Record ID | cp011156 |
Voet reference number | 2464 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:3222184 |
Author | Publius VIRGILIUS MARO |
Title page transcription | IL QVARTO LIBRO ‖ DELL' ENEIDE DI VIRGI- ‖ LIO IN OTTAVA RIMA. ‖ DI ‖ M. STEPHANO AMBROSIO ‖ SCHIAPPALARIA. ‖ Con alcune annotationi di vno suo fami- ‖ liare, poste nel fine. ‖ AL MOLTO MAGNIFICO, E MOLTO VIR- ‖ TVOSO SIGNOR PIER FRANCESCO ‖ SPINOLA. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ IN ANVERSA, ‖ Per Christophoro Plantino. ‖ M.D. LXVIII. |
Collation | 16mo [110]: *⁴, A-O⁸, P⁴; pages [1-8], 1-212 (= for 228), [229-232] (Errors: 51 for 52, 19 for 91, 89 for 98, 110 for 100, 107 for 103, 129 for 156, 163 for 165, 161 for 177, 299 for 199, 212 for 228) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-6]: Al molto magnifico…signor Pier Francesco Spinola suo osservandissimo. Stephano Ambrosio Schiappalaria (Antwerp, 1 April 1568) [7]: illustration (emblem of P.F. Spinola) with dedicatory poem (italic type) [8]: Blank 1-57: Text (italic type) [58]: Blank 59-96: Annotationi 97-89 (= for 98): Al lettore 99-135: Le stanze di M. Stephano Ambrosio Schiappalaria per la signora Pellina d'Oria Lomellina (italic type) [136]: Blank 137-162: Nenia di M. Stephano Ambsosio (= sic) Schiappalaria sopra la morte di Carlo V. Imp. de Rom. mass. et immortale (italic type) 163-202: Alcune altre diverse rime del Medesimo (italic type) 203-212 (= for 228): Epithalamio nelle nozze del signor Giovanni Flemmingo, e della Sig. Isabella Scheta (italic type) [229]: illustration (emblem of P.F. Spinola) with dedicatory poem [230]: Errata; Registrum (= for the quires) [231-232]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Illustrations | Woodcut, 58 × 58, showing the emblem of Pier Francesco Spinola (an anchor through a ring, surrounded by a chain; on the anchor-bar the device IN EODEN; on the ring the letters I M D E [perhaps to be grouped: ID ME]; in the open links of the chain: SYMBOLVM PETRI FRANCISCI SPINVLAE) on pages [7] and [229] |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- 8-513KBR Royal Library of BelgiumBritish Library London |
Bibliographical references | Not in Ruelens-de Backer |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | Italian translation of the fourth book of the Aeneis (pages 1-57), followed by annotations [in Italian] on this 4th book of the Aeneis (pages 59-96), and a series of Italian poems (Stanze per la signora Pellina d'Oria Lomellina: pages 99-135; Nenia sopra la morte di Carlo V…: pages 137-162; Alcune altre diverse rime del Medesimo: pages 163-202; Epithalamio nelle nozze del signor Giovanni Flemmingo, e della Sig. Isabella Scheta: pages 203-212 [= for 228]). Translation, annotations, and poems by Stephanus Ambrosius Schiappalaria, an Italian humanist then residing in Antwerp. |
Note 2 | Of 'Virgilio libro quarto Aeneidi' 58 copies were still in stock in the Plantin Press in 1642 (cf. L. Voet, The Golden Compasses, II, page 460). |
Note 3 | Listed in M 296, folio 20r (Virgilio li quatro primi d'eneido, 12⁰ (16⁰ ?) Italice page Scapellario, f[euilles] -, [price:] stuivers -). |
Further reading |