
Corpus iuris canonici, in 8⁰, in 3 vols., 1569-1570

in The Plantin Press Online

(2,137 words)

Record ID cp011235
Voet reference number1030
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3199280
Title page transcription
Number of sheets
Edition information
CopiesUNamur- R6A.0383- R6A.0384
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Edited by Antonius Contius (A. le Conte), professor in law at Bourges (born in Noyon, c. 1526; died in Bourges, 1586). Contius followed for the Decretum Gratiani the edition of Demochares (de Mouchy) (first published: Paris, Charles Guillard and Guillaume Desboys, 1547; other editions: Lyons, Guillaume Rouillé, 1555; Paris, Guillaume Merlin, Guillaume Desboys and Sebastien Nivelle, 1561), for the Decretales Gregorii IX one of the Paris- and/or Lyons-editions (Lyons, Guillaume Rouillé, 1555; Paris, Guillaume Merlin, Guillaume Desboys and Sebastien Nivelle, 1558; edition by Martin Gilbert: Paris, Guillaume Merlin, Guillaume Desboys and Sebastien Nivelle, 1561), for the Sextus and later decretales the 1559 Paris-edition, published by Guillaume Merlin (reviewed by Aegidius Perrinus [Perrin] and Jacobus Fontanus [Fontaine]: Paris, Guillaume Merlin, Guillaume Desboys and Sebastien Nivelle, 1561). Cf. de Clercq, op. cit., pages 182-186.
Note 2Jaques du Puis, publisher at Paris, received on 23 October 1566 a privilege of the King of France to publish the Corpus iuris canonici as edited by A. Contius (reproduced in Decretum Gratiani and Decretales). It may, consequently, be surmised that Contius first contacted the Parisian bookseller and that by 1556 his compilation was already finished or nearly finished. Finally, however, J. du Puis preferred to have the work printed and published by Plantin, taking only 500 copies of the edition. The details of the transaction with du Puis are entered in Arch. 36, page 135, on 16 November 1569. The work contained in all 179½ sheets (Decretum Gratiani: 1st part 34½; 2nd part 45½; Index: 8½; total: 88½ — Decretales: 57; Index: 2, total: 59 — Sextus: 32). As 1,625 copies were printed, 546 reams of paper were used. At 3 florins Carolus guilders per ream (paper and wages for composing and printing) this amounted to 1,638 florins Carolus guilders For the ‘faceon des Indices’ Plantin had had to pay 20 florins Carolus guilders The publisher had also to give a satisfaction to Contius: ‘La copie de Contius couste selon que Jaques du Puis me la affirmé’ 106 florins Carolus guilders 13½ stuivers, whilst an additional 5 florins Carolus guilders are entered ‘pour un corpus iuris civilis’ to be presented to the jurist. This made a grand total of 1,769 florins Carolus guilders 13½ stuivers ‘Parquoy reviennent à 22 patt. (1 florins Carolus guilders 2 stuivers) pièce et quelque peu davantage et à un liard la feille, vient [= this means sale’s price] à 45 patt. [2 florins Carolus guilders 5 stuivers] pièce’. Jaques du Puis took 500 copies at 3 florins Carolus guilders 2½ stuivers per ream; as these 500 copies represented 179½ reams, they came to 672 florins Carolus guilders 12½ stuivers (i.e. about 1 florins Carolus guilders 7 stuivers per copy), to which were added a few additional expenses (including 4 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers as his contribution ‘pour la faceon des Indices’) bringing the total expenses for Jacques du Puis to 690 florins Carolus guilders 8½ stuivers
Note 3Another large part of the edition — 400 copies — was taken by the heirs of Steelsius, represented by Petrus Bellerus (Arch. 36, page 136). These 400 copies, at 179½ quires per copy, represented 143 reams 12 ‘mains’ of paper. As Bellerus had supplied the paper himself, 1 florins Carolus guilders 7 stuivers per ream were deducted, bringing the costs per ream to 1 florins Carolus guilders 15½ stuivers and the total costs to 253 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers With some additional expenses the overall costs for the heirs of Steelsius arose to 294 florins Carolus guilders ½ stuivers
Note 4The tital number of copies printed amounted thus to 1,625, of which Jaques du Puis took 500 and the heirs of Steelsius 400 copies, leaving 725 copies for Plantin.
Note 5The printing started already in 1567 (cf. letters of Plantin to Mathias Gast, 22 June 1567 [Corr., I, no. 44]: ‘…et aussi du Cours de droict canon que j’ay entre mains, prest aussi à commencer de bref, fort bien amendé, annoté et augmenté de tous les lieux qui estoyent désinés et marqués par cy - devant par ces mots et infra, ès textes dudict Droict canon. Le tout ce que je dy est faict par Contius, homme fort docte et lecteur du Roy au Droict canon’; to Joannes de Molina, 22 July 1567 [Corr., I, no. 61]: ‘J’espère de commencer, dedans peu de temps, le cours de [droit] canon, texte in 8⁰, avec les annotations, émendations et augmentations de tout ce qui est désiré audict cours ès lieux où il est escrit, le tout selon les vieux exemplaires par Mons.r Contius, jurisconsulte fort expert et lecteur du roy’; to Charles Pesnot, 10 August 1567 [Corr., I, no. 80]: ‘Je commence Corpus iuris canonici, texte in 8⁰, cum annotationibus Contii, et le supplément des passages par cy-devant délaissés aux Décrétales, au lieu de quoy est tousjours mis et infra en tous les livres par cy-devant imprimés’). In July 1568 Plantin wrote to a not named business-relation ‘le cours de droit canon ay je espoir d’achever en 4, mois, car j’y besongneray à trois presses’ (Corr., I, no. 143). The work, however, dragged on much longer, but finally, on 7 September 1569, Plantin could announce to Gaspar de Portinariis that he had finished the Corpus canonicum (Corr., II, no. 182, page 69. Cf. also Plantin’s letter to Cardinal Granvelle, 17 September 1569 [Corr., II, no. 183]: ‘Au reste, j’avois de long temps faict marché avec un libraire de France d’imprimer le Cours Canon et luy en livrer 500 ung certain prix auquel voyant que je perdray [here ends abruptly the draft of the letter]’). The Sextus bears the year 1569 on the title-page, but the year 1570 is given on the title-pages of the Decretum Gratiani and the Decretales. In the colophon of the latter is specified, however, that it was finished on 17 September 1569. The other references in Plantin’s correspondence and accounts make it clear that the Decretum Gratiani must also have been finished at that time — and that consequently the whole edition was ready to be put on the market in mid-September 1569.
Note 6Listed in M 296, folio 3r (Corpus canonicum in 8⁰ textus, f[euilles] —, [price:] stuivers 50), and M 164, folio 6r.
Further reading


