
Deux livres des venins, 1568

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,369 words)

Record ID cp010933
Voet reference number1266
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:725879
Author Jacques GRÉVIN
Title page transcriptionDEVX ‖ LIVRES DES ‖ VENINS, ‖ Ausquels il est amplement discouru des bestes venimeuses, ‖ theriaques, poisons & contrepoisons: ‖ PAR ‖ IAQVES GREVIN de Clermont en Beauuaisis; ‖ Medecin à Paris. ‖ ENSEMBLE, ‖ Les œuures de Nicandre, Medecin & Poëte Grec, ‖ traduictes en vers François. ‖ ⊕ 14 ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christofle Plantin. ‖ M.D.LXVIII. ‖ AVEC PRIVILEGE DV ROY.
Collation4º [162]: *⁴, A-X⁸, Y⁲; pages [1-8], 1-333, [334-340] (Errors: 272 for 270)
Fingerprint156804 - # a1 *2 sse : # a2 *4 ha - # 1b1 A i : # 1b2 Y $ - # 2b1 A2 e$de : # 2b2 L4 $va$
Number of sheets55
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 7 June 1565, signed by Bourgeois; Council of Brabant, 23 June 1565, s. I. de Witte) [3-8; 1-2]: A treshaute…princesse, Madame Elizabet, royne d'Angleterre (s. Iaques Grévin) 3-290: Text (parts in italic type and greek type, marginals in roman type and greek type) 291-293: A Monsieur, Monsieur de Carnavalet, chevalier de l'ordre du Roy, et gouverneur de Monsieur (s. Iaques Grévin; Paris, 1 January 1566; italic type) 294-333: Text (marginals) [334-337]: Table [337]: Advertissement au lecteur (parts in italic type) [338]: Errata [339]: DE L'IMPRIMERIE DE CHRISTOFLE PLAN- ‖ TIN; A ANVERS, M.D.LXVII. AV MOIS ‖ D'OCTOBRE [340]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations52 woodcuts of varying dimensions, representing animals and plants. Cut by Jehan de Gourmont after drawings of Geoffroy Ballain (see in Notes)
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- A 8042; BNW 344; BH 373KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeBritish Library LondonUL Liège- VII.68.10 [8°]
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 87 (1568, no. 39) Pinvert, pages 18-19Claude Sorgeloos, ‘La bibliothèque du Cultura Fonds: acquisitions 1991–1999’ in Le livre & l’estampe, 46 (2000), nr. 203 Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 1337
Online bibliographical referencesSTCV c:stcv:12923888USTC 27813
Note 1Treatise on toxicology in two 'books' (1st 'book': Le premier livre des venins, auquel il est discouru de la nature des bestes venimeuses, et des theriaques, qui sont les remedes contre leur morsures, 3-186; 2nd 'book': Le second livre des venins, qui est de la nature des poisons et contrepoisons, 187-333, of which the last part, 294-333, preceded by a dedicatory to de Carnavalet, 1 January 1566, 291-292, consists of a 'Discours sur les facultez et vertus de l'antimoine, contre ce qu'en a escript M. Loys de Launay, medecin de la Rochelle').
Note 2 Les oeuvres de Nicandre, French translation by Grévin of the work of the Greek classical author on the same subject, announced on the title-page, is, however, formally presented as a separate edition (with the year 1567 on the title-page) (see no. cp012138). Grévin's own Deux livres des venins follows closely the Greek prototype, and is but an extended commentary of Nicander (with occasionally additional parts).
Note 3On this treatise of Grévin and his translation of Nicander, cf. Pinvert, pages 101 ff.
