
L'histoire palladienne, [translated by Cl. Colet]. Antwerp, Jan van Waesberghe, [printed by Plantin], 1562

in The Plantin Press Online

(376 words)

Record ID cp010885
Voet reference number 1336
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcription [Within woodcut-frame of 4 blocks:] □ L'HISTOIRE ‖ PALLADIENNE, TRAI- ‖ TANT DES GESTES ET GE- ‖ NEREVX FAITZ D'ARMES ET D'A- ‖ MOVRS DE PLVSIEVRS GRANDZ ‖ Princes & Seigneurs, specialement de ‖ Palladien filz du Roy Milanor d'An- ‖ gleterre, & de la belle Selerine ‖ sœur du Roy de Portugal. ‖ Nouuellemêt mise en nostre vulgaire Fran- ‖ çoys, par feu CL. COLET Champenoys. ‖ NEC SORTE NEC MORTE. ‖ A ANVERS. ‖ Chez Iean VVaesberghe au Cemitiere no- ‖ stre Dame, à l'Escu de Flandres ‖ au Marché à Toiles. ‖ M.D. LXII. ‡AVEC PRIVILEGE DV ROY.
Collation 4º [158]: ¶⁴, A-P⁴; folios [1r-4v], 1r-112v (Errors: 10 for 9, 59 for 49)
Number of sheets
Pages [1r]: Title [1r]: Privilege (to Iean Waesberghe: Brussels, signed by S. De Zoete) [2r]: Aux lecteurs de bon vouloir salut (italic type) [2v-4r]: Table (italic type) [4v]: Blank 1r-112r: Text (parts in italic type; on two columns) 112r: EN ANVERS. ‖ DE L'IMPRIMERIE DE ‖ Christophle Plantin. ‖ 1562 [112v]: ⊕ J. van Waesberghe (VH, no. 3)
Edition information
Illustrations Woodcuts: 17 illustrations from 5 blocks (varying dimensions: 43 × 83; 47 × 88; 57 × 80; 57 × 77; 47 × 89), of which one (47 × 89) bears the monogram of the woodcutter Arnold Nicolai: representations of fighting knights and of a ship
Copies British Library London- 12450 e. 15KBR Royal Library of Belgium
Bibliographical references Brunet, II, column 129 Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Chivalry-novel, translated from Spanish into French by Claude Colet, 'maître d'hotel' of the marchioness of Nesle (died between 1553 and 1555).
Note 2 Reprint of the first edition, published in Paris in 1555 by Vincent Sertenias and Jean Dallier (printed by Est. Groulliau) (cf. Brunet, II, Column 129). In the Van Waesberghe-edition have been omitted the introductory pieces of Estienne Jodelle on Claude Colet and his death.
Note 3 Printed by Plantin for J. van Waesberghe, who must have lent the wood-blocks used for the illustrations.
Note 4 Listed in M 296, folio 62r, under the editions of Joannes van Waesberghe (Histoire Paladiene, 4º, [price:] stuivers 3½).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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