Record ID | cp011272 |
Voet reference number | 585 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | |
Author | ARIAS MONTANUS (MONTANO) Benedictus |
Title page transcription | LA LEÇON ‖ CHRESTIENNE, ‖ ou ‖ LES OFFICES ET DEVOIRS ‖ FAMILIERS ET CONVENA- ‖ bles à tous disciples de Christ, tirés des pre- ‖ ceptes & institutions du souverain Maistre, ‖ & colligés en un bref Sommaire pour l'in- ‖ struction du petit troupeau, ‖ PAR ‖ BENOIT ARIAS MONTAN; ‖ Traduit du Latin en François ‖ Efforcez vous d'entrer par la porte estroicte. ‖ ⊕ 29 ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christofle Plantin, ‖ Imprimeur du Roy. ‖ M.D.LXXIX. |
Collation | 8⁰ (155 × 106):… |
Fingerprint | |
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Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus (Arch. 1228, folio 298 recto: only title-page). No complete copy known |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, page 206 (1579, no. 30) Morales, no. 39 (referring to Degeorge, La maison Plantin, who himself copied Ruelens-de Backer) Palau y Dulcet, I, page 474, no. 16480 |
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Note 1 | French translation of the Dictatum Christianum (see no. cp012621), made by Plantin himself. The idea was to publish of the Latin text a French translation (by Plantin), a Dutch (by Jan Moretus) and an Italian (by Cardinal Caraffa, contacted personally by Arias Montanus during his stay in Italy). Cf. the letter of Arias Montanus to Jan Moretus, 7 July 1575 (Correspondance de C. Plantin, IV, no. 638: 'Cupio scire an dictatum christianum tu belgice [= Dutch] ac D. Plantinus gallice fueritis interpretati, Illmus Caraffa italice vertere parat') and the letter of Jan Moretus to Arias Montanus, middle of July 1575 (Correspondance de C. Plantin, IV, no. 639): 'Socer meus Dictatum gallice translatum habet in promptu, quod ubi rescriptum ac nitidum visitator approbaverit, prima opportunitate ut prima occasione praelo submittat, ego quantum potero efficiam ut Theutonicum subsequatur'). Only the French translation seems, ultimately, to have been finished and printed. |
Note 2 | Plantin had the intention to publish his French translation together or nearly together with the Latin editio princeps, but, as he complains to Girgos in a letter of 12 November 1575 (Correspondance de C. Plantin, V, no. 672), he had up to that moment not yet found time to finish the job - probably meaning not the actual printing but the finishing touch to his translation ('mitto [together with catalogues of the Frankfurt Fairs] una cum Dictato Christiano Latine, Gallice vero nondum licuit nobis absolvere per negocia et occupationes quae mihi cotidie obtruduntur'). Owing to the political troubles, the publication had to be postponed for another four years. |
Note 3 | Plantin, in the foreword to his French edition of L. Vives, L'institution de la femme chrestienne, dated 1 June 1579, states he was printing at that moment the French version of Arias's Dictatum: 'j'imprime aussi maintenant en François le livret de la Leçon Chrestienne de ce grand docteur Benoist Arias Montan: livret propre, utile et necessaire à toutes personnes de quelque sexe, aage, estat, office, condition, qualité, et auctorité qu'elles puissent estre: car il contient en brief le devoir d'un chacun Chrestien en quelque lieu et temps que ce soit, et en quelque degré qu'il puisse estre' (text reproduced inCorrespondance de C. Plantin, VI, no. 829). |
Note 4 | Ruelens-de Backer specifies that the book was an in 8⁰ of 83 pages. The details given in M 296, folio 11 recto (Leçon Xre in 8⁰ de B. Montanus, f[euilles] 10½, a⁰ 1579, [price:] stuivers 10), make it clear that there were in fact 84 folios or 168 pages |
Further reading |