
Institutiones et exercitamenta christianae pietatis, 1574

in The Plantin Press Online

(912 words)

Record ID cp011115
Voet reference number 889
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1077839
Author Petrus CANISIUS
Title page transcription [Within woodcut-compartment:]INSTITVTIONES, □ ET ‖ EXERCITAMENTA ‖ CHRISTIANAE ‖ PIETATIS; ‖ Auctore D. PETRO Canisio ‖ Societatis IESV Theologo. ‖ Qui nunc primum hoc opus recognovit, ‖ & auxit. Lectiones verò quæ in tēplisrecitari solent, ad vsum S.R. Ecclesiæaccommodauit. ‖ ⊕ 19ANTVERPIAE, ‡ Ex officina Christoph. Plantini ‖ Architypographi regij. ‖ ANNO M.D.LXXIIII.
Collation 16mo [95]: *-**⁸, A-Z⁸, a-k⁸; pages [1-32], 1-524, [525-528] (Errors: 491 for 497, 401 for 501). Title-page and calendar printed in black and red
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Table (title in red) [3]: Auctor humano lectori in Christo Iesu S.P.D. (Augsburg, 1573; italic type, part in roman type, title in red) [4-6]: De calendario et eius commoditate admonitio (italic type) [7]: Index festorum mobilium pro XXIX annis (on 7 columns, parts in red); Ad lectorem (1 August 1573; part in red) [8-31]: Calendar (parts in red) [32]: Blank 1-23: Capita doctrinae…(marginals in italic type) 24-29: Testimonia Scripturae Sacrae…(italic type, marginals in italic type) 30-31: B. Augustini sententiae tres notatu dignissimae (italic type, part in roman type, marginals in italic type) [32]: Blank 33-514: Text (parts in italic type) 514-524: Sententiae ex magno illo theologo Gregorio Nazianzeno collectae… 524: approbation (Louvain, 1 May 1573, signed by Molanus) [525]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 30 May 1573, s. I. De la Torre, and Council of Brabant, 6 July, s. I. de Witte) [526]: ANTVERPIAE EXCVDEBAT ‖ CHRISTOPHORVS PLAN- ‖ TINVS ARCHITYPOGRA- ‖ PHVS REGIVS, ANNO ‖ M.D.LXXIII. KAL. SEPT [527-528]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations 5 woodcuts, 54 × 54, on pages 54 (Nativity), 101 (King David), 288 (Resurrection), 331 (Apparition of the Holy Ghost), 418 (Glorification of the Holy Virgin). The woodcut on page 101 has the monogram of the designer Pieter van der Borcht and the woodcutter Arnold Nicolai. The whole series was very likely executed by the same artists
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 242Allard PiersonCambridgeUniversity Library Freiburg
Bibliographical references Backer-Sommervogel [S.J.], II, column 668 Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3468 Not in Ruelens-de Backer.
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Contains: Calendar (pages [4-31]); Capita doctrinae (pages 1-23); Testimonia (pages 24-29); B. Augustini…(pages 30-31); Epistolae et Evangelia quae dominicis et festis diebus…(pages 40-413; with a 'praefatio', pages 33-39); Epistolae et Evangelia Sanctorum festis diebus (pages 418-514; preceded by 'In sequentes lectiones de festis sanctorum diebus praefatio', pages 414-416, and 'De festis diebus beatissimae Mariae Virginis [praefatio]', pages 416-418); Sententiae ex…Gregorio Nazianzeno collectae (pages 514-524).
Note 2 Revised version of the 1566-edition. There is an additional section (the 'Sententiae ex…Gregorio Nazianzeno collectae'), whilst the calendar is also completely revised. The foreword of the author to the reader is now dated Augsburg, 1573, but is in fact the literal transcription of the foreword, dated 1565, in the 1566-edition; only the date has been changed.
Note 3 Plantin must have contacted Canisius to bring this revised edition on the market. In a letter to the theologian, dated 14-21 February 1573 (Corr., III, no. 463), he expresses his joy at having received part of the 'Evangelia et epistolae' mailed by Canisius and asks tactfully what he could pay towards the Canisius's 'amanuensis' who had transcribed the text, as he does not wish that the author or his friends should have to pay expenses for something which belonged to the impression (and which consequently had to be paid for by the publisher) (cf. L. Voet, The Golden Compasses, II, page 238).
Note 4 The title-page bears the year 1574, but the colophon states that the work was already finished on 1 September 1573. And in fact Plantin, in a letter to Canisius, 27 September 1573 (Corr., IV, no. 489), notifies the author that the Institutiones pietatis had just been finished, but that, owing to Plantin's sickness, they had not been shipped in due time to the September Frankfurt Fair. He mails a copy, apologizing at the same time for some minor deficiencies in the presentation of the text, as, again because of his illness, he had not been able to control the activity of the compositor more closely (especially the fact that the 'parvus catechismus' [= 'capita' and 'testimonia'] at the beginning, pages 1-32, had been set in a smaller type: the compositor having heard that Plantin was waiting for the beginning part of the text ['quaedam preponendo libro'] started with quire C [page 33]. In fact, Plantin was waiting for an answer from Canisius on letters of P. Harlemius 'de praefixendo Kalendario Molani', involving thus the introductory calendar [quires *-**]. This meant, finally, that the 'parvus catechismus' had to be set in a smaller type to fit the reserved quires A-B and the reserved pages 1-32). Plantin continues to explain to Canisius that as he did not receive from the theologian an answer to his letters concerning the calendar, he had, at the urging of P. Harlemius, replaced the old calendar by the 'Calendarium Molani'.
Note 5 Listed in M 296, folio 3r ([Canisii institutiones xnae pietatis, 16⁰] Idem, a⁰ 1573 ad usum novum accommodatum, f[euilles] -, [price:] stuivers -) and folio 9v (Eadem ad usum novam a⁰ 1573, f[euilles] -, [price:] stuivers 4), and Ms. 164, folio 5v.
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