Record ID | cp010877 |
Voet reference number | 2052 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | |
Author | Stephanus Winandus PIGHIUS |
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Note 1 | In Rome Pighius conceived the project to edit the Fasti Capitolini (found shortly before Pighius's arrival at Rome, 1546, and placed by Cardinal Farnese on the Capitol, where they still are) with comment. He returned to the Netherlands with a carefully collated copy. |
Note 2 | His manuscript must already have been ready (or nearly ready) for printing in February 1558 as at that date his friend Taffin suggested him to contact Plantin to have the work published (no details are given about the nature of the work, but there is little doubt that it must be the Tabula) (L. Voet, op. cit., page 154). However, three years went by before the edition was finally published. On 21 January 1560 (o.s. = 1561) Plantin received the privilege to print and publish 'Tabula magistratuum Romanorum cum triumphis ab urbe condita ad tempora Vespasiani Augusti, ex fragmentis marmorum Capitolinorum concinnata per Stephanum Pighium Campensem. Item noch een boeck tot die zelve chaerte toebehorende, geintituleert [= Idem another book belonging to this Tabula and titled] Commentaria in Tabulam magistratuum Romanorum per eundem Stephanum Pighium Campensem' (Arch. 1179, no. 15). |
Note 3 | On 10 October 1561 Plantin mailed to Pighius the last quire (Corr., I, no. 6), and finally, on 21 November 1561, three copies, with the promise of three others to be sent as soon as they had been pasted together (Corr., I, no. 13: 'Mitto ad te tres Fastorum tabulas, missurus alias tres quamprimum conglutinatae fuerint, quod abhunc 2 dies futurum spero. Tum erit scribere quot praeterea velis a me mitti'). |
Note 4 | No copy is known, but the text of the Tabula has been reproduced in the second (posthumous) volume of Pighius's Annales Romanorum qui commentarii vicem supplent in omnes veteres historiae Romanae scriptores, Antwerp, Plantin Press, 1615, and in J.G. Graevius, Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum, 11, 1699. |
Note 5 | The privilege also notes an accompanying 'comment' on the Tabula. This comment was not published in 1561 as Pighius preferred to continue working on it, urged, among others, by Cardinal Granvelle, to make of it a more general survey of the growth of the Roman empire. Pighius would continue working on it for the larger part of his life: the first volume of what he finally called the Annales Romanorum was published by the Plantin Press as late as 1599. |
Note 6 | Plantin had, however, in the meantime made some preparations for the commentary, namely the execution of a number of wood-blocks showing portraits of Roman emperors, copied from Roman coins. When mailing on 21 November 1561 three copies of the Tabula to the author, he tells that he had only been able to prey loose from the woodcutter 5 to 6 blocks (Corr., I, no. 13: 'Qui figuras numismatum excidendas susceperat mihi, credo, illudit; vix etenim 5 aut sex ab illo hactenus extorquere potui. Ego alium quaeram, nisi brevi [quod hodie iterum pollicitus est] quae habet absoluta reddiderit. Ligna ad reliquas figuras mittam cum aliis tabulis'). Plantin, however, forgot all about it, until two years later the woodcutter, Arnold Nicolai, forwarded him the finished blocks. In October 1563, he notes in his ledger, somewhat embarrassed: 'J'ay receu d'Arnold Nicolay douze paires de petites medailles rondes sur chacun bois 2 medailles des figures pour fasti Romanorum Pighii lequel Pighius les avoit faict de long temps pourtraire et iay payé maintenant à Arnold Nicolai pour la taille desd. 12 paires 5 stuivers Medailles rondes des Empereurs dont passé 2 ans ½ ie payé pour la portraicture de chacune Hans -. Et maintenant ien ay receu 28 dud. Arnold Nicolay pour lesquelles ie luy ay payé comptant 5 stuivers pour pièce. Casse crediteur pour medailles de fasti Pighii 12 paires et 28 Imperat.: 10 florins Carolus guilders' (Arch. 3, folio 2r). |
Note 7 | On 18 November 1561 eight 'fasti Rom. Pigghii collez et paincts', worth 8 florins Carolus guilders, were forwarded to Anton de Ausburch (Augsburg), and in the same period 50 copies, values not noted, to Martin le Jeune at Paris (Arch. 36, folio 16v). |
Note 8 | A number of copies may have been sold at the auction of Plantin's belongings on 28 April 1562, but when the printer, on 14 September 1563, made the inventory of what he had still in stock he could note '61 fasti Romm[an]orum page Pigghium'' (Arch. 36, page 20). |
Note 9 | Cf. also on this edition: Rooses, Musée, page 24, and Jongkees, 'S.W. Pighius', pages 148-149. |
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