Number of sheets288
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Blank [3]: Ioanni a Sancto Andrea, Carcassonen. Ecclesiae decano, Martinus Gilbertus…S. (Paris, 22 April 1561) [4-5]: Gregorii Noni…vita (on two columns, marginals in italic type) [6-7]: Versus expositi continentes rubricas iuris canonici (with glosses, parts in italic type) [8-28]: Tables and Indices (on three columns); Columns 1-2136: Text (with glosses, parts in italic type, marginals in roman type and italic type); pages [1-10]: Tabula Lodovici Bolognini de Bononia…totum ferme decretorum volumen amplissimum continens…(on three columns, part in italic type); page [10]-folios 1r-18v: Margarita decretalium, libellus…(on three columns, parts in italic type); folios 18v-[19r]: Repertorium dictionum quae in Margarita decretalium continentur (on four columns); folio [19v]: Blank; pages [1-7]: Repertorium concordantiarum (on three columns); page [8]: Blank
Edition information
Bibliographical referencesde Clercq, page 187 Adams 1229 Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica, 721 Not in Ruelens-de Backer.
Online bibliographical referencesSTCV c:stcv:7035897USTC 401585
Note 1Rooses, Musée, page 117, affirms that the 'lettrines' used in this volume indicate that the work was printed by Jan Verwithagen.
Note 2For more details see the introductory note to this 1573 in folio edition.
Further reading


Title page transcriptionSEXTVS ‖ DECRETALIVM ‖ LIBER, ‖ ÆGIDII PERRINI OPERA, SVÆgenuinæ integritati restitutus, Iacobi Fontani cura illustratus, & IoannisAndreæ, Archidiaconi, Dominici, Ancharani, Philippi Franci, ‖ Dini, aliorum q̓ue non obscuri nominis virorum com- ‖ mentariis explicatior redditus. ‖ ⊕ 26 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Apud Christophorum Plantinum, Hæredes ‖ Io. Steelsii & Philippum Nutium. ‖ M.D.LXXIII.
CollationFolio (335 × 218): aX, A-ZVIII, AA-DDVIII, EEX; pages [1-20], Columns 1-886, [887-904] (Errors: 179-180 for 183-184, 235 not numbered)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Duodecim perfectiones huius operis (on two columns) [3-18]: Indices (on three columns) [19]: Blank [20]: illustration and text (in italic type); Columns 1-886: Text (with glosses, parts and marginals in italic type); Columns [887-894]: Reguiae iuris civilis per ordinem alphabeti; Columns [895-898]: Vita Bonifacii VIII (parts in italic type); Columns [899-902]: Versus expositi continentes rubricas iuris canonici (with glosses); Columns [903-904]: Blank
Edition information
IllustrationsWoodcut, 197 × 162, on page [20], representing in an archaic style reminiscent of the French illustrations of the early 16th century, a doctor in [canonic] law presenting the Decretales to Pope Bonifatius VIII, with underneath this representation, in five cartouches, scenes depicting points treated in the Decretales
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus - A 281CambridgeSéminaire de Tournai
Bibliographical referencesde Clercq, page 187 Not in Ruelens-de Backer.
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Contains the Sextus liber decretalium compiled at the order of Bonifatius VIII.
Note 2The Sextus liber is normally followed by the Constitutiones of Clemens V, the Extravagantes of Joannes XXII, and the Extravagantes communes. In this 1573-edition these parts are presented as two separate editions: Clementinae seu Clementis V Pont. Max. Constitutiones (Columns 1-368, [369-392]) and Extravagantes Joannis XXII pontificis maximi (including also the Extravagantes communes: Columns 1-390, [391-404]). Both, however, have the address 'Antverpiae, ex officina Philippi Nutii, An. M.D. LXXII.', whilst the colophon of the Extravagantes bears also 'Antverpiae, ex officina typographica Philippi Nutii. Anno M.D. LXXII.' (Copy of both works in Museum Plantin-Moretus, A 281, bound with the Sextus liber).
Note 3For more details see the introductory note to this 1573 in folio edition.
Further reading
The Plantin Press Online

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