Record ID | cp011233 |
Voet reference number | 47 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:7047747 |
Author | Guilielmus ALTARIUS (DES AUTELZ) |
Title page transcription | ENCOMIVM ‖ GALLIÆ BEL- ‖ GICÆ. ‖ G. ALTARIO CAROLATE ‖ AVTHORE. ‖ Accesserunt & alij aliquot eiusdem ‖ Versiculi. ‖ ⊕ 6 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex Officina Christophori Plantini: ‖ D.M.LIX. [= sic] ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO. |
Collation | 4⁰ [140]: A-E⁴; pages [1-40] |
Fingerprint | 155904 - # b1 A2 tullu : # b2 E2 ent |
Number of sheets | 5 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-4]: G. Altarius Carolas, Petro et Nicolao Damantiis signed by (Antwerp, 7 July) [5-11]: Text (italic type; words in roman type capitals) [11]: De Carolo V Maximo Caes. Aug. (italic type) [12]: Epilogus carminis sui Gallici de Pace: ad Antonium Perrenotum Atrebatum antistitem (italic type) [13-37]: Latin poems (italic type, words in roman type) [38]: Privilege (Brussels, 13 July 1559, s. Ph. de Lens) [39]: Blank [40]: V. of typographical fleurons |
Edition information | |
Copies | KBR Royal Library of Belgium - 23444 VHBibliothèques et Archives Municipales de Besançon - Besançon (France, dép. Doubs)Ghent University Library |
Digital copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus: 8 599 |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, pages 19-20 (1559, no. 2) Young, M.L.M. Guillaume Des Autelz. A study of his life and works, page 187Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 863 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12918599USTC 401031 |
Note 1 | Laudatory poem of the Netherlands (pages [5-11]), followed by an eulogy of the late Charles V (page [11]), and a series of poems (pages [12-37]) addressed to French and Italian poets and to prominent personalities of the Netherlands, praising their virtues (in a few cases also directly appealing to their help), together with some love-poems (one addressed to the Sainte, two others concerning one Thoninula): to Antonius Perrenotus [de Granvelle], bishop of Arras; Zuchemus Viglius; Franciscus Richardotus [two poems]; Stephanus Girardus; Anna, the late wife of P. Damantius [two poems]; Pontus Tiardaeus; Joannes Comius; Joannes Rubellus; 'De Benedicto quodam laudato ab insulso versificatore'; P. Aretinus; 'De Amore et Tussi'; P. Ramus; Joachimus Bellaius; Joannes Comius; 'De iuvene cano'; 'Ad sanctam quod Gallice scripserit'; Pontus Tiardaeus [3 poems]; P. Ronsardus; Steph. Iodelius; Robertus Haius; Thoninula [two poems]; 'Vino se albo delectari', 'Aliud ad puerum'; Olivaras Magnius; Iach. Bellaeus. Cf. the description and analysis in Young, pages 30 and 176-181. |
Note 2 | The three poems to Pontus de Tyard had already appeared in earlier publications of this French poet (1551, 1555, 1558). A number of poems must have been written by Des Autelz in 1559; still others were composed at an earlier date, but only published in 1559. Cf. the discussion of the problem in Young, pages 176 ff. |
Note 3 | Listed in M 296, folio 5 verso (Encomium Galliae Belgiçe p[er] -, 4⁰, a⁰ 1559, f[euilles] 5, [price:] stuivers 1¼), andM 164, folio 10 verso (with the wrong date 1557). |
Further reading |