Note 4The Discours sur les facultez et vertus de l'antimoine at the end of the 2nd book, discussing the curative possibilities of antimony, is a reprint of the pamphlet published under the same title at Paris, De l'imprimerie d'André Wechel, 1566. It was an answer to the treatise of the physician Loys de Launay, De la faculté et vertu admirable de l'antimoine, avec responce à certaines calomnies, La Rochelle, 1564. At the end of 1566 de Launay answered with a vehement Responce au discours de maistre Jacques Grevin, docteur de Paris, qu'il a escript contre le livre de maistre Loys de L'aunay, medecin en La Rochelle, touchant la faculté de l'antimoine. Grévin's answer to the answer appeared in 1567 under the title Le second discours de Jaques Grévin, docteur en médecine à Paris, sur les vertus et facultez de l'antimoine, auquel il est sommairement traicté de la nature des minéraux, venins, pestes, et de plusieurs autres questions naturelles et médecinales, pour la confirmation de l'advis des médecins de Paris, et pour servir d'apologie contre ce qu'a escrit M. Loïs de Launay, Empirique. On this antimony-controversy between Grévin and de Launay: Pinvert, pages 91-101.
Note 5The preparatory work on the edition started as early as 1565. In April of that year, under the heading 'Nicander debiteur par casse', Plantin notes payments, through the intermediary of his 'brother' Pierre Porret, to the two Parisian artists responsible for the execution of the illustrations: 16 florins Carolus guilders 1½ stuivers to Geoffroy Balling (= Ballain) who made the drawings, and 30 florins Carolus guilders 8½ stuivers to Jehan de Gourmont who cut the blocks (Arch. 3, folio 25r). On 30 June 1565 Plantin, however, having received the bill mailed by Porret, had to add for 'les 53 planches de Nicandre' an additional expense of 3 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers, bringing the total costs for the illustrations to 50 florins Carolus guilders (Arch. 3, folio 31r). These entries are also entered in the cost-accounting note of 'Nicandre en françois' in Arch. 4, folio 84, which continues with the expenses of 6 florins Carolus guilders for printing 6 sheets on 3 and 10 November 1565, and 6 florins Carolus guilders for another 6 sheets on 11 December 1565. This means very likely that the printing of Les oeuvres de Nicandre was practically finished at the end of 1565.
Note 6For some reason work on the other part of the publication, the Deux livres des venins, was, not continued for another two years. In his letter of 7 July 1567 to Porret, announcing that he has resumed the printing, Plantin simply mentions lack of paper (and of working capital) (Corr., I, no. 52, pages 121-122: 'Vous voyés par ces feilles que j'ay commencé le livre de Monsr. Grevin, de si longtemps délaissé, faute de papier, dont grâce à Dieu, j'espère doresnavent avoir assés, pour le moins autant et plus que je n'en pourray payer, si la vente ne me soulage mieux d'un costé ou d'autre, pour continuer les ouvrages que je pourrais entreprendre, soyant in -8⁰ ou in -f⁰ commun. Je vous prie faire mes recommandations et excuses audict Dr. Grevin, et luy dire que j'espère de continuer à son livre tant qu'il soit achevé, et que je suivray à mon pouvoir ses advis et luy envoyerai des feilles le plus souvent que je pourray'. Cf. also Plantin's undated letter to Porret of about the same time [Corr., I, no. 53]: 'J'ay commencé le livre de Grévin que je continue à mon pouvoir.'). Grévin very likely seized the opportunity to insert his reply to de Launay on the antimony-controversy.
Note 7The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 84, specifies the payment of 7 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers for wages for composing and printing 6 sheets on 26 July 1567, and of 22 florins Carolus guilders 4 stuivers for 18 sheets on 28 August 1567. The price of the paper is not entered. The 24 sheets, of which the production is thus entered in July and August 1567, represent only about one half of the publication. When the other sheets did come from the presses is not specified in the cost-accounting note, but the colophon affirms that the printing was actually finished in October 1567. The title-page bears the date of 1568.
Note 8A copy of 'l livre des venins', valued 12 stuivers, was included in the consignment of books sent from Frankfurt to Camerarius on 12 April 1568 (Suppl. Corr., no. 58).
Note 9Listed in M 296, folio 8r (Grevin Jaques des venins, 4º, 1568, f[euilles] 44½, [price:] stuivers 15 [= number of sheets of the Deux livres des venins only, without Les oeuvres de Nicandre, but the price including the latter publication]), and folio 13r (Nicandre en francois par Grevin, 4º, avec les livres des venins dudit, aº 1568, f[euilles] 55, [price:] stuivers 15).
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