
Missale Romanum, in 8⁰, 1577

in The Plantin Press Online

(692 words)

A. Version with copper engraving-illustrations. No copy known B. Version with woodcut-illustrations.

Record ID cp010953
Voet reference number 1697
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3241995
Title page transcription [Within double rules:]MISSALE ‖ ROMANVM, ‖ Ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilij ‖ Tridentini restitutum, ‖ PII V. PONT. MAX. ‖ IVSSV EDITVM. ‖ V. ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXVII. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIIS PONT. MAX. ‖ ET ‖ REGIS CATHOLICI.
Collation 8⁰ (180 × 113): A-Z⁸, aaa⁴, Aa-Ff⁸, a-i⁸, k⁴, AA-FF⁸, GG⁴; pages 1⁰) 1-375, [376]; 2⁰) I-XCVI; 3⁰) 1-150, [151-152]; 4⁰) 1-101, [102-104] (Errors: first part: 4-5, 8-9, 12-13, 16, 61, 66 not numbered, 02 for 302, 523 for 323, 33 for 333, 325 for 335; second part: LI not numbered, XXII for LXXII). Printed in black and red, within double rules, on two columns (with some exceptions), each column separated by double rules
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-6: Bull of Pius V on the reformation of the missal (Rome, 14 July 1570, signed by C. Glorierius and H. Cumyn; italic type) 7: Privilege (Rome, 28 July 1570, s. C. Glorierius; Antwerp, Privy Council and Council of Brabant, 7 October 1570, s. De Lange) [8]-33: Rubricae generales…Ritus servandus (parts in italic type) 34-39: De defectibus…(parts in italic type) 39-48: Praeparatio…(parts in italic type) 49-65: Calendar (parts in italic type) [66]: illustration 67-375: Proprium missarum de tempore (parts in italic type and music) [376]: illustration I-XCVI: Proprium missarum de tempore 1-150: Proprium missarum de sanctis [151-152]: Blank 1-101: Commune sanctorum [102]: Series chartarum; ⊕ 14 [103-104]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations Woodcuts representing scenes from the New Testament, some with the monograms of the designer Pieter van der Borcht (PB) and the woodcutter Antoon van Leest (AVL): 1) V. on title-page, 28 × 28 (St. Peter and St. Paul) 2) 2 illustrations, 111 × 75 (PB, AVL), printed within frame of typographical fleurons, in 1st part, pages 66 and 90, 3) 4 illustrations of the same type, printed within rules: 1st part, pages 360, 376; 3rd part, pages 106, 138 4) 1 illustration, 90 × 75, printed within rules, in 2nd part, page LI (PB, AVL) 5) 17 illustrations, 54 × 54, printed within small borders: in 1st part, pages 86, 110, 223, 245, 250, 265; 2nd part, page XXIII; 3rd part, pages 1, 8 (AVL), 31, 72 (PB), 89 (PB, AVL), 97; 4th part, pages 1, 3, 33 (PB, AVL), 84 6) 120 illustrations (the same blocks often repeated), 21 × 21: 51 in 1st part on pages 72-252; 33 in 2nd part; 26 in 3rd part; 10 in 4th part 7) 2 illustrations, 21 × 15, in 3rd part, pages 102 and 113 8) 20 illustrations (some repeated), 15 × 15, in 1st part (on page 85) and in 3rd part
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 1638British Library LondonAbbey Maredsous
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 175 (1577, no. 1) Weale-Bohatta, no. 1213 Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3625
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 On 3 May 1577 Plantin could tell Arias Montanus that he had finally finished the missal in 8⁰ he started long before the 'cladis Antverpiensis' (= Spanish Fury, 4 November 1576) (Corr., V, no. 757, page 236). This edition is also mentioned in Plantin's letter to Buyssetius, 15 June 1577 (Ibidem, no. 765: 'Impressi nuper Missale in-8⁰ in quo libenter curarem recudi ea foliola in quibus quid esset istic mutatum').
Note 2 A copy was mailed to de Çayas at the end of June 1579 (Ibidem, no. 797: 'Missale in 8⁰ post primam impressionem recudi cum figuris, ejus exemplar tibi mitto…').
Note 3 In his letter to Buyssetius, 10 December 1579, the edition is listed among the works finished by Plantin in the past two years: 'Missale Romanum in 8⁰ figuris aeneis elegantibus, et etiam lignis figuris semel' (Corr., VI, no. 851, page 114). This implies that an edition with copper engraving illustrations had also been issued.
Further reading

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