
Epitome theatri orbis terrarum [French edition; text by Pieter Heyns]. Antwerp, Philip Galle, [printed by Plantin], 1579

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(723 words)

Record ID cp011103
Voet reference number1829
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Abraham ORTELIUS (ORTELS)
Title page transcriptionLE ‖ MIROIR DV MONDE, ‖ REDVICT PREMIEREMENT EN ‖ RITHME BRABANÇONNE, PAR M.P. HEYNS; ‖ Et maintenant tourné en prose Françoise: auquel se represente clai- ‖ rement & au vif, tant par figures que caracteres, la vraye situa- ‖ tion, nature, & proprieté de la terre vniuerselle: ‖ NON MOINS DVISANT ‖ Par chemin à tous voyagers curieux, que l'excellent Theatre d'Abraham Or- ‖ telius, est vtile & conuenable à l'estude de tous estudiants ingenieux. ‖ PSAL. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ XLVI. IX. ‖ Venez, & contemplez ‖ les faicts du Seigneur. ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christophle Plantin, pour Philippe Galle. ‖ M.D.LXXIX.
Collation8⁰ oblong (142 × 195): †⁸, A-K⁸; folios [1r-8v], 1r-73v, [74r-v] (Errors: 6 for 69)
Fingerprint157904 - # a1 +3 eré,$ : # a2 +5 e$en$ - # b1 A3 ffle$ : # b2 C3 vne$
Number of sheets21.75
Pages[1r]: Title [1v]: Au spectateur [2r]: illustration [2v-4r]: Aux nobles…messieurs Iehan van Strale, bourgmaistre, Erasme Schetz, seigneur de Hoboke, Paul Tucher, Jaspar van Surc, Adam Verhult, Louis Verbeke, Corneille Daems, et Philippe Lantmetere, colonnels de la gendarmerie bourgeoise, en la…ville d'Anvers (Antwerp, 6 January 1579, signed by Pierre Heyns; civilité type) [4v-8v]: Aux voyagers (italic type, words and marginals in roman type) [8v]: Advertissement au lecteur (italic type); Errata (roman type and italic type) 1r-73r: Text 73v: Privilege (to Philip Galle: Brussels, 20 July 1577, s. Iac. Blyleven) [74r]: Table (on four columns) [74v]: Blank
Edition information
IllustrationsSame illustrations as in the Dutch 1577-edition (cf. preceding no.); one map, however, replaced by a correct one (see Notes)
CopiesKBR Royal Library of Belgium- II, 23182: folio 1r-vo missingAllard PiersonHeritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpAustrian National LibraryLibrary of Congress - Washington D.C. (USA)
Bibliographical referencesBib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), III, pages 452-453 G. Atkinson, La littérature géographique française de la Renaissance, I, 1927, no. 270 Koeman, III, page 74, no. 48 (reproduction of title-page: illustration 12) Not in Ruelens-de BackerCockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 2292 Koeman, C. Atlantes Neerlandici, III, Ort 48
Online bibliographical referencesSTCV c:stcv:12925829USTC 10296
Note 1Second edition of the Epitome (the first edition in French); the same general presentation as in the first edition.
Note 2Contains the same illustrations, with the exception of the map of Gelder, which in the 1577-edition had its topography reversed and was now replaced by a correct one. However, the order of some maps has been changed (cf. BB, III, page 453).
Note 3The texts (in prose) are also by P. Heyns, but they differ so much from the Dutch version that they can hardly be said to be a translation. In the introductory part the 'conversation' between Galle and Heyns has been deleted.
Note 4In the dedicatory to the 'colonels' Heyns gives some interesting autobiographical details (cf. BB, III, page 453).
Note 5From Plantin's ledger it should be deduced that this French edition was in fact issued at the expenses of the typographer, who must also have supplied the paper. In Arch. 18, folio 143 (texts also reproduced in Denucé, I, page 246) it is indeed noted that Galle received between 13 February and 12 November 1579 'pour compte du Miroer' 500 copies, worth 450 florins Carolus guilders (50 copies on 13 February, 100 on 23 February, 25 on 4 April, 50 on 14 April, 25 on 22 April, 50 on 5 June, 50 on 21 June, 50 on 8 October, 100 on 12 November), and that the engraver paid those 450 florins Carolus guilders 'pour compte du Miroer' in 1579 in four installments: 100 florins Carolus guilders on 19 February, 50 florins Carolus guilders on 13 March, 150 florins Carolus guilders on 12 September, and 150 florins Carolus guilders on 19 December. It is also noteworthy that while Plantin ordered regularly copies of the Dutch 1577-edition from Galle, it was he who delivered to Galle, besides the 500 copies mentioned above, other copies as well (e.g. 6 'Miroir du monde françois', worth 6 florins Carolus guilders 18 stuivers, on 18 August 1579, and 12 'Miroirs françois', worth 15 florins Carolus guilders 12 stuivers, on 6 September 1581: Denucé, I, page 248).
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