
Omnia emblemata, [edited by et commented by Claudius Minos], 1573

in The Plantin Press Online

(641 words)

Record ID cp011111
Voet reference number 25
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcription OMNIA ‖ ANDREÆ ‖ ALCIATI V.C. ‖ EMBLEMATA. ‖ ADIECTIS COMMENTARIIS ‖ & scholiis, in quibus Emblematum ‖ fermè omnium aperta origine, mens ‖ auctoris explicatur, & obscura omnia, ‖ dubia'que illustrantur; ‖ PER CLAVDIVM MINOEM ‖ Diuionensem. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXIII.
Collation 16mo [95]: A-Z⁸, a-m⁸, *-**⁸; pages 1-559, [560-592] (Errors: 10-12 not numbered, 141 for 241, 144-145 for 244-245, 148 for 248)
Fingerprint 157312 - # 1b1 A2 ulga : # 1b2 Z4 on - # 2b1 a $ : # 2b2 m5 amico$q - # c1 *2 n$ar : # c2 2*3 omp^157312 - # 1b1 A2 ulga : # 1b2 Z4 on - # 2b1 a $g : # 2b2 m5 amico$q - # c1 *2 n$ar : # c2 2*3 omp
Number of sheets 24.67
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (s. I. Fabri) 3-9: Reverendo in Christo patri ac D.D. Annae coenobii Benigniani Divion. et Pulteriarum antistiti meritiss. Claudius Minos signed by (Paris, 1 December 1571; italic type, words in greek type) [10]: Greek poem by Nicolaus Gulonius, literarum Graecarum Lutetiae professor regius [11]: Latin poem by Robertus Widius (italic type) [12]: Latin poem by Franciscus Iuretus Divionensis (italic type) 13-28: Claudius Minos Divionensis, lectori…(words in greek type and italic type) 29-32: Quid emblema sit et quae eius ratio (words in italic type and greek type) 33-36: Clariss. viri Andr. Alciati in librum emblematum praefatio, ad Chonradum Peutingerum Augustanum (parts in italic type, words in greek type) 37-520: Text (parts in italic type and greek type) 521-559: Supplementa quaedam, seu posteriores notae in Alciati emblemata, per Claudium Minoem Divionensem (parts in italic type and greek type) [560]: Christoph. Plantinus Cl. Minoi suo (Antwerp, 14 September 1573; italic type) [561-588]: Indices (words in greek type) [589]: Errata (words in greek type) [590-592]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations Woodcuts: 169 illustrations, mostly c. 35 × c. 55 (original wood-blocks in Museum Plantin-Moretus)
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 494bisUniversity Library HalleBritish Library LondonPhilipps Universität Library - Marburg (Germany, BRD)Bayerische StaatsbibliothekMunicipal Library NancyBibliothèque nationale de FranceMunicipal Library Troyes. Green mentions also copies in the Thingwall Library and St. Gall
Bibliographical references Green, H. Andrea Alciati and his Books of Emblems, no. 84 Duplessis, G. Les livres à gravures du XVIe siècle. Les Emblèmes d'Alciat, no. 78 Praz, M. Seventeenth-Century Imagery, page 251 Landwehr, J. Emblem-Books in the Low Countries, 1554-1949, no. 11 Not in Ruelens-de BackerCockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 5022 Landwehr, J. Emblem & fable books (3rd ed.) 15 Claude Sorgeloos, Labore et constantia. A collection of 510 editions issued by Christopher Plantin from 1555 till 1589. Introduction by Leon Voet. Brussels, 199
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12920698USTC 411833
Note 1 First edition of Alciatus's emblems edited and commented by Claudius Minos (Mignaut or Mignault), professor in canonic law at Paris (Talant near Dyon, about 1536 - Paris, 1606). The comments of Stockhamerus have been dropped.
Note 2 The general disposition is the same as in the emblem-editions commented by Stockhamerus: heading, woodcut-illustration (when available), poem by Alciatus (in italic type), comment (in roman type). But Mignaut made one book of the two 'libri' and changed the order of the emblems. There are 197 emblems, followed by a section on trees (Arbores), numbered 198-213.
Note 3 The number of illustrations have been augmented to 169, the new ones in the same style as the older ones. This means that there are still 28 emblems and the 15 emblems of the tree-section not yet illustrated.
Note 4 Listed in M 164, folio 10 verso, and M 296, folio 5 verso (Eadem [Emblemata Alciati] cum com[mentario] novo And. Minois 16⁰, a⁰ 73, f[euilles] 18½, [price:] stuivers 4).
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