Record ID | cp010936 |
Voet reference number | 2127 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:1133029 |
Title page transcription | HENRICI RANZOVII ‖ DE CONSERVANDA ‖ VALETVDINE ‖ LIBER, ‖ In priuatum liberorum suorum vsum ab ipso con- ‖ scriptus, ac editus ‖ A ‖ DETHLEVO SILVIO ‖ HOLSATO, ‖ IN QVO DE DIAETA, ITINERE, ‖ ANNIS CLIMACTERICIS, ET ‖ antidotis præstantissimis, breuia & vtilia ‖ præcepta continentur. ‖ Tertia editio, auctior & emendatior. ‖ ⊕ 29 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ M.D.LXXXV. |
Collation | 8⁰ [127]: A-I⁸; pages 1-143, [144] (Errors: 193 for 139, 40-41 for 140-141) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-5:…Francisco ac Bredoni Ranzoviis fratribus, nobilis ac generosi viri D. Henrici Ranzovii, serenissimi regis Daniae, etc. in Holsatia, etc. praefecti, etc. filiis…(Segebergae, 1573, signed by Dethlevus Silvius Holsatus; italic type) 6: illustration (coat-of-arms of Ranzovius), with 6 lines Latin poem (italic type) 7-8: Poems in honour of Ranzovius and his family by Gregorius Bersmanus, professor Acad. Lips. publicus (italic type, words in roman type and greek type) 9-10: Ad lectorem benignum Christophor. Kellinghausen Hamb. (italic type) 11-12: Table 13-15: Praefatio ad filios [16]: illustration (portrait of Henricus Rantzovius) 17-143: Text (parts in italic type) [144]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Illustrations | Copper engravings: 1) On page 6: coat-of-arms (as in preceding nos.) 2) On page [16]: Portrait of H. Rantzovius in full armour, 132 × 69, with the engraved inscriptions, above: FORTIOR EST QVI SE, QVAM QVI ‖ FORTISSIMA VINCIT MOENIA NEC ‖ VIRTVS ALTIVS IRE POTEST; underneath: HINRICVS RANTZOVI, [= for VS] IOH. RANTZOVII ‖ F. REGIS DANIÆ IN DVCATIBVS SLESVI ‖ HOLSATIÆ AC DITMARSLÆ VICARI [= for VS] PRÆ: ‖ FECT, [= for VS] SEGEBERGENSIS DN̄S IN BREDEN: ‖ BERG RANZOVISHOLM WANDESBVRGI ‖ TVSCVLABECANI NVSCOV ET MELBECK. This illustration is in fact the same as in the Epigrammatum historicus liber (see no. cp011779), but reduced by cutting away at the two sides the coats-of-arms of Ranzovius's possessions and some other indications as well |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 424KBR Royal Library of Belgium. |
Bibliographical references | L. Elaut, op cit. (with reproduction of the title-page and the portrait of H. Rantzovius) Not in Ruelens-de Backer |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | The edition of 1584, of which the first quire has been reset and reprinted, probably to add Rantzovius's portrait on page [16]. On the title-page the mention 'tertia editio' has been preserved, but the year 1584 is changed into 1585. |
Further reading |