Record ID | cp011258 |
Voet reference number | 842A |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:712701 |
Author | Giovanni Michel BRUTO |
Title page transcription | LA INSTITV- ‖ TIONE DI VNA FAN- ‖ CIVLLA NATA NO- ‖ BILMENTE. ‖ L''INSTITVTION ‖ D'VNE FILLE DE NOBLE ‖ maison, Traduite de langue ‖ Tuscane en François. ‖ ⊕ VH, Bellerus no. 1 ‖ EN ANVERS. ‖ Chez Iehan Bellére, à l'enseigne du Faucon. ‖ Auec Priuilege. |
Collation | 8⁰ [110]: ζ⁸, A-F⁸, G⁴; folios [1 recto-8 verso], 1 recto-51 verso, [52 recto-verso] (Errors: 8-9-8-11-10-13-12-15-14-17; 4 for 46) |
Fingerprint | 000008 - # a1 q3 dou : # a2 q4 $voi$ - # b1 A e : # b2 G $ |
Number of sheets | 7.50 |
Pages | [1 recto]: Title [1 verso]: Blank [2 recto]: ⊕ VH, Bellerus no. 2 [2 verso-4 recto-verso-6 recto-verso]: Alla gentile et valerosa fanciulla Madama Marietta Catanea (Antwerp, 1 May 1555, italic type) [3 recto-verso-5 recto-verso-7 recto]: A gentille et vertueuse fille Madame Mariette Catanea (Antwerp, 1 May 1555) [7 verso]: C.P. au traducteur [8 recto]: Douzain…signed by C.P [8 verso]-51 recto: Text (italic type) 51 verso: ⊕ VH, Bellerus no. 2 51 verso-[52 recto]: A lettori (italic type) [52 recto]:De l'Imprimerie de Chr. ‖ Plantain. ‖ 1555 [52 verso]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - R 55.4; O.B. 3.8: on blue paper, in a de luxe binding attributed to Plantin: in this copy the error 4 [for 46] is corrected, probably by printing with the hand the cypher 6 next to 4Heritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpKBR Royal Library of BelgiumBritish Library London - on blue paper |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, pages 5-8 (1555, no. 1) Battistini, pages 89 ff Brunet, columns 1306-1307 A facsimile-edition published in 1954 by the 'Vereeniging der Antwerpsche Bibliophielen' Title-page reproduced in Voet, L. The Golden Compasses, I, pl. 6 Claude Sorgeloos, ‘La bibliothèque du Cultura Fonds: acquisitions 1991–1999’ in Le livre & l’estampe, 46 (2000), nr. 85 Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 426 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12918863USTC 29835 |
Note 1 | Edition of the Antwerp publisher Joannes Bellerus, printed by Plantin, of a moralizing treatise on the education of young girls of good family, in Italian with French translation (Italian and French texts on facing pages, with each text alternately on a left-hand and a right-hand page; thus e.g. Italian text: folios 2 verso - 4 recto-4 verso - 6 recto - 6 verso -, etc., and French text: folios 3 recto - 3 verso - 5 recto - 5 verso - 7 recto, etc.). |
Note 2 | The author is named at the beginning of the treatise which he dedicated to Silvester Cataneo, father of Marietta Catanea, an Italian merchant residing at Antwerp (folios [8 verso] - 1 recto; to quote the French text: 'L'institution d'une fille noble par M. Iehan Michel Bruto. Au signeur Silvestre Cataneo'). On the Italian friends of Bruto at Antwerp, cf. Battistini, page 33. |
Note 3 | The French translation was done by the publisher Joannes Bellerus, as can be deduced from the poem 'C.P. au traducteur' ('Si tu poursuis en tes traductions, Amy Bellére, ainsi qu'as commence…') and the Italian note 'A lettori' at the end. The two French poems signed C.P. are by Christoffel Plantin (reproduced: Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, nos. 257 and 258), as also the note 'A lettori' at the end. In this note Plantin sings the praise of Bellerus and blames the numerous occupations of his colleague (and his trip to the Frankfurt Fairs) for eventual errors left in the text (reproduced in Ruelens-de Backer, page 7). |
Note 4 | At least one copy was specially arranged by Plantin as a dedication-gift to a prominent Antwerp citizen: see cp010490. |
Note 5 | The Institutione is generally considered to be the very first book having been issued by the Plantin Press. If this cannot be proved with absolute certainty, the probability remains great that Bruto's treatise was indeed the 'first fruit from the garden of my [Plantin's] press': cf. the discussion in L. Voet, The Golden Compasses, I, page 17, n. 4. |
Note 6 | The Plantinian records note only the mailing of 6 copies to Martin le Jeune and 6 copies to Arnould Langelier, both at Paris, on 12 October 1556 (Arch. 34, folio 5 recto). |
Note 7 | On this publication see also Rooses, M. Musée Plantin-Moretus, pages 17-18. |
Note 8 | According to Brunet, Column 1307 (repeated by Rooses, M. Musée Plantin-Moretus, page 18), the work was reprinted at Paris in 1558. No copies, however, of such an edition are as yet known (cf. Battistini, page 94) and the existence of a 1558-reprint may be doubted. A later edition is more certain: the Italian and French texts were published with an English translation in 1598, at London, by Adam Islip (cf. Battistini, pages 94-95). |
Note 9 | Listed in M 296, folio 10 recto (Institut. d'une fille noble Ital. franc. 8⁰, 1555, f[euilles] 7½, Michiel Bruto). |
Further reading |