
Sommare beschrijvinghe vande triumphelijcke incomst vanden…aerts-hertoge Matthias binnen…Brussele, 1579

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(957 words)

Record ID cp011251
Voet reference number 1410
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1173479
Author Jan-Baptist HOUWAERT
Title page transcription Sommare beschrijuinghe ‖ vāde triumphelijcke Incomst vanden ‖ doorluchtighen ende hooghgheboren Aerts-hertoge ‖ Matthias / binnen die Princelijcke stadt van Brussele, ‖ in t'iaer ons Heeren M.D.LXXVIII. ‖ den xviij dach Januarij. ‖ Midtsgaders die tanneelen, poincten, figuren ende specta- ‖ culen, die inde voorseyde incompste (ter eeren van sijne doorluchticheyt) zijn verthoont ghevveest, met meer an- ‖ der saken, die doen ter tijt gheschiet zijn. ‖ Gheinventeert ende ghecomponeert deur IEAN BAPTISTA ‖ HOVWAERT, Consiellier ende Meester vanden Reke- ‖ ninghen ons Heeren des Coninckx in Brabant. ‖ ⊕ 21 ‖ T'ANTWERPEN, ‖ Ghedruct by Christoffel Plantijn, Drucker der Co. Mateyt. ‖ in t'iaer M.D.LXXIX.
Collation 4º (190 × 136): A-I⁸, K⁴, L⁸; pages 1-174 (= for 166), [167-168] (Errors: 4 not numbered, 44 for 64, 73 not numbered, 145-148 omitted, meaning that from page 149 numeration too high by 4 units, 156 not numbered, 157-160 omitted, meaning that from page 161 numeration too high by 8 units)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3: D'auteur tot die goetwillighe lesers [4]: illustration 5-6: Den…prince Matthias…(Brussels, 1 May 1578, signed by Iehan Baptista Houwaert; part in civilité type) 7-155: Text (gothic type, parts in roman type, italic type and civilité type) 155: approbation (Brussels, 21 October 1578, s. I. Schellinck); Privilege (Antwerp, 13 December, s. Boudewijns) [156]: Blank 161 (= for 157)-174 (= for 166): Text (civilité type, parts in gothic type and roman type) 174 (= for 166): approbation (Brussels, 19 December 1579, s. I. Schellinck) [167-168]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations Woodcuts (very likely executed by the woodcutter Antoon van Leest, who in those years made other blocks for the illustrations of Houwaert's publications). The original wood-blocks in Museum Plantin-Moretus: 1) on page [4] coat-of-arms of Archduke Mathias, c. 90 × c. 74, within woodcut-border, 152 × 117 2) On page 17 entry of Archduke Mathias in Brussels, riding with followers on horseback and torch-bearers on foot under a triumphal arch, 156 × 120 3) 31 illustrations, 156 × 120, showing the allegorical 'tanneelen' (= 'tonelen' = decorated stages) erected in the streets of Brussels to honour the Archduke (till 24: numbered [typographically]): on pages 20 (I), 22 (II), 24 (III), 26 (IV), 28 (V), 30 (VI), 32 (VII), 34 (VIII), 36 (IX), 38 (X), 40 (XI), 42 (XII), 44 (XIII), 46 (XIV), 48 (XV), 50 (XVI), 52 (XVII), 54 (XVIII), 56 (XIX), 58 (XX), 60 (XXI), 62 (XXII), 44 (= for 64) (XXIII), 66 (XXIV), 70 73, 76, 79, 82, 85, 91 4) Cartouches in some 12 types; type 1 on pages 21, 39; type 2 on pages 23, 37, 55, 77, 83; type 3 on pages 25, 47, 57, 67, 122; type 4 on pages 27, 41, 43, 71; type 5 on page 29; type 6 on pages 31, 65, 92; type 7 on pages 33, 51, 61, 86; type 8 on pages 35, 53; type 9 on page 45; type 10 on pages 49, 63, 74; type 11 on pages 59, 80, 155; type 12 (smaller type) on page 154
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 56.14KBR Royal Library of BelgiumGhent University LibraryKB National Library of the NetherlandsUL LiègeBritish Library LondonPostel Abbey
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, pages 190 (1578, no. 22) and 208-209 (1579, no. 35) Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), III, pages 533-534 Knuttel, no. 329 Wulp, J. K. van der. Tractaten, pamfletten enz., no. 334 I. von Roeder-Baumbach, Versieringen bij Blijde Inkomsten gebruikt in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden gedurende de 16e en 17e eeuw, 1943, no. 11 Praz, M. Seventeenth-Century Imagery, page 375 J. Landwehr, Splendid ceremonies, state entries and royal funerals in the Low Countries, 1515-1791 A bibliography, 1971, no. 36 H. Carter-H.D.L. Vervliet, civilité types, 1966, no. 176
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Description in verse and prose of the solemn entry of Archduke Mathias of Austria, Governor-General of the revolted Netherlands, in Brussels on 18 January 1578: description of the actual entry (pages 7-17); detailed description of the decorated stages erected in the streets of the city, visualized by woodcuts (generally on the verso-pages, with on the opposite page, within a cartouche, the text figuring on the stage and summarizing its allegorical meaning) (pages 18-94; also the text of a song eulogizing the Archduke: pages 87-89); continuation of the description of the entry and of the festivities during the following days, with the texts of the speeches, addresses, announcements and oaths (pages 95-174; with e.g. the texts of the prologue to, and of the 'tafelspel' itself, that is the theatrical representation given at the banquet in honour of the Prince [pages 124-154], and of the allegorical 'dialogue' which followed it [pages 161-171]).
Note 2 The original text seems to have ended on pages 154-155: on page 155 is noted the approbatio of Schellinck, dated 21 October 1578, and the privilege, dated 13 December [1578]. But Houwaert must have insisted to make an addendum, which was printed as quire L: the 'dialogue' of pages 162-172, with an introduction on page 161, and some additional information on the banquet, pages 172-174; an addendum which was also 'approved' by Schellinck, and dated 19 December 1579. This makes it clear that the edition was in fact issued in the beginning days of 1580.
Note 3 Listed in M 296, folio 10r (Incompste van H. Mathias in brussel p[ar] B. Houwaert, 4º, 1579, [price:] stuivers 8, f[euilles] 21).
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