Record ID | cp011083 |
Voet reference number | 1260 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | |
Title page transcription | S.D.N. ‖ GREGORII PP. XIII. ‖ INDICTIO SANCTI ‖ IVBILÆI. ‖ DE EODEM ‖ EPISTOLA ILLVSTRISSIMI ‖ Cardinalis BORROMAEI, Archi- ‖ episcopi Mediolanensis, ad ‖ populum suum. ‖ Quibus accesserunt tres Quodlibeticæ Quaestiones ‖ HENRICI CVYCKII habitæ Louanij in ‖ Scholis artium Pridie Calendas Ianuarias Iubilæ ‖ Anni 1575. ‖ Ad S.D.N. Gregorium XIII. ‖ Pont. Max. ‖ ⊕ 25 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Apud Christophorum Plantinum, ‖ Architypographum Regium. ‖ M.D.LXXV. |
Collation | 8º [132]: A⁴, A⁵-⁶, A⁴-⁸, B-E⁸; pages 1-8, [1-4], 9-79, [80] |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-8: Gregorii pages XIII. Indictio Sancti Iubilaei (Rome, 10 May 1574) 8: Quotation from Isaia, 61 [1-4]: Litterae…Gregorii pages XIII. suspensionis omnium indulgentiarum plenariarum ad beneplacitum, causa proximi Anni Iubilaei…(Rome, 13 November 1574, signed by Cae. Glorierius, A. de Alexis, Petrus Sprengerius) 9-24: Epistola pastoralis…cardinalis Borromaei 25-78: Tres quodlibeticae quaestiones Henrici Cuyckii…(parts in italic type, greek type and Hebrew, marginals in italic type) 79: approbation (6 March 1575, signed by Io. Molanus) [80]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Bollandist Library - 1080-VIIRuusbroec Institute Library - 3113H9,5Allard Pierson |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, page 159 (1575, no. 13) Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3507 |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | Declaration of Pope Gregorius XIII, proclaiming 1575 a Holy Year. Followed by another proclamation from the Pope on indulgences in connection with the coming Holy Year (this text must have been received when the edition, or in any case the first quires, were already finished; the four pages were consequently reproduced between pages 8 and 9, without numeration, but in order that the bookbinder should be able to put them in their right place, they received the quire-numeration A 5-6), an epistle by Cardinal Borromaeus to the people of his archbishopric of Milan explaining the meaning of the Holy Year (Epistola pastoralis…Cardinalis Borromaei…ad populum suum scripta: in quo diffuse declaratur quid sit S. Iubilaei annus…, Milan, 10 September 1574), and three theses on the same subject expounded by Henricus Cuyckius in a public debate at the University of Louvain on 31 December 1574. |
Note 2 | The publication must in fact have been printed by Joannes Masius at Louvain (who in those years printed often for his former employer, using type supplied by Plantin): in Arch. 31, folio 80, is noted, in the entries regarding Masius: 'L'impression de Anno Jubileo p[ar] Cuyckium se monte cinq rames à [1 florins Carolus guilders 5 stuivers] la rame florins Carolus guilders 6 stuivers 5. Payéled[ict] livret de Anno Jubileo'. This means that some 500 copies must have been printed. |
Note 3 | Listed in M 296, folio 7 verso (Gregorii pages XIII indictio S. Jubilei, 8º, aº 75, f[euilles] 5¼, [price:] stuivers 1½), and M 164, folio 14 recto. |
Further reading |