Title page transcriptionDECRETORVM ‖ CANONICORVM ‖ COLLECTANEA: EX DIVITE ‖ ILLA SCRIPTO- ‖ rum ecclesiasticorum, summorum Pontificum, Con- ‖ ciliorumq̓ œcumenicorum supellectile, D. GRA- ‖ TIANI labore cōcinnata, & in suas classes digesta. ‖ PRÆFIXA sunt ab Antonio DEMOCHARE sin- ‖ gulis fere distinctionibus & causarum quæstionibus ‖ σπαρ́ατίτλα summam rei succincte complectentia: ‖ Necnon ad marginem additi librorum & capitum, ex ‖ quib. ista Decretorum farrago compacta est, numeri in- ‖ dicatorij. ‖ Quid porrò hac editione præstitum sit, sequenti pagella indicatur. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D. LXX. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO.
Collation8⁰ [139]: aa-hh⁸, ii⁴, A-Z⁸, a-z⁸, Aa-Zz⁸, aa-ll⁸, mm⁴; pages [1-136], 1-1279, [1280] (Errors: 232 for 132, 258 for 158, 207-208-207-208-209-210, 223-224 omitted, 256-253-256, 270-271 omitted, 197-198 for 297-298, 313 for 314, 334 for 435, 434-435 for 454-455, 425 for 528, 489 for 589, 981 for 681, 845 = 5 upside down, 895 for 995, 1147 for 1247)
Fingerprint157008 - # a1 2a2 cent : # a2 2h5 oqu - # 1b1 A ( : # 1b2 Z5 alli - # 2b1 a pe : # 2b2 z5 icen - # 3b1 2A $r : # 3b2 2Z4 li,$arc - # 4b1 2a m : # 4b2 2m3 ration
Number of sheets88.50
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Note of Antonius Contius on this publication (italic type, parts in roman type); Note on the Priv [3]: Vita Gratiani, ex variis biographis excerpta [4-11]: Reverendissimo…cardinali Castellionensi Oddoni Collignio archiepiscopo Tolosano episcopoque suo Bellovaco, Antonius Demochares Ressonaeus felicitatem (Paris, 6 January 1547; italic type) [12-14]: Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum…catalogus (on two columns) [15-34]: Summary (parts in italic type) [34]: Antidotus ad lectorem (word in Greek) [35-134]: Indices (on two columns) [135-136]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 8 August 1567, signed by Vander Aa, and Council of Brabant, 14 August 1567, s. De Perre; granted to Jacques du Puis: Paris, 23 October 1566, s. De Vabres; Vienna, 21 February 1565, s. Haller) 1-2: Note of A. Contius on the Corpus iuris canonici before Gratianus (italic type, words in roman type) 3-1274: Text (parts in italic type and greek type, marginals in roman type, italic type and greek type) 1275-1279: Ordo celebrandi concilii, seu quomodo initianda sit synodus agenda et solvenda (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) [1280]: Blank
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus - A 1711 - O.B. 2.9 - K 776KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeUtrecht University LibraryKU Leuven- Maurits Sabbe Library, P348.155 CORP 1;P348.155 CORP 1;P348.155 CORP 1
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 101 (1570, no. 14).Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 722
Online bibliographical referencesSTCV c:stcv:12914525
Note 1Contains the Decretum Gratiani.
Note 2For more details see the introductory note to this 1569-70 edition of the Corpus iuris canonici.
Further reading


