
Praecidanea pro Q. Valerio Catullo, 1581

in The Plantin Press Online

(437 words)

Record ID cp011315
Voet reference number 1111
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcription IANI DOVSÆ ‖ NORDOVICIS ‖ PRÆCIDANEA ‖ Pro Q. Valerio Catullo. ‖ ⊕ 34 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ CIƆ. IƆ. LXXXI.
Collation 16mo [86]: A-D⁸, E⁴; pages 1-71, [12]
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-12: Ianus Dousa Nordovix Iano Lernutio Brugensi S.D. (parts in italic type) 13-58: Text (parts in italic type, words in greek type and gothic type) 59-64:…parodia, Catullianis numeris, de eiusdem phaselo adumbrata (italic type, parts in roman type) 65-71: Epigrammata [72]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Utrecht University Library- X. oct. 826Ghent University LibraryVatican Apolstolic Library
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 226 (1581, no. 15).
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Contains: a) Series of comments on and explanations of passages of the works of Catullus (in 9 chapters; pages 13-58; in chapter V, pages 32-34, poem by Janus Dousa to Janus Hautenus); b) Poems by Janus Dousa in imitation of Catullus (Jani Dousae Nordovicis parodia, Catullianis numeris, de eiusdem phaselo adumbrata; pages 59-64: In effigiem Rosillae defunctae; Elegia; Ad Idam; In felles literarias); c) Epigrams by Dousa introduced by 'Ne sequentes pagellae vacarent scilicet, placuit in gratiam poëtices studiosorum maxime et alia nonnulla epigrammata huc nostra subtexere' (pages 65-71: Ad Iustum Lipsium; De Hircano, ad Ianum Hautenum; Ad Abrahamum Ortelium; In Creticum; De Rufo nescio quo, cognomento Artocrea, ad Bellavosinum legatum Gallum, V.N.; Novae Batavicae Monetae inscriptio; De Othone et Otacilio; Ad Philippum Morum mathematicum; Ad eundem, de Rufo; In Manium; Ad Gerardum Achteveldium; Ad Ianum Lernutium).
Note 2 A number of copies of the edition had on the title-page the year 1581 changed into 1582 (see following no.).
Note 3 In a letter to Dousa, 6 January 1582 (Corr., VII, no. 1007), Plantin explains to the author: 'J'ay envoyé de voir Praecidanea en vostre nom a Bruges et a Paris pour les distribuer aux admirateurs de vos nobles vertus'. One copy was for L. Carrio, who thanks Plantin in an undated letter (beginning of 1582) for mailing him the 'Duzae praecidanea' (Suppl. Corr., no. 169). As in 1581-82 two 'praecidanea' of Dousa left the Plantinian presses, one on Catullus, the other on Tibullus (see no. cp010137), it is, however, not clear which Praecidanea is meant in these two letters.
Note 4 Listed in M 296, folio 4v ([Douzae Jani] Precidanea pro Catullo, 16⁰, [15] 81, f[euilles] 2¼, [price:] stuivers 1), M 164, folio 9r, and M 321 (sub 1581).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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