
Responsio venerabilium sacerdotum Henrici Ioliffi et Roberti Ionson…ad illos articulos Ioannis Hoperi…, 1564

in The Plantin Press Online

(824 words)

Record ID cp011290
Voet reference number 1472
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1115090
Author Robert JOHNSON (JONSON)
Title page transcription [Within woodcut-compartment:] † RESPONSIO □ VENERABILIVM SA ‖ CERDOTVM, HENRICI ‖ Ioliffi & Roberti Ionson, sub ‖ protestatione facta, ad illos ar- ‖ ticulos Ioānis Hoperi, Episco- ‖ pi Vigorniæ nomen gerentis, ‖ in quibus à Catholica fide dis ‖ sentiebat: ‖ VNA cum Cōfutationibus eiusdē ‖ Hoperi, & Replicationibus reue- ‖ rendiss. in Christo patris, bonæ me- ‖ moriæ, Stephani Gardineri, Episco- ‖ pi Vintoniensis, tunc temporis pro ‖ confessione fidei in carcere detenti. ‡ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ - ‖ M.D. LXIIII. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO.
Collation 8º [119]: A-Z⁸, Aa-Cc⁸; folios 1r-200v, [201r-208v] (Errors: 34 for 35, 36 for 37, 38 for 39, 90 for 80, 121 for 112, 131 for 141, 133 for 143)
Number of sheets
Pages [1r]: Title [1v]: Privilege (to H. Ioliffus: Brussels, 26 November 1563, signed by Facuvez) 2r-4v: Potentiss. ac sereniss. principi Philippo…(s. Henricus Ioliffus, presbyter, Anglus; Louvain, 13 February) 5r-vo: Argumentum operis (italic type) 6r-200r: Text (parts in italic type and greek type, marginals in italic type) 200v: Approbationes (29 March, s Petrus Curtius, Louvain; s. Ioannes Walterius, Louvain; s. Cornelius Iansenius, Louvain); Errata [201r-208v]: Index
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 1761- R. 21.14KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeBritish Library London
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 36 (1564, no. 3)
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 'Protestatio Henrici Ioliffi, sacrae theologiae baccalaurei et Roberti Ionson, in legibus baccalaurei, ad articulos sibi propositos a Ioanne Hopero, Glocestriae et Vigorniae episcopo usurpato': 'protestatio' by Joliffus and Jonson, 'confutatio' by Hoperus (or his assistants Harlaeus or Ivellus) of this 'protestatio' (in italic type), and 'replicatio' of the 'confutatio' by Stephanus Gardiner, article after article of 19 articles of faith, preceded by a general 'protestatio' (and 'confutatio' and 'replicatio').
Note 2 In 1552, during the reign of Edward VI, Joliffus and Jonson (Johnson), both canons at Worcester, refused to subscribe the articles of faith proposed by Bishop Joannes Hooper of Worcester at his diocesan visitation, on the ground that they were neither Catholic nor agreeable to the ancient doctrine. The two canons held a public disputation with Hooper and his assistant Harley (afterwards bishop of Hereford): the 'Responsio…' is the text of this dispute with the arguments of Joliffus and Jonson and their refutation by Bishop Hooper. As Joliffus explains in the 'Argumentum operis' the texts of the two parties were forwarded to Stephanus Gardiner, the bishop of Winchester, at that time kept prisoner at London, who in his prison wrote long and well documented answers to the 'refutations' of Hooper, which were also included in the 'Refutatio…'.
Note 3 The privilege, dated 26 November 1563, was granted to Joliffus. On 7 December 1563 Plantin and 'Henricus Joliffus, presbyter Anglus' signed an agreement (in two copies) in which the English priest ceded to the printer the privilege to print his work. Plantin promised to start printing within 12 days, to give the author 100 copies, and, moreover, to begin selling his own copies a full month after Joliffus should have received his copies (enabling, consequently, the Englishman to sell his part of the edition in better conditions, before the works came into the bookshops) (Arch. 116, folios 7 and 11).
Note 4 The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 61, gives the following details about 'Responsio ad Artic. Anglic.'. The printing of the first quires is noted on 26 December 1563: 'pour composition, impression et temps perdu au commencemens 3 florins Carolus guilders 15 stuivers'. The wages for composing and printing are entered from 26 December 1563 until 20 February 1564 (on 13 February: for the last three quires and the first one; on 20 February: for the Index) and amount to 42 florins Carolus guilders 12 stuivers Each copy contains 26 sheets. Paper 'petit bastard' was used, which cost 1 florins Carolus guilders per ream 'mais les mains de dessus et dessoubs sont cassées parquoy y en a entré 74 rames 10 mains, dont reste 7 rames et 9 mains'. The paper, consequently, was noted for 74 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers, bringing the overall costs to 117 florins Carolus guilders 2 stuivers On the opposite page Plantin notes that he has printed 1,250 copies 'qui reviennent à [117 florins Carolus guilders] par quoy revient le cent d'exemplaires à [9 florins Carolus guilders 15 stuivers]. Or ay ie baillé 100 exemplaires desd. livres à M. Jehan Joliffe Anglois pour la copie et privilege de 6 ans et par ainsi reviennent lesd. livres maintenant restants 1,150 à la somme susd.…qui sont 2 1/8 stuivers la pièce'.
Note 5 Of 'Joliffi responsio ad Hopperum' 38 copies remained still in stock in the Plantin Press in 1642 (cf. L. Voet, The Golden Compasses, II, page 459).
Note 6 Listed in M 296, folio 16v (Responsio Joliffi ad -, in-8º, f[euilles] 26, [price:] stuivers 4).
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