
Officium diurnum, in 8⁰, 1587

in The Plantin Press Online

(588 words)

A. Version with copper engraving-illustrations. No copy known B. Version with woodcut-illustrations.

Record ID cp011082
Voet reference number 1804
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1166582
Title page transcription OFFICIVM ‖ DIVRNVM, ‖ Ex decreto sacrosancti Concilij ‖ Tridentini restitutum. ‖ Quid in hac editione sit additum, ‖ sequenti pagina declaratur. ‖ V. ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXXVII. ‖ Cum Priuilegiis Pont. Max. & Regis Catholici.
Collation 8⁰ [138]: *10, A-Z⁸, Aa⁸, a-g⁸, h⁴; pages [1-20], 1-376, 1-116, [117-120]. Printed in black and red; on two columns (except pages [1-20])
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Table [3]: Privilege (Rome, 22 November 1568, signed by Cae. Glorierius; Brussels, Privy Council, 10 January 1568, and Council of Brabant, 11 January 1568, s. De Langhe) [4-19]: Calendar (parts in italic type) [20]: illustration 1-376: Psalterium 1-27: Commune sanctorum 27-57: Officium Beatae Mariae (parts in italic type) 56-114: Different prayers 115-116: Absolutiones et suffragia [117-118]: Hymnorum index (italic type) [119]: ANTVERPIAE. ‖ EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHO- ‖ RVS PLANTINVS, ARCHI- ‖ TYPOGRAPHVS REGIVS. ‖ ANNO M.D.LXXXVII [120]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations Woodcuts: 1) V. on title-page, 55 × 55 (monogram of the designer P. van der Borcht) representing St. Petrus and St. Paulus 2) 4 illustrations, 110 × 75, all with the monograms of the designer, Pieter van der Borcht, and the woodcutter, Antoon van Leest: page [20] (King David; printed within frame of typographical fleurons), page 152 (Annunciation; idem), page 170 (Adoration of the Shepherds), page 232 (the Resurrection)
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 1430Allard Pierson
Bibliographical references Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3954 Not in Ruelens-de Backer and Bohatta
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Published in two versions: one with woodcut-illustrations, and one with copper engraving-illustrations. Only copies of the first version are known.
Note 2 Listed in M 296, folio 8v (Diurnale Rom. in 8⁰, [15]87, f[euilles] 33, [price, for the copies with woodcuts:] stuivers 15, cum fig[uris] [aeneis] stuivers 20), and M 321 (Officium Diurnum ex Decreto Concilii Tridentini maioribus characteribus in gratiam eorum qui visu sunt debiliores, 8, 1587, f[euilles] 33, [price:] stuivers 15. Cum fig[uris] aeneis [price:] stuivers 20').
Note 3 This edition was, as stated in the entry in M 321, printed in a rather large body to oblige near-sighted people. This fact is underlined in quite a number of Plantin's letters: Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1202 (to de Tisnacq, 28 January 1587: 'Je l'[= a Missale] imprime in 8⁰ et Diurnale aussi d'assés grosse lectre pour servir aux vieilles personnes…'), no. 1204 (to de Çayas, 31 January 1587: 'Agora yo imprimo…el Diurnal de gruessa letra de 8⁰), no. 1233 (to de Çayas, 24 March 1587: is printing among other works a Diurnale in 8⁰), no. 1283 (to. F. Ximenes, 21 July 1587: 'Touchant la bonne grace de Monsr. vostre frere par l'advis duquel j'ay imprimé le Diurnal en grosse lectre pour servir a ceux qui ont la veue debile, y ayant adjouxté au long les offices nouveaux pour la commodité de ceux qui ont des Breviaires imprimés devant que lesdicts Offices fussent ordonnés par nostre S. Pere le Pape Sixte'), no. 1332 (to J. Tartesius, 19 December 1587: has printed a Diurnale in 8⁰), no. 1333 (to de Çayas, 21 December 1587: is very glad to hear that the Missale and the Diurnale in 8⁰ have pleased the crown-prince).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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