
Variarum lectionum libri IIII, 1569

in The Plantin Press Online

(617 words)

Record ID cp010816
Voet reference number 1547
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:645242
Author Justus LIPSIUS (LIPS)
Collation 8º [131]: A-M⁸, N⁴; pages 1-198, [199-200] (Errors: 89 not numbered, 186 for 168)
Fingerprint 156908 - # b1 A2 iteri : # b2 N2 libri
Number of sheets 12.50
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, 21 August 1568, signed by I. de Witte) 3-8: Illustrissimo…D. Antonio Perrenoto Granvellano…Iustus Lipsius S.D. (Louvain; italic type) 9-14: Index 15-198: Text (parts in italic type and greek type) 198: approbation (s. Cunerus Petri de Brouwershaven, Louvain, 8 June 1568) [199]: EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHORVS ‖ PLANTINVS ANTVERPIÆ, SVB ‖ INTERSIGNIO CIRCINI AVREI, ‖ ANNO CIϽ CI LXIX. XVI. MARTII [200]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 1749Heritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeGhent University Library
Digital copies University Library Ghent: BIB.ACC.010981/4
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 96 (1569, no. 28) Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), III, pages 993-995Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 1955
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12925872USTC 401432
Note 1 The first known publication of Lipsius. Books I, III and IV (containing 23, 28 and 30 chapters) are critical studies on passages from classic Latin authors. Book II only has two chapters: the first gives the description of a meal in Roman style given by Lipsius to his friends L. Carrio, A. Deinius and F. Martinius; in the second Lipsius answers three questions posed by Deinius and related to passages of Plinius the Elder, Lucilius and Cicero. Cf. for more details BB, III, page 994.
Note 2 The time of the redaction of the work has been under discussion. In the 1569-edition the dedicatory to Granvelle bears no date, but in the 1585-edition (see following no.) that date has been added: 1 June 1566. Later (in a letter to J. Bernartius, 1 January 1592: Epistolarum selectarum centuria prima ad Belgas, 1602, letter IV; in the foreword, dated 6 june 1599, of the 1600-edition of the Opera omnia quae ad criticam proprie spectant) Lipsius affirms that he started writing at the age of 19, meaning thus 1566. But in another, no less trustworthy document (a letter to J. Woverius, 1 October 1600, which has all the characteristics of an autobiography: Epistolarum selectarum centuria miscellanea, 1602, letter LXXXVII) the date of 1567 for the redaction of the Variarum lectionum libri IIII is given. Reconsidering the problem, M. Colesanti, 'La data di composizione delle "Variae Lectiones" di Giusto Lipse' in De Gulden Passer, 30, 1952, pages 24-37, argues that both dates are exact: 1567 refers to book II, whilst book I, III and IV were finished on 1 June 1566.
Note 3 Arch. 31, folio 160, gives some technical details about the publication: 'Privil[ege] 21 Aoust 1568 ad sexen[nium] [= for 6 years] J. de Witte; commencé le 7 febvrier 1569 par Jan Strien in 8º pour la forme 8 stuivers [that is the compositor J. Strien started the work on 7 February 1569 and was paid 8 stuivers per forme]. Imprimé à 850'.
Note 4 The book was, according to the colophon, finished on 16 March 1569. The first copies reached Lipsius in Rome in August 1569: on the 31st of that month he dedicated a copy to his friend M.A.Muretus (van der Essen-Bouchery, Waarom J. Lipsius gevierd?, page 40, n. 8).
Note 5 Listed in M 296, folio 9v (8º, 1569, price: 3 stuivers).
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