
Bible [in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin], [edited by B. Arias Montanus], in folio, 1584

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,800 words)

A. I.

Record ID cp011063
Voet reference number 646
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:990330, c:lvd:990414, c:lvd:907902, c:lvd:907725
Uniform title Greek BIBLE: POLYGLOT (in Hebrew
Title page transcription BIBLIA ‖ HEBRAICA. ‖ EORVNDEM LATINA INTERPRETATIO ‖ XANTIS PAGNINI LVCENSIS, ‖ Recenter BENEDICTI ARIAE MONTANI Hispal. & quorun- ‖ dam aliorum collato studio, ad Hebraicam dictionem ‖ diligentissimè expensa. ‖ ACCESSERVNT & huic editioni Libri Græcè scripti, qui vo- ‖ cantur APOCRYPHI; cum interlineari interpretatione ‖ Latina ex Bibliis Complutensibus petita. ‖ ⊕ 30 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXXXIIII.
Collation Folio (353 × 225): †⁴, ††⁶, A-O⁶, P⁸, a-x⁶, y⁸, z⁸, aa-gg⁶, AA-RR⁶; pages [1-20], 1-183, [184]; 1-283, [284]; 1-84; 1-203, [204] (Errors: first part: 87 for 85, 117 for 115; second part: 72 for 74, 134 for 130, 69 for 169). Printed, according to Hebrew tradition, from back to front. Text from page [9] on two columns, separated by double rules; texts of Old Testament with marginals in roman type and Hebrew
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-8]: Ben. Ariae Montani Hispalensis in Latinam ex Hebraica veritate Veteris Testamenti interpretationem, ad christianae doctrinae studiosos, praefatio (Antwerp, 1 September 1571) [9-19]: Benedicti Ariae Montani de varia Hebraicorum librorum scriptione et lectione commentatio [19]: Arias Montanus submits his 'commentatio' to the censors, Aracena, 1 April 1581 [20]: Blank 1-183: Text Old Testament (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numeri, Deuteronomium) [184]: Note in Hebrew 1-283: Text Old Testament (Jehosuah; Judices; Ruth; Samuel I and II; Reges I and II; Paralipomenon I and II; Esdra I and II; Esther; Job) [284]: Blank 1-84: Text Old Testament (Psalmi, Parabolae, Ecclesiastes, Canticum Canticorum Salomonis) 84: Note in Hebrew 1-203: Text Old Testament (Isaias, Irmeiahu, Lamentationes Ieremiae, Iesechiel, Daniel, Hoseah, Ioel, Hamos, Hobadiah, Ionah, Michah, Nachum, Chabaccuc, Sephaniah, Chagghai, Zechariah, Maleachi) 203: Note in Hebrew; Approbationes (signed by B. Arias Montanus; Louvain, 25 March 1571, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Iohannes Wilhel. Harlemius) [204]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 277KBR Royal Library of BelgiumGhent University LibraryBritish Library London. Not checked if this version or the one noted in following no.: CambridgeBibliothèque Marceline Desbordes-Valmore - Douai (France, dép. Nord)Bibliothèque Municipale de Dijon - Dijon (France, dép. Côte-d'Or)Royal Library of San Lorenzo de El EscorialBiblioteca Nacional de PortugalBibliothèque nationale de FranceUtrecht University LibraryVatican Apolstolic Library.University Library Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, pages 261-262 (1584. Antwerp, no. 1) [Very likely the 'Biblia Latina Pagnini ab Aria Montano recognita', in folio, mentioned by Ruelens-de Backer, page 262 (1584, no. 3), on the authority of Lelong, refers also to this publication] Masch, I, page 154
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Old Testament in Hebrew, with an interlinear Latin translation. It forms together with the New Testament in Greek (with interlinear Latin translation), described under A. II., a complete Bible in the original languages. The whole is reprinted from volume 7 of the Polygot Bible.