Title page transcriptionEPISTOLÆ ‖ DECRETALES ‖ SVMMORVM ‖ PONTIFICVM, ‖ A GREGORIO NONO PON- ‖ TIFICE Maximo collectæ. ‖ Quid hac editione præstitum sit, sequentipagella indicatur. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXX. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO.
Collation8⁰ [138]: *-**⁸, A-Z⁸, a-z⁸, Aa-Ll⁸; pages [1-32], 1-911, [912] (Errors: 42 for 43, 58-59-60-61-62 for 60-61-62-63-64, 330 for 300, 325 for 323, 305-320 [111 for 311] for 337-352, 550 for 570, 622 for 621, 803 for 903)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Lectori signed by (italic type, words in Rao) [3-4]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 8 August 1567, s. Vander Aa, and Council of Brabant, 14 August 1567, s. De Perre; granted to Jacques du Puis: Paris, 23 October 1556, s. De Vabres; Vienna, 21 February 1565, s. Haller) [5-32]: Indices (on two columns, italic type) 1-911: Text (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type, italic type and greek type) 911: approbation (s. Sebastianus Baer Delphius, Antwerp) [912]: EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHORVS ‖ PLANTINVS ANTVERPIAE, ‖ XV. KAL. OCTOB. AN. M.D.LXIX
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus - O.B. 4.20Ruusbroec Institute LibraryCambridgeUtrecht University LibraryKU Leuven- Maurits Sabbe Library, P348.155 CORP 2-3;P348.155 CORP 2;P348.155 CORP 2-3
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 101 (1570, no. 15).
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Contains the Decretales Gregorii IX.
Note 2For more details see the introductory note to this 1569-70 edition of the Corpus iuris canonici.
Further reading


Title page transcriptionSEXTVS ‖ DECRETALIVM ‖ LIBER, ‖ PER BONIFACIVM ‖ OCTAVVM PONTIFICEM ‖ in Concilio Lugdunensi editus, iam recèns ad vetustis- ‖ simorum exemplarium fidem quàm accuratissimè ‖ emendatus. ‖ Vnà cum gemino Indice, altero Titulos operis, altero ‖ Capitula indicante. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ M.D.LXIX. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO.
Collation8⁰ [135]: *⁸, A-Z⁸, a-h⁸; pages [1-16], 1-493, [494-496] (Errors: 188 for 190, 189 for 191, 395 for 195, 228 for 242, 216 for 316, 217 for 317, 258 for 358, 329 for 429)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-4]: Prooemium (italic type, marginals in roman type) [5-16]: Indices (italic type) 1-227: Sextus liber decretalium (parts and marginals in italic type) 227-322: Constitutiones Clementis Papae Quinti, in concilio Vienensi editae (parts and marginals in italic type) 322-369: Extravagantes seu constitutiones viginti, a Joanne Papa XXII. editas (parts and marginals in italic type) 370-493: Extravagantes communes a diversis Romanis pontificibus post Sextum editae (parts in italic type) 493: approbation (s. Sebastianus Baer Delphius, Antwerp) [494]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 8 August 1567, signed by Vander Aa, and Council of Brabant, 14 August 1567, s. De Perre) [495]: Privilege (Vienna, 21 February 1565, s. Haller) [496]: Blank
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus - A 588 - O.B. 2.10Major Seminary Ten Duinen BrugesKBR Royal Library of BelgiumBritish Library LondonUtrecht University LibraryUCLouvain- RES16 5A60794
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 92 (1569, no. 13).
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Contains the Sextus liber decretalium of Bonifatius VIII, together with the remaining parts of the Corpus: Constitutiones Clementis V, Extravagantes Joannis XXII, Extravagantes communes.
Note 2For more details see the introductory note to this 1569-70 edition of the Corpus iuris canonici.
Further reading
The Plantin Press Online

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