Record ID | cp011325 |
Voet reference number | 1758 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | |
Author | Alardus NUCEUS (DU GAUCQUIER) |
Title page transcription | [Within engraved title-page; typographical text within cut-out medallions:] □ QVATVOR ‖ MISSAE, ‖ QVINQVE, SEX, ‖ ET OCTO ‖ VOCVM; ‖ Auctore ‖ ALARDO NVCEO ‖ vulgò DV GAVCQVIER, Insulano, ‖ Sereniss. Principis Mathiæ Austrij &c. ‖ Musicorum præfecto. ‖ IAM primùm in lucem editæ. ‡ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ EX OFFICINA CHRISTOPHORI ‖ PLANTINI TYPOGRAPHI REGII. ‖ M.D. LXXXI. |
Collation | Folio (536 × 385): folios [1r-3r], I-XCIIII. No signatures; the foliation in Roman capitals is repeated on both pages of the open sheets (left and right) (between XXVII-XXVIII, XLVIII-XLIX, LXXI-LXXII: double page, being the verso-side of the first and the recto-side of the second, not counted: with staff but without notes or music) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1r]: Title [1v]: Blank [2r-v]: Serenissimo principi D. Matthiae, archiduci Austriȩ…Alardus Nuceus…(s. Alardus Nuceus, Antwerp, 2 February 1581) [3r]: Ad Alardum Nuceum…Henricus Witthemius pedissequorum eiusdem principis [Matthiae] paedagogus I-XCIIII: Text (roman type and music) |
Edition information | |
Illustrations | Engraved title-page, with two cut-out medallions for the typographical texts, used in most of Plantin's monumental music-editions (cf. no. 1306: de la Hèle, Octo missae) |
Copies | KBR Royal Library of Belgium- 1664 LP: title-page and last page missingAustrian National Library- SA 25 Aa2Regierungsbibliothek, Ansbach |
Bibliographical references | A. Goovaerts, Histoire et bibliographie de la typographie musicale dans les Pays-Bas, 1880, page 125, no. 262 Stellfeld, pages 54-62 Not in Ruelens-de Backer |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | Music and text of four Missae and an introductory piece: Aspersione aquae benedictae (with 6 voices) (I-IIII), Missa moeror cuncta tenet (with 5 voices) (V-XXVII), Missa sine nomine (with 6 voices) (XXVIII-XLVIII), Missa Beati omnes (with 6 voices) (XLIX-LXXI), Missa sine nomine (with 8 voices) (LXXII-XCV). |
Note 2 | The text of the poem in honour of the composer by Henricus Witthemius is reproduced in Stellfeld, page 55. |
Note 3 | Nuceus accompanied Archduke Mathias in the Netherlands and resided at that time in Antwerp. This means that the negotiations between author and publisher were done orally, and that, consequently, no information about this edition is to be found in the correspondence (the few entries and notes in the Plantinian archives, detailed by Stellfeld, pages 56-57, have nothing to do with the publication itself). |
Note 4 | As was the case for all the other monumental music-editions issued by the Plantin Press in those years, the large-dimension paper used had originally been purchased for the publication of the great Antiphonarium commissioned by Philip II; a fact often referred to in Plantin's correspondence. For this particular edition, cf. Plantin's letters to de Çayas, 5 September 1581 (Corr., VI, no. 940, page 290) and 31 January 1587 (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1204, page 138). |
Note 5 | The making of the Missae has been reconstructed by Stellfeld, pages 55-56, from the Livre des Ouvriers (Arch. 33, folio 35): the compositor Frans Mesurier started with the 'Missa Gaukier' on 11 February 1581 and ended on 3 June 1581. |
Note 6 | The sale of the edition has been compiled from the Plantinian archives by Stellfeld, pages 58-62: the first copy was sold on 29 July 1581. In all, between 1581 and 1615, the sales can be traced of 33 copies: 3 in 1581, 5 in 1582, 1 in 1583, 1 in 1585, 2 in 1586, 2 in 1587, 1 in 1589, 3 in 1590, 4 in 1592, 1 in 1593, 2 in 1595, 1 in 1596, 1 in 1605, 1 in 1608, 1 in 1612, 4 in 1615. The prices varied from 5 florins Carolus guilders to 10 florins Carolus guilders, with one at 18 florins Carolus guilders (probably a bound copy); if one copy was still entered for 9 florins Carolus guilders in 1612, the copies sold in 1615, however, were only valued at 1 florins Carolus guilders 16 stuivers The normal price for an unbound copy must have been 6 florins Carolus guilders |
Note 7 | Listed in M 296, folio 11v (Missae Quatuor Alardi Nucei in f⁰ regali, 1581, [feuilles] 101, [price:] florins Carolus guilders 6), and Ms. 321. |
Further reading |