Note 2 Of the title-page (of the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament) two different version-title-page) is found in a binding showing the arms of the monastery of In this edition of the Hebrew Old Testament is noted '…libri Graece scripti, qui vocantur Apocryphi…'; in the other edition (see cp012698) the wording is somewhat more carefully turned: '…libri Graece scripti, quos Ecclesia orthodoxa, Hebraeorum Canonem secuta, inter Apocryphos recenset…'. To all probability the former text is the original draft, the second an amended text. It may be assumed that Plantin, having finished (and already put on the market) a number of copies, was advised to change the text on the title-page in order to give less way to the critics from certain Catholic theologians. Very likely the adviser was Arias Montanus and the changed text more specifically intended for the copies to be sent to Spain. It is, in any way, interesting to note that the copy in Museum Plantin-Moretus (with the first version-title-page) is bound in a binding showing the arms of the monastery of San Lorenzo in the Royal Library of San Lorenzo de El Escorial: the copy had been prepared to be sent to the royal library in the Royal Library of San Lorenzo de El Escorial - but after the binding was finished, Plantin suddenly changed his mind and retained the work in his own library.
Note 3 Plantin started with this enterprise as early as 1580: on 1 July of that year he wrote to Arias Montanus 'Postremis meis scribebam nos Biblia Hebraica cum versione interlineari recusuros ac proinde petere id quod etiam nunc facimus ut quae in illis mutanda judicas indicare dignareris.' (Correspondance de C. Plantin, VI, no. 882, page 172), and in October-November 1580 in another letter to his Spanish friend he stated 'Genesim et Exodum hebraica-latinè impressimus pergemusque in reliquis Bibliorum libris Deo favente ad finem usque. Novum autem Testamentum statui edere graeco-latinum semel pro iisdem Bibliis et iterum in 8⁰ pro scholis: quare si quid in eo interea observaveris percupio ad nos mitti mature una cum illis quae tuis litteris pollicitus est ad loca illa inaniter reprehensa' (Correspondance de C. Plantin, VI, no. 892). Cf. also Plantin's letter to the Portuguese theologian, Ludovicus a S. Francisco, 27 November 1580: 'Ego Biblia Hebraica-latina recudo minori papyro quam ea sint quae cum Bibliis regiis impressa fuerunt et studiosis minori pretio dari queant. Illis et Idiotismos adjungere poterimus in gratiam pauperiorum quorum tenuitati quantum possum accommodare me conor.' (Correspondance de C. Plantin, VI, no. 894).
Note 4 The work was finished at the end of 1583: on 4 December of that year Egidius Beys asked J. Moretus to send to Paris 2, 4 or 6 'Biblia Pagnini in f⁰' (Correspondance de C. Plantin, VII, no. 1013). Moreover, the publication is entered under the year 1583 in the different book-catalogues, whilst the Novum Testamentum Graecum in 8⁰ (printed with the same type composition as the in folio) bears also the date of 1583.
Note 5 Listed in M 296, folio 2 recto (Biblia S. cum versione S. Pagnini interlineari in f⁰…a⁰ 83, f[euilles] 274, [price:] florins Carolus guilders 9), M 164, folio 4 recto, and M 321, (under 1583).
Further reading

