
Opera, [edited by Iustus Lipsius]. Leiden, 1585

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Record ID cp010848
Voet reference number 2279A
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Caius Cornelius TACITUS
Title page transcription C. CORNELII ‖ TACITI ‖ OPERA ‖ QVÆ EXSTANT ‖ Ex IVSTI LIPSI editione vltima: ‖ & cum eiusdem ad ea omnia ‖ COMMENTARIIS ‖ aut NOTIS. ‖ ⊕ 40 ‖ LVGDVNI BATAVORVM, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ CIƆ.IƆ. LXXXV.
Collation Folio [270]: *⁶, A-X⁶; pages [1-12], 1-251, [252]
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Table (roman type and italic type) [3-4]: Ad lectorem [4]: Iustus Lipsius Christophoro Plantino signed by dico (italic type) [5-7]: Imper.…Maximiliano II…Iustus Lipsius…(parts in italic type, word in greek type) [8-9]: C. Cornelii Taciti vita…(italic type, parts in roman type) [10]: Veterum scriptorum de Tacito testimonia vel eiusdem fragmenta (parts in italic type) [11-12]: Poems by Ianus Lernutius and Iohannes Posthius (Cologne, 1 July 1579) (italic type) 1-251: Text (page 220: dedicatory to I. Sambucus; parts in italic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) [252]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Leiden University Libraries- Ms. 762 B 4: with manuscript annotations by LipsiusVatican Apolstolic Library.
Bibliographical references J. Ruysschaert, 'Autour des études de Juste Lipse sur Tacite', page 30, n. 12 Not in Ruelens-de Backer and Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.)
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Third and revised edition of Tacitus's Opera by Lipsius. Contains: Annales (pages 1-140), Historiae (pages 141-220), Germania (pages 221-228), Agricola (pages 229-238), Dialogus Quinctiliani (pages 239-251).
Note 2 For his revision Lipsius used some other documents than those in the 1574-edition, the most important being: a manuscript belonging to the Spanish lawyer Antonio Covarrubia y Leiva (now disappeared), collated in Toledo by Andreas Schottus; a Tacitus-edition annotated by Rudolphus Agricola (1444-1485), found in Germany by Franciscus Modius; notes made by F. Modius on an 'editio romana' (in fact the editio princeps of the Annales printed by Vendelinus of Spiers, Venice, c. 1470); and a manuscript of the Germania, also found in Germany (and now disappeared) (cf. J. Ruysschaert, Juste Lipse et les Annales de Tacite, pages 23-24, 31-32).
Note 3 With the text-edition went two comments, a Liber commentarius and Ad libros Historiarum notae, which however received each a separate title-page and pagination. They are described under J. Lipsius, nos. cp012990 and cp010792.
Note 4 Both texts and comments were printed in the Officina Plantiniana in Leiden, but part of the edition received a title-page with Plantin's Antwerp imprint.
Note 5 Lipsius started working on this edition in March 1582. In October 1583 the printing of both text and comments were taken into consideration. The Officina Plantiniana in Leiden was working at it from at least December 1583. In August 1584 the volume was completed and in circulation. It was on sale at the September 1584 Frankfurt Fair, bearing the date of 1585 (cf. J. Ruysschaert, Juste Lipse et les Annales de Tacite, pages 12-13; 'Autour des études de Juste Lipse sur Tacite', pages 36-37).
Note 6 Michel Sonnius, the Parisian bookseller, took 150 copies of 'Cornelius Tacitus nova editio in f⁰' for the sum of 300 florins Carolus guilders on 1 September 1584 (Arch. 19, folio 179).
Note 7 'Cornelius Tacitus, in folio' figures in the list of books printed by Plantin in Leiden, of which he presented a copy to the Leiden magistrate on 2 January 1585 (this copy lost; cf. E. Hulshoff Pol, 'Boucken op 't secreet. Plantijndrukken op het raadhuis te Leiden' in Leids Jaarboekje, 1972, page 92).
Note 8 Listed in M 296, folio 3r, M 164, folio 6v, M 321 (number of f[euilles] unspecified, [price:] 2 florins Carolus guilders).
Further reading

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