Record ID | cp010964 |
Voet reference number | 621 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:3242182 |
Author | Moses BAR CEPHA (BARCEPHA) |
Title page transcription | DE ‖ PARADISO ‖ COMMENTARIVS; ‖ SCRIPTVS ANTE ANNOS PROPE SEP- ‖ tingentos à Mose Bar-Cepha Syro; Episcopo ‖ in Beth-Raman, & Beth-Ceno; ac Curatore ‖ rerum sacrarum in Mozal, hoc est Seleucia ‖ Parthorum. ‖ Inuenies Lector in hoc cōmentario, præter alia multa lectu & digna ‖ & iucunda, plurimos etiam peregrinos scriptores citatos. ‖ ADIECTA EST ETIAM DIVI BASILII CAE- ‖ sariensis Episcopi λειτουργια siue αναφορα ex vetustissimo ‖ codice Syrica lingua scripto. ‖ PRAETEREA professiones fidei duæ, altera Mosis Mar- ‖ deni Iacobitæ, Legati Patriarchæ Antiocheni: altera Sulacȩ ‖ siue Siud Nestoriani, designati Patriarchȩ Nestorianorum. ‖ Ad hæc duæ Epistulæ populi Nestoriani ad Pontificem Rom. quarum altera ‖ ex Seleucia Parthorum: altera ex Ierusalem scripta est. ‖ Omnia ex Syrica lingua nuper tralata per ANDREAM ‖ MASIVM Bruxellanum. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXIX. |
Collation | 8⁰ [132]: A-Q⁸; pages 1-256 |
Fingerprint | 156908 - # b1 A2 oque : # b2 S2 lig |
Number of sheets | 17.50 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 17 March 1567 old style, signed by Vander Aa, and Brussels, Council of Brabant, 9 May 1568, signed by I. de Witte) 3-11: Natalibus, et iuris aliarumque ingenuarum artium scientia praeclaris viris Henricis a Rec, praefecto Limariae et Embrice et a Weze illustrissimi Clivorum &c. principis consiliariis, collegis suis clarissimis, Andreas Masius S.D. (Zevenaar, 1 August 1567) (italic type, and marginals in italic type) 12-226: Text (parts and marginals in italic type) 227-234:…viro domino Augerio a Busbeck, equiti aurato, consiliario caesareae maiestatis, et eiusdem quatuor filiorum iuniorum Austriae archiducum gubernatori summo, Andreas Masius S.P.D. (Zevenaar, 9 August 1567) (italic type, and marginals in italic type) 235-254: Anaphora divi Basilii (parts and marginals in italic type) 254-256: Precatio divi Basilii (part in italic type) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 673 - A 1779KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeGhent University LibraryBritish Library LondonUtrecht University LibraryVatican Apolstolic Library |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, pages 89-90 (1569, no. 7) Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 2167 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12917444USTC 401436 |
Note 1 | Latin translation by Andreas Masius of Syriac texts, the most important being the treatise on the Paradise by Bar Cepha (pages 12-226). Added are the Anaphora divi Basilii episcopi Caesareae Cappadociae (pages 235-254), and the short Precatio divi Basilii, qua solet operatus sacris uti apud Deum (pages 254-256). |
Note 2 | The treatise on the Paradise is a litteral and mystical commentary on chapters 2 and 3 of the Genesis. The author quotes not only St. Basilius, St. Cyrillus of Antiochia, and St. Joannes Chrysostomus, but also Jacobite theologians and the writings of heretics which have been lost (cf Biographie Nationale [de Belgique], 13, Column 122). |
Note 3 | In the dedicatory letter preceding the treatise and dated 1 August 1567, Masius explains how the previous year, being sick, he had translated the text out of tedium. The Syriac manuscript itself (now lost) he had acquired during a stay with the brothers Henrici a Rec in Italy, at Recce, from a certain Moses Mardenus Antiochenus. Details are also given about Bar Cepha and the authors he quotes. |
Note 4 | In the dedicatory letter to Busbequius, preceding the Anaphora, and dated 9 August 1567, Masius specifies that his translation of the Anaphora was made many years ago, at the urging of Julius Pflug, priest at Nuremberg, from a very old Syriac manuscript (also lost) he had bought from a not specified Syrian. Follows a long egression on the Jacobite and Nestorian churches. |
Note 5 | The text was in the possession of Plantin as early as the second half of 1567, but he had difficulties in getting the approbatio from the censor, who was very lazy on the job: in a letter of 17 March 1568 to Masius Plantin had to declare that he was still unsuccessful in trying to recover the manuscript from the priest in order to send it to Brussels for the privilege (Correspondance de C. Plantin, III, no. 354). |
Note 6 | Listed in M 296, folio 4 verso (De Paradiso per Andream Masium versus, f[euilles] 17½, [price:] stuivers 4), and M 164, folio 9 recto. |
Further reading |