
Il quarto libro dell'Eneide, [translated by Stephano Ambrosio Schiappalaria], 1568

in The Plantin Press Online

(504 words)

Record ID cp011156
Voet reference number2464
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3222184
Title page transcriptionIL QVARTO LIBRO ‖ DELL' ENEIDE DI VIRGI- ‖ LIO IN OTTAVA RIMA. ‖ DI ‖ M. STEPHANO AMBROSIO ‖ SCHIAPPALARIA. ‖ Con alcune annotationi di vno suo fami- ‖ liare, poste nel fine. ‖ AL MOLTO MAGNIFICO, E MOLTO VIR- ‖ TVOSO SIGNOR PIER FRANCESCO ‖ SPINOLA. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ IN ANVERSA, ‖ Per Christophoro Plantino. ‖ M.D. LXVIII.
Collation16mo [110]: *⁴, A-O⁸, P⁴; pages [1-8], 1-212 (= for 228), [229-232] (Errors: 51 for 52, 19 for 91, 89 for 98, 110 for 100, 107 for 103, 129 for 156, 163 for 165, 161 for 177, 299 for 199, 212 for 228)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-6]: Al molto magnifico…signor Pier Francesco Spinola suo osservandissimo. Stephano Ambrosio Schiappalaria (Antwerp, 1 April 1568) [7]: illustration (emblem of P.F. Spinola) with dedicatory poem (italic type) [8]: Blank 1-57: Text (italic type) [58]: Blank 59-96: Annotationi 97-89 (= for 98): Al lettore 99-135: Le stanze di M. Stephano Ambrosio Schiappalaria per la signora Pellina d'Oria Lomellina (italic type) [136]: Blank 137-162: Nenia di M. Stephano Ambsosio (= sic) Schiappalaria sopra la morte di Carlo V. Imp. de Rom. mass. et immortale (italic type) 163-202: Alcune altre diverse rime del Medesimo (italic type) 203-212 (= for 228): Epithalamio nelle nozze del signor Giovanni Flemmingo, e della Sig. Isabella Scheta (italic type) [229]: illustration (emblem of P.F. Spinola) with dedicatory poem [230]: Errata; Registrum (= for the quires) [231-232]: Blank
Edition information
IllustrationsWoodcut, 58 × 58, showing the emblem of Pier Francesco Spinola (an anchor through a ring, surrounded by a chain; on the anchor-bar the device IN EODEN; on the ring the letters I M D E [perhaps to be grouped: ID ME]; in the open links of the chain: SYMBOLVM PETRI FRANCISCI SPINVLAE) on pages [7] and [229]
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- 8-513KBR Royal Library of BelgiumBritish Library London
Bibliographical referencesNot in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Italian translation of the fourth book of the Aeneis (pages 1-57), followed by annotations [in Italian] on this 4th book of the Aeneis (pages 59-96), and a series of Italian poems (Stanze per la signora Pellina d'Oria Lomellina: pages 99-135; Nenia sopra la morte di Carlo V…: pages 137-162; Alcune altre diverse rime del Medesimo: pages 163-202; Epithalamio nelle nozze del signor Giovanni Flemmingo, e della Sig. Isabella Scheta: pages 203-212 [= for 228]). Translation, annotations, and poems by Stephanus Ambrosius Schiappalaria, an Italian humanist then residing in Antwerp.
Note 2Of 'Virgilio libro quarto Aeneidi' 58 copies were still in stock in the Plantin Press in 1642 (cf. L. Voet, The Golden Compasses, II, page 460).
Note 3Listed in M 296, folio 20r (Virgilio li quatro primi d'eneido, 12⁰ (16⁰ ?) Italice page Scapellario, f[euilles] -, [price:] stuivers -).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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