A. II.

Title page transcription NOVVM ‖ TESTAMENTVM ‖ GRÆCVM, ‖ CVM vulgata interpretatione Latina Græci contextus li- ‖ neis inserta: Quæ quidem interpretatio cùm a Græcarum ‖ dictionum proprietate discedit, sensum, videlicet, magis ‖ quàm verba exprimens, in margine libri est collocata: at- ‖ qua alia BEN. ARIÆ MONTANI HISPALENSIS ‖ Operâ è verbo reddita, ac diuerso characterum genere di- ‖ stincta, in eius est substituta locum. ‖ ACCESSERVNT & huic editioni libri Græcè scripti, qui ‖ vocantur APOCRYPHI; cum interlineari inter- ‖ pretatione Latina ex Bibliis Complutensibus ‖ deprompta. ‖ ⊕ 38 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex Officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXXXIIII.
Collation Folio (352 × 227): [flower]⁴, A-Y⁴, Z⁶, Aa-Qq⁴; pages [1-8], 1-186, [187-188], 1-128 (Errors: in first part: 23 for 25, 75 for 73, 38 for 83, 171 for 177)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-8]: Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispalensis…ad christianum lectorem praefatio (Antwerp, 1 August; lines in italic type and greek type) [1]-186: New Testament (in Greek, with interlinear Latin translation; on two columns; divided by double rules; marginals in roman type and greek type) 186: Approbationes (Antwerp, 1 December 1571, signed by B. Arias Montanus; Louvain, 25 March 1571 old style, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Ioannes Wilhelm. Harlemius) [187-188]: Blank 1-128: Bibliorum pars quae Hebraice non invenitur (Greek text with Latin interlinear translation; on two columns; divided by double rules)
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 277KBR Royal Library of BelgiumGhent University LibraryBritish Library London. See also references in A. I.University Library Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, pages 261-262 (1584. Antwerp, no. 1) Masch, II, page 272 Reusch, page 77
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Contains: a) New Testament; b) the Apocrypha of the Old Testament. Both in Greek, with an interlinear Latin translation. It forms, together with the Old Testament in Hebrew (with interlinear Latin translation), a complete Bible in the original languages. The whole is reprinted from volume 7 of the Polyglot Bible. Cf. for more details I. A.
Note 2 With the same type-composition a Novum Testamentum Graecum in 8⁰ was printed (showing the date 1583) (see cp010465): first the in folio was printed and then the composition rearranged (from two columns into one column) to print the in 8⁰.
Further reading

B. I.

Title page transcription BIBLIA ‖ HEBRAICA. ‖ EORVNDEM LATINA INTERPRETATIO ‖ XANTIS PAGNINI LVCENSIS, ‖ Recenter BENEDICTI ARIAE MONTANI Hispal. & quorundam ‖ aliorum collate studio, ad Hebraicam dictionem ‖ diligentissimè expensa. ‖ Accesserunt & huic editioni libri Græcè scripti, quos Ecclesia orthodoxa, ‖ Hebræorum Canonem secuta, inter Apocryphos recenset; cum inter- ‖ lineari interpretatione Latina ex Bibliis Complutensibus petita. ‖ ⊕ 30 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D. LXXXIIII.
Collation Folio (355 × 225): †⁴, ††⁶, A-O⁶, P⁸, a-x⁶, y⁸, z⁸, aa-gg⁶, AA-RR⁶; pages [1-20]; 1-183, [184]; 1-283, [284]; 1-84; 1-203, [204] (Errors: first part: 87 for 85, 117 for 115; second part: 72 for 74, 134 for 130, 69 for 169). Printed, according to Hebrew tradition, from back to front. Text from page [9] on two columns, separated by double rules; texts of Old Testament with marginals in roman type and Hebrew
Number of sheets
Edition information
Copies Ghent University Library - Res. 1195Cambridge University Library
Bibliographical references Darlow-Moule, no. 5106
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Same edition as A. I., with only a change in the title-page.
Further reading

B. II.

Title page transcription NOVVM ‖ TESTAMENTVM ‖ GRÆCVM, ‖ CVM vulgata interpretatione Latina Græci contextus li- ‖ neis inserta: Quæ quidem interpretatio cùm a Græcarum ‖ dictionum proprietate discedit, sensum, videlicet, magis ‖ quàm verba exprimens, in margine libri est collocata: at- ‖ que alia BEN. ARIÆ MONTANI HISPALENSIS ‖ operâ è verbo reddita, ac diuerso characterum genere di- ‖ stincta, in eius est substituta locum. ‖ ACCESSERVNT & huic editioni Libri Græcè scripti, quos Ecclesia ‖ Orthodoxa, Hebræorum Canonem secuta, inter Apocryphos ‖ recenset; Cum interlineari interpretatione Latina ‖ ex Bibliis Complutensibus deprompta. ‖ ⊕ 38 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXXXIIII.
Collation Folio (355 × 225): [flower]⁴, A-Y⁴, Z⁶, Aa-Qq⁴; pages [1-8], 1-186, [187-188], 1-128 (Errors: in first part: 23 for 25, 75 for 73, 38 for 83, 171 for 177)
Number of sheets
Edition information
Copies Ghent University Library - Res. 1195Cambridge University Library
Bibliographical references Darlow-Moule, no. 4645
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Same edition as A. II., with only a change in the title-page.
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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