
Libri II de inlustribus grammaticis et claris rhetoribus, [edited by Achilles Statius], 1574

in The Plantin Press Online

(763 words)

Record ID cp011252
Voet reference number 2265II
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3219246
Title page transcription C. SVETONII ‖ TRANQVILLI ‖ LIBRI II. ‖ DE INLVSTRIBVS GRAM- ‖ MATICIS, ET CLARIS ‖ RHETORIBVS: ‖ Cum Achillis Statij Lusitani Commentatione. ‖ ⊕ 21 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini ‖ Architypographi Regij, ‖ M.D.LXXIIII.
Collation 8⁰ [132]: Aa-Bb⁸, Cc⁲, a-h⁸; pages 1-35, [36], 1-118, [119-122] (Note: pages [59-64] are added between 58-59)
Fingerprint 157408 - # b1 2A2 .IC.$ : # b2 2C æ,$ 000008 - # b1 a T : # b2 h5 m
Number of sheets 2.25 8
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3: Henrico principi infanti Portugalliae, S.R.E. cardinali, legato à latere, archiepiscopo Olisipponensi, Achilles Statius S.P.D. (Rome, 1 April 1565; italic type) 4-5: Dionysius Lambinus Achilli Statio S.D. (Paris, 1 February 1567) 6-34: Text (roman type and italic type, words in greek type) 35: Cassii Parmensis Orpheus (italic type, with introductory note in roman type) [36]: Blank 1-58, [59]: Annotationes Th. Pulmanni (parts in italic type and greek type; on two columns) [60]: Notae librorum quibus usi sumus (italic type, parts in roman type) [61-63]: Index (on two columns; words in greek type) [64]: Blank 59-71: Ioannis Baptistae Egnatii…annotationes (parts in italic type and greek type) 72-74: Graeci versus ac dictiones in Latinum per Ioan. Bapt. Egnatium Venetum tralatae (italic type and greek type; on two columns) 74: Index (on two columns) 75-76: Loca Suetonii per Erasmum restituta. Erasmus Rot. candido lectori S.D. (1517; italic type, parts in greek type) 76-87: Annotata per D. Erasmum (on two columns; words in greek type) 88: Henrichi Glareani…annotationes. Reverendo…D. Georgio a Graveneck, abbati Campoduni…Glareanus S.P.D. (Freiburg im Breisgau, 1 August 1559; italic type, parts in roman type) 89-118: Annotationes H. Loriti Glareani (parts in italic type and greek type; music on page 112) [119-121]: Index (on two columns) [122]: Errata
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 1689University Library Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamHeritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeBiblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, pages 148-149 (1574, no. 22) Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 4435
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12925863 | c:stcv:12925864USTC 407663
Note 1 Contains in two volumes (with separate title-pages and pagination, but the content of the second volume announced on the title-page of the first volume, and both volumes normally sold together) the known works of Suetonius: Vol. I. XII Caesares (pages 31-315), edited by Theodorus Pulmannus; Vol. II. A) De inlustribus grammaticis et claris rhetoribus libri II (pages 6-34), edited and with after each paragraph comments and annotations by Achilles Statius; on page 35 the short poem Orpheus by Cassius Parmensis (introduced by: 'Cassii Parmensis versus, qui sequuntur, in Bruttiis inventos, quos inde mihi Sertorius Quadrimanus, iuvenis…auctarii loco damus, ne pereant scilicet…'); B) With new pagination, the annotations of a number of scholars: Theod. Pulmanni…annotationes, atque lectionis varietates, ex doctissimorum hominum scriptis, et ex vetustis, vulgatisque libris collectae (pages 1-[59]; with on page [60] the list of works used by Pulmannus, both for his annotations and for the text-edition itself: a manuscript of the Chapter of Corsendonk; a manuscript belonging to Alvarus Nonnius; and three printed editions: one edited by Jacobus Susius, Rome, 1470; one amended by Egnatius, Venice, Aldus Manutius, 1521; one edited and printed by Robertus Stephanus, Paris, 1543); Ioannis Baptistae Egnatii Veneti…annotationes (pages 59-71); Graeci versus ac dictiones in Latinum per Ioan. Bapt. Egnatium Venetum tralatae, ut iunioribus consulatur (pages 72-74); Loca Suetonii per Erasmum restituta (pages 75-87; with on pages 75-76, Erasmus's foreword to the reader, 1517); Henrici Loriti Glareani…annotationes (pages 88-118; with on page 88, his dedicatory letter to Georgius a Graveneck, 1559).
Note 2 In a letter to Alexander Grapheus, 11 July 1574, Plantin enumerates among the works on his presses 'Suetonium etiam in 8⁰ collatum, emendatum et notis illustratum a nostro Pulmanno' (Corr., VI, no. 541). In a letter to Stephanus Winandus Pighius, 15 October 1574, the work is said to have been finished ('Suetonium emendatum ad vetera exemplaria et notis ornatum nuper quoque a Theodoro Pulmanno impressimus') (Ibidem, no. 570, page 174). A copy was mailed to Phil. de Seroskerke on 6 November 1574 (Ibidem, no. 583).
Note 3 Listed in M 296, folio 17v (Suetonius 8⁰ Pulmanni etc., a⁰ [15]74, f[euilles] 30¾, [price:] stuivers 7